Tuesday, September 3, 2024


 The media is still doing it. They are acting as if it doesn't matter who wins the presidency: Trump of Harris. In other words Hitler or Roosevelt. Continued democracy with Harris; total chaos with Trump. Continued freedom with Harris; dictatorship with Trump. I am still waiting for someone to say to Trump's face, "That's a lie." God knows they have enough opportunities. But there are no takers in the cowardly media. We are in grave danger of losing everything, but the media keeps risking our lives for the sake of increased ratings. They're all playing Russian roulette: Fox, CNN, MNNBC, etc. What they should be doing is warning us of the consequences of a Trump dictatorship, the misery of autocracy, the cruelty we can expect from power-hungry women-hating bullies. All reporters have to do is say to Trump's angry powder-puffed face is "That's a lie"with each lie of the myriad lies he tells. It will be like tossing a bucket of water on the Wicked Witch of the West and saving the Emerald City from destruction. 

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