Tuesday, September 17, 2024

I came across this tirade, written in 2017. It still applies today
If you voted for Trump you are a fucking ignorant, immoral, racist, bigot, and—of course—idiot.  This maniac sent you all the clues any intelligent person would need to see that he was unhinged and ignorant. He made racial slurs. He told lie after lie. He was involved in dozens of allegations about cheating suppliers, running a scam university, and of course his signature crime, pussy grabbing.Yet you voted for him. You fool, you gullible asshole. You should be too ashamed to appear in public, you brainless, unthinking ninny. And if you are not that, then you can only be, like him, an unkind, prejudiced, worthless, heartless misogynist. Take your choice: a person with shit for brains, or one with a heart full of malicious venom. One, and only one, applies to you. And don't pull the,"I didn't know what I was doing." Yes you did. Otherwise we'd be living in a well-run, well-respected, far safer country run by an experienced, intelligent, eminently sane President Hillary Clinton, whom you in your incredibly biased and appalling stupidity voted against.


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