Thursday, September 5, 2024


For some reason, advertisers often behave like five year olds, eager to say naughty words. Why? I can't imagine. Over the years many ads for products tried to suggest words as fuck and shit without actually saying so. I always assumed it was an attempt by a juvenile creative team being more team than creative. The latest attempt is from Pfizer in a promotion of such serious products as preventative medical shots, which for some inane reason they want to confused with shits, with various models saying, "I got my (blank) together." The commercial at several points seems desperate to confuse those wordfor no good reason, and certainly no adult one. One can almost hear the  puerile copywriter giggling in the background. I found it stupid when an Oreo commercial tried their shot at vulgarity, but I find it even more surprising the that serious manufacturer like Pfizer would stoop this low.

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