Wednesday, January 20, 2021


What a pleasure it is to see the end of the 5th Avenue Hillbillies, the Trumps. I just saw a video about the disloyal Ivanka Trump by a former best friend. Looking at it, it was obvious to me that the attractive but vapid Ivanka will soon be a copy of her mother: stout, pasty, and always in need of makeup. Her mother, being wiser has dealt with it, but I don't think her vain and shallow daughter will handle it as well. Nor will Donald, who takes such pride in what he considers Ivanka's beauty. Once this rose fades, daddy's shallow affection will fade as well. By then she may be a senator (unlikely) or continue to be a rag merchant, but will likely be a divorced single mother or remarried working woman who shares custody with her ex-husband Jared and his new "partner".

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