Thursday, January 7, 2021


I once heard on the news that Ted Cruz was the most hated man in Congress. It's easy to see why, even before yesterday. Today I heard that retired Senator Danforth said that supporting Josh Hawley was the worst mistake of his life.  Hmmm. Of his life, and he's in his 80s. Speaking of the worst mistakes ever made, remember when the cowardly Republican senators had the chance to remove the impeached president Trump from office, but chose not to? Boy was that dumb. Imagine how much better off we would be if they had done so. Imagine how many Americans would be alive if there had been a working president around when Covid-19 arrived. But there wasn't. There was only TV-watching, golf-playing Trump and all his GOP toadies. He made one disastrous mistake after another. All ignored and allowed. It looks like we're all going to have to get used to an administration of intelligent men and woman of integrity. Imagine having a president that actually tells the truth. A Vice President that doesn't kow-tow like Pence did.  Everything will be much more open, fair and honest. Too bad scum like Cruz and Hawley will still be stinking up the place.

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