Saturday, January 16, 2021


I love that the Broadcast Media is so obsessed with the attack on the Capitol and the possibility of even more violence and insurrection when they made it all possible. For four years every TV news show, whether conservative or liberal fed the country Donald Trump around the clock. They aired his every rally, promoted his every prejudice, quoted him constantly, fed him non-stop to every nutcase and crackpot in America. He was good for ratings, so who cared if he was bad for the country? Forget good news about decent Americans. The money is in bad news, crooked cops, imprisoned children, and Trump, always Trump. If he made a racist comment, repeat it endlessly. Let it offend millions. Let it arouse millions. The media elected Trump. They spent so much time lying about Hillary Clinton. "No one likes her. ""No one trusts her." Then how did she get the popular vote?  Even after the media aired the Comey propaganda about her e-mails. Why did Steve Kornacki tear her to pieces in his vitriolic attack? And why did she get so little coverage while Donald's every word was covered by ABC, NBC. CBS, MSNBC, CNN,FOX and everyone else?  The debates? Hah. Let's not discuss Hillary' wise comments. Let's focus on Trump standing too close. Make that the news story. Don't mention that Melania was a porn star. Call her a model. And make sure you show the most flattering photo of Donald. We know that Hillary is in good health but play up Donald's accusation that she's weak and failing. Sure mention the scandals about Trump, but soften them with positive possibilities. But show him constantly, photo after photo, clip after clip. Ratings. Donald is ratings. If he gets to be president, we have coverage for years. What a bonanza. So the country goes to hell and people die, and war is possible, but the ratings. Of course we didn't know that the coronavirus would be great for ratings, especially when coupled with Trump, Trump, and more Trump. Yes, the broadcast media made it all possible for every angry misfit, underachiever, gun nut, misanthropist and budding insurrectionist. And today the top news is still Trump and how awful this terrorism is. How could it possibly have happened?

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