Friday, January 15, 2021


I am delighted that Trump has been impeached for the second time. (I would approve of the guillotine if we had one. )But this upcoming trial is a waste of time and money. The Republican senators for the most part are cowards and traitors. There isn't a chance in hell that 17 of them are patriotic enough to convict this cancerous blob called Trump. I doubt very much that even two-faced (both ugly) Mitch McConnell will vote for conviction.. He's been a slime ball for years, why should he change now? While it's true that some Republicans are showing signs of patriotism and backbone, there are still too few to make a difference—far fewer Cheneys than Jordans. So, my guess is that this trial or whatever you call it is a total waste of time. Teflon Donny will escape again.. But happily he will be an ordinary citizen with very little say, lots and lots of debts, and all kinds of law enforcement breathing down his wattled neck. Even his loyal fans will soon see him more as a wealthy hobo than a powerful leader.

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