Sunday, January 31, 2021


 The best thing the media can do now to protect our democracy (assuming they want to protect our democracy) is to not give Trump any coverage. And if you feel you have to provide coverage do it without videos. The Trump cult will disappear if it is starved from the endless videos, sound bites, photos, comments, lies, even repeated gaffes of which there are hundreds. The media should even give the impeachment short shrift. Don't make a big deal of it. You know the Republicans won't. There's no chance the GOP will convict Trump, so why magnify their treachery. Without endless coverage Trump fans will realize how unimportant Trump is. And without coverage Trump himself will wither from insignificance. For four years the media, notably the broadcast media, has given Trump all the attention and spotlight he could possibly want. It made him stronger, won him millions of gullible cultists, brainwashed half a nation. Now it's time to pull the plug.


The final nail in the coffin of the Republican Party will be when, once again, there are not enough Republican votes to convict Trump in his second impeachment trial. It will be the public admission that the GOP does not care that Trump ignited an insurrection, that they are not troubled by treason, and the death of seven persons means nothing to them, nor does the Constitution, nor does democracy. It will be a sad day for the United States as it will be the beginning of the end of the American Dream, the noble experiment, Reagan's shining city on the hill. It will mean the quislings have won: Jordan, McConnell, Scott, Cotton, Graham, Hawley, Cruz, Paul, too many to list. But they will not have conspired with foreign enemies, but with domestic traitors. They will have betrayed America and cut their own throats as their party will no longest exist. When people say, "Republican" one will picture the insane Majorie Taylor Greene, the butch pistol-packer Lauren Boebert, the Nazi Madison Cawthorn, no one admirable, honest, or decent. The impeachment vote will be the last nail in the coffin, and Mitch McConnell with his long history of slimy deceit will be the hammer.

Saturday, January 30, 2021


This is Jacob Chansley. You probably remember him as one of the thugs who stood out at the January 6th Insurrection at the Capitol. You know the one who gave a touch of Halloween to treason. Anyway, he has recently told us a lot about the sincerity of these Trump supporters. In case you had an impression that they have some kind of loyalty and standards. They don't. They are mostly losers who are so angry with their meaningless lives they pretend to have some kind of philosophy that will allow them be destructive, or in severe cases commit murder. Take Jacob, for instance. He proclaimed himself a disciple of Donald Trump, was willing to follow his idol's instructions, you know like, "Invade the Capitol and kill my enemies". And Jabob did and, once arrested, he begged for Trump to issue a pardon for him. And when Trump didn't.  Well!  All his allegiance went down the drain and he agreed to testify against Trump. And that my friends is the depth of devotion most of these insurrectionists feel for Trump. This tells us two things. Trump was wise to pardon the "friends" who know how criminal he is. And he can't possibly pardon all the people present and past who know what a shit he is.


I'm delighted that the FBI has rounded up so many of the insurrectionists, but concerned about their trials. I suspect that there will be too many slaps on the hand instead of severe punishment. What these people did was a serious crime and should be treated as such, whether they stole a computer or just walked through the damaged doors.Whether they are hardened criminals or just gullible morons.  Whether it was their idea or something they were talked into. It was a serious crime and deserves serious punishment. Unless they are medically insane, each of them knows the significance of breaking into the Capitol and  committing vandalism, theft and murder. We Americans are lucky most of these insurrectionists were so stupid their crimes were not worse, but they should be punished as if they were because of they're not they will be worse next time. The courts must show these traitors how significant to America's future this deadly day was and treat all of these criminals to the full extent of the law.

 How is it possible that most newspeople are college graduates yet they mispronounce a simple and significant word? How is it possible that most government workers are college graduates yet they are equally unable to pronounce this same word? Lester Holt mispronounces it. Bill Maher mispronounces it. It's shocking the number of famous people who mispronounce it. Hopefully from now on, you will pronounce it correctly,

The word is ANTISEMITIC not ANTISEMETIC. It. It. It. Jews and Arabs are Semites not Semetes. 


Today on MSNBC's Tiffany Cross show, the usual affable Tiffany lambasted her guest Anthony Scaramucci for his past allegiance to Donald Trump. It was a cheap shot. Mr. Scaramucci has been working hard and successfully against the evils of Donald Trump, which he has seen first hand. In her attack she snidely suggested that he is an opportunist and a camera hog, and he was obviously hurt, offended and surprised at the unnecessary and sudden vitriol. I don't care that Scaramucci was once a Trump loyalist. What matters is that he finally saw the light, fought against Trump, and has been an ideal spokesman against Trump's evils, wielding all the more credibility from having once been a confidante.  Tiffany's attack was totally unfounded, reminding Anthony of his past allegiance served no purpose. His insights have been invaluable during the election season and I am totally convinced that Scaramucci was a sincere and valuable weapon against Trumpism. I think Ms. Cross owes Mr. Scaramucci an apology as well as her viewers. 

Friday, January 29, 2021

I have a friend in a retirement home. She is 85 years old. And like me every now and then she has to contend with her phone scaring her out of her wits with a loud siren like a French police raid. Why the hell does she have to be exposed to an Amber Alert? Why do any of us have to put up with it when we have no intentions of going out in search of the abductor? Who is the moron who came up with this system? It is one thing to have a lighted highway sign to inform motorists that they might cross paths with a child abductor, but there is no reason in the world to alert every phone in Christendom, especially if you insist on alarming every resident with a high-pitched screaming alarm.

I fail to see the value of an Amber Alert on my cell phone. At 78 years. old that sudden screaming siren is more likely to give me a heart attack than let me be of any aid to a kidnapped child.  As bad as I feel for any abducted child, I fail to see how I can be of any help, especially when the phone provides so little information and often the abduction is hundred of miles away. Whoever approved this Amber Alert may have had good intentions, but didn't give the situation much thought. This idiotic "public service" should really be reconsidered and removed from our phone system.


The totally insane Marjorie Taylor Greene has all kinds of fantasies about non-existent Democratic pederasts, but she totally ignores the fact—note fact—that Trump (who in her sick mind won the election) was super friendly with child molester Jeffrey Epstein and more than likely, considering Trump's sexual appetite, made frequent use of Epstein's harem of teens, as did Alan Dershowitz, and other famous Republicans. But Marjorie, being straight prefers for her degenerate fantasies to be about male victims. (Where her bizarre beliefs about cannibalism came from who can say.) Every generation has a nutcase cult. Some, like Scientology, endure. Others like QAnon, have their day in the slime and disappear. But they all attract a certain amount of mentally disturbed societal misfits like Manic Marjorie.

Thursday, January 28, 2021


 Marjorie Taylor Greene is a lunatic. There's no question about that. Her mask says "Trump won." which shows she is delusional, argumentative and combative—a nut walking around looking for an argument that will justify (in her disturbed mind) shooting someone. The fact that she is 46 years old shows us she is not some youngster enamored by a bizarre cult but a middle-aged harpie.  She's a lunatic. Worse she's a lunatic with a gun, of which she constantly brags. Just watching her harassing those young people as she followed them down the street shows she's a lunatic. She won her election on a lie. She is full of hate and distortion. She is a wacko time bomb. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a lunatic. And one of these days she is going to proudly take her prized gun from her purse and shoot someone in the face. And the Republican Party will pretend they never saw it coming. But it is coming if you don't stoop this dangerous, unhinged demented woman now. Majorie Taylor Greene is a lunatic.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


 I love it. Rick Scott, the Martian Moron calls putting Trump on trial "vindictive". He apparently feels we should be soft on the monster who wanted Pence to be hanged and Pelosi to be shot, which would only be the beginning of Trump's reign of terror if he won that revolution. Does this suggest that Scott would have been quick to set Bundy free? agreeable to arrange a vacation for Jeffrey Dahmer? and invited Jodie Arias out to dinner? Well why not? He didn't punish himself for the millions he stole and kept most of it. I'm sure he'd feel different if it was for his geeky little neck that nearly made it to the Capitol gallows.

I wish the New York courts would hurry up and charge Trump with any one of the dozens of crimes he has committed. The sooner that bastard is in prison, the sooner all the traitors in Congress will calm down and maybe,  just maybe, remember they were Americans.


If you read my blog, you will know nothing offends me more than Prevagen commercials. They do lots of different commercials showing that they are rolling in money with their snake oil sales. Take those two dingbats who pretend to be a married couple.  I would feel sorry for them if they had been taking Prevagen for 11 years like they say because at about $40 for 30 tables times two that would be more than $10,000,000, but I'm sure they're lying. They probably don't even know each other. But since there are no truth in advertising laws anymore. Gobi can promise weight loss, E Harmoney can assure you the perfect mate. And anyone can lie about anything. Which is why, before you fall for a scam do some research, like the following.

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which charged Quincy Bioscience with false and deceptive advertising last January, the company study found that Prevagen was no more effective than a placebo at improving any of the nine cognitive skills, including memory, that the company measured.


 Did you know that ice cream isn't ice cream. If you didn't, prepare to be disappointed. The Food and Drug Administration requires ice cream to contain at least 10 percent buttterfat or it cannot be called ice cream. Its volume my be 50 percent air, but it must weight 4.6 pounds a gallon. Not all Breyers is called ice cream anymore. Most of it is called frozen dairy desert and it's not nearly as good. Haagen-Dazs is still ice cream, which is why it costs more (because it's worth it.) So when you're buying ice cream, look for the words ice cream. Otherwise...


How is it possible that the good people of Georgia elected both Democratic Senators, put Joe Biden into the presidency and still managed to let an unhinged and violent nutcase slip through the cracks. Majorie Taylor Greene is a completely dangerous wacko. This shrew gets off on hoping for the deaths of Democrats, wants past presidents Obama and Clinton hanged and actually believes that Hillard Clinton murdered a child during a satanic ritual. As a disciple of QAnon, she actually believes that Democrats and Hollywood elite are pedarests. This woman is nuts, stark raving bat shit crazy, And while there are lots of traitors and cultist in Congress today, none is as unhinged as this loony gun-toting maniac. Allowing her to remain in government puts everyone in danger. This harridan is a time bomb and one never knows when it will explode taking innocent victims with it.  If she's this militant and insane, I recommend that that FBI check out her husband Perry Greene's possible arsenal. Who knows what a sick mind like hers is planning, She and Boebert with this smuggled in guns could decimate the Capitol.


I think Liz Cheney is being so mean to Mat Gaetz just because he likes wearing makeup. Be fair Liz, Matt is not very attractive. He needs all the help he can get.  Without shadow you can barely see his eyes, and little contouring can reduce his wide face. Besides it's only natural that he wants to be pretty for Jim Jordan. wants to succeed where Lindsey Graham failed with John McCain. So show some compassion. Buy him an eyebrow pencil to show you understand.

Monday, January 25, 2021


 This morning on MSNBC both Tom Cotton and Marco Rubio opined that it was ridiculous if not unconstitutional to impeach Trump as he has already left office. How stupid can these two clowns be? First of all it is not unconstitutional and they should know that. And the reason to impeach him is to prevent him from ever running for office again. Don't they understand Trump is a dangerous psychopath? He has committed crimes, and given the liberty, he will commit more. How sad that we have so many morons in Congress. If a teacher murdered a student and was in jail waiting to go on trial, would Cotton and Rubio say, "Why try him? He doesn't work at that school anymore." Dodos.

Sunday, January 24, 2021


 It's frightening. We have never had so many crackpots in the Senate. The latest wimpy, crybaby, nutcase is Rand Paul who clings desperately to the conspiracy that the election was stolen despite not having an iota of evidence. What a jerk. When questioned by Stephanopoulos, Rand made one feeble-minded comment after another. Somebody should check the drinking water in Kentucky, since they seem to elect one mentally unbalanced Republican after another.  I really think it's time for Randy to give up politics which seems to throw him into a frenzy of confusion and paranoia, and return full time to testing other people's vision since he seems to have none of his own. 


In case you think that Donald Trump and Melania are sane adults, check this out. Apparently before leaving the White House, they fired the ushers so that the Biden's would have no one to help them unpack.  Surprisingly these two juvenile jackasses don't realize what fools they made of themselves with this infantile prank. We all know that Donald has the mental acuity of a 12-year-old, but now Melania has revealed herself to be a bitchy weirdo as well. Do they think this is some kind of achievement, and it will get audiences roaring on the late night talk shows? Will they be surprised when everyone reacts with responses like, "You're kidding. What assholes!"



 Does Ivan Trump have a political future? Absolutely. At least in Florida. Florida voters have elected the most unlikely candidates in the country. Look at Rick Scott, a convicted criminal and he's a Senator. Look at  Ron DeSantis, a complete moron and he's the governor. (I wonder how many residents have died from his Covid incompetence.) Speaking of morons, how about Marco Rubio, a jerk for the ages. And those are the just three of the Republican nitwits that have been voted in by that state's GOP goons. So Ivanka is a shoo-in. Her vapid, brainless delivery will make her a darling of the deranged. Hopefully by the time this over-siliconed bimbo takes office I'll be back in Boston.

Saturday, January 23, 2021


 Apparently Newt Gingrich is of the impression that trying to prevent someone from obtaining office with the goal of destroying democracy is undemocratic. At least that's what this bloated blimp of a has-been has been saying to those who still think he's worth listening to. Apparently Trump's disgrace has brought Gingrich out from under his rock, and he's as anti-democratic as Trump and eager to lend his useless opinion to the cause of undoing the United States.With that in mind, he is encouraging congress to slap Trump on his tiny hand and let him run for whatever office he wants.  It's amazing to me that septuagenerian  misanthropes like Gingrichare still interested in making trouble when they should be resting. On the other hand he has nothing to worry about. The majority of Republicans these days are cowards and traitors so there's no change of Trump being convicted.

Friday, January 22, 2021

I am astonished on how infantile people can be. Sometimes they are as childish as 7-year-olds. This morning Chuck Schumer stumbled over a word and said erection instead of insurrection, which he corrected immediately. But twitter users and news outlets, including Huffington Post, did not discuss his speech, they were too busy giggling over the misspeak. I imagine if he said "ass" they would go into hysterics. I noticed the other day in a speech, Trump said figures would skyrocket downward, a really stupid error, but I didn't hear anyone pick that up. My message to twitterers and news outlets at the start of new mature era: GROW UP!


The Huffington Post says there were more than 20 Congressional lawmakers at the Capitol Riot. That means there were more than 20 Government insurrectionists eager to bring down our democracy. What I want to know from them is: What more do you want? You grew up in a free country, you went to school without being told how to think, and you got into Congress. Now you're angry, pissed off, full of conspiracy theories, and not an ounce of patriotism.  You're eager to create chaos and destruction, and-yes-dying to kill someone.  Many of you actually think—or say you think—there is a pedophile society in America (with no evidence) and even more absurd that Democrats are cannibals (with no evidence).  In rare moments of clarity, can't you see how ridiculous that is. Can I assume you took too many drugs when you were younger? If not that what? Something  is wrong with the wiring in your brains. You are like the walking dead, but still look normal. If you can't be grateful to a country that has given you every break, allowed you every freedom, and always treated you kindly, then you don't deserve to live in that country and be anywhere near its government. You're a traitor, pure and simple. There are many dictators in the world who you would love. Resign from Congress and go someplace that values gun-crazy haters like you, at least until they have a coup and make you disappear.

Thursday, January 21, 2021


The cowardly treasonous Kevin McCarthy has leapt into bed with Josh Hawley and Rafael Cruz in a desperate attempt to relieve Trump of any guilt in the assault on the Capitol. Despite having the covers over his head, it's obvious that Trump fired those rebels up and would have let them murder Pence and Pelosi if they weren't so dumb and incompetent. It is sad that a good man like Biden has assumed the difficult job of president while surrounded by a Fifth Column of gun-toters, liars, cultists, traitors and political garbage. Never in our history before Trump did we have such a sick collection of dizzy and dangerous disciples to a deranged demagogue. What's amazing is that an immoral idiot like McCarthy doesm't reallize how pathetically transparent he is.  I wonder if he lies as easily to his wife.


I don't understand why we allow gun-toting, treasonous, cultist, anti-Democrat, anti-democracy moles in Congress. The venom that has come out of their mouths is already enough to dismiss them. Not only are they traitorous, but they are incredibly stupid if they cling to these absurd cult theories of pederasty and cannibalism that apply only to Democrats.  What we don't need in Congress are stupid, deceptive, lying lunatics. We already had enough of that type with Trump. I suggest that this administration finds a way to  get rid of Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and Madison Cawthorn  as soon as possible. We don't need sneaky insurrectionists slinking around the halls of the Capitol thinking they'll catch a Senator sodomizing a child or a flesh-eating congressman dining on a tourist. What wackos. (That Josh Hawley and Rafael(Ted) Cruz should also be dumped goes without saying.)


So Trump is planning to start his own party. Go ahead. That doesn't concern me. Everything this fool touches fails: casinos, liquor, cigars, airline, marriage, children, the presidency, everything. Not only is he incompetent, he is old, out of shape, lazy, and soon to be indicted for any number of crimes. He doesn't have the brain power to start a new party, much less the time since he'll be in court so often. And who will he hire? Nazi, Stephen Miller? Street person, Steve Bannon? Bimbo liar, Kayleigh McEyelashes? Yes, he has millions of fans, but that's because they've been brainwashed by his lies and propaganda every day for four years. Now that he's lost his voice and his mind, it won't be as easy.  And even they will soon see the difference between an uncaring, raving narcissist and an empathetic, generous true Christian. So my advice to Trump is: pay your debts, especially to Russia; hire a powerful lawyer (if you can afford one); and keep your three children of the corn out of the limelight as they can only make things worse.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


What a pleasure it is to see the end of the 5th Avenue Hillbillies, the Trumps. I just saw a video about the disloyal Ivanka Trump by a former best friend. Looking at it, it was obvious to me that the attractive but vapid Ivanka will soon be a copy of her mother: stout, pasty, and always in need of makeup. Her mother, being wiser has dealt with it, but I don't think her vain and shallow daughter will handle it as well. Nor will Donald, who takes such pride in what he considers Ivanka's beauty. Once this rose fades, daddy's shallow affection will fade as well. By then she may be a senator (unlikely) or continue to be a rag merchant, but will likely be a divorced single mother or remarried working woman who shares custody with her ex-husband Jared and his new "partner".


The broadcast media is so gullible. Right now they are complimenting Trump for his farewell address suggesting it was gracious because it wished the new administration well. Also he has apparently written an unexpected letter to Joe Biden. Obviously both the speech and the letter are attempts to convince Congress not to convict him during his impeachment trial. After four years of deception and lies, he's still at it in an attempt to remain a viable candidate for future destruction.  I say good riddance to our lazy, incompetent, illiterate pretend president. He did leave us with another totally ignorant use of the English language when he said that negative figures would "skyrocket downward". What an ignoramus.

Churl: Noun, an impolite or mean-spirited person, a miser, a person of low-birth.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


Never has that expression been more meaningful than this week when a confederacy of Republican dunces praised Martin Luther King Jr. after trying to overturn the fair election of Joe Biden. One can only assume that such traitors as Cruz, Hawley, Boebert, Jordan and Gaetz are so afraid of retribution for their treason they are pretending they are not racists. Too late. Your all-white insurrection was an obvious attempt to overturn and dismiss the patriotic black vote that saved our union. The Confederate flag in our hallowed Capitol silenced all your pretensions. Sadly you are as transparent as you are stupid. Tomorrow, unless some of your demented disciples spoil the occasion we will see the rightfully chosen person become the President of the United States after the deranged egocentric pretend commander-in-chief wastes still more of our tax money with an undeserved red carpet, unenthusiastic brass band, and his last free plane ride with his meretricious wife. How sad you all are to have failed so miserably in your attempt to injure and destroy the Democracy that pays your excessive salaries, but for how much longer.


So far almost 400,000 Americans have died from Covid-19. Experts agree that Donald Trump did not do enough to prevent these mostly needless deaths. Yet, there is no outcry about his lying and laziness about this serious illness. Surely all the dying were not Democrats. So why are the Republicans so quick to forgive the deaths of their fathers, mothers, relatives, children, neighbors, friends? Do they not believe the evidence of their own eyes, seeing Trump lie time after time about the seriousness of this pandemic? Did they not see him discourage millions from wearing masks and keeping their distance?  Did they not witness his own quick recovery (from treatment available to few) as evidence that this virus is nothing, thus sending many thousands more to their deaths? No. They voted for Trump, and ignored his proven responsibility. Just as those they loved would have ignored Trump's responsibility. That is, if they had lived long enough to vote.


In Aesop's fable, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, the villagers came running several times when the shepherd boy falsely cried "wolf". But they ignored his cries when an actual wolf appeared because of his constant lying. Ergo the wolf ate all the sheep.  Yet in America, Donald Trump told thousands of lies, but his supporters never wised up and when he told one the biggest— that the election was stolen— they bought it lock, stock, and barrel.  They not only believed this greatest of lies, but it spurred them into a frenzy of hatred and destruction. Of course unlike Aesop's fable, the wolf didn't eat all the sheep. This time Trump was the voracious and mendacious wolf, and his followers were the sheep. And there were two idiotic, lying shepherd boys: Cruz and Hawley.

Monday, January 18, 2021


 I've decided who the most incompetent group of persons in American society are:  Package Designers. It is rare that I can open any package with the ease that is suggested by the designer. Today I had to open a new package of All Free & Clear. The instructions read "tear here". But it refused to tear no matter how hard I tore, so I eventually had to cut it open with scissors. But that's just one stubborn package. Many products with child-proof caps are equally adult-proof. I often have to use a pair of pliers to unscrew a cap that seems to be welded to the jar, bottle, or can. Many boxed products have "open here" instructions. Just try it and you'll find half of the package is ripped off with the easy-open flap. My cat loves Sheba, but have you ever tried ripping open one of their cans? Just the very words, "Press here" tell me I am in for a struggle. Often the pull-off closure on a milk carton can leave you with a counter splattered with milk. And if you buy a product that's in a hard-plastic molded. "blister" package, you had better have a good pair of garden sheers because mere scissors are not enough. You know what I mean.


 The news reports that we would need 17 Republican Senators to convict Trump and make sure he never runs for office again. That's not going to happen. Most of the Republican Senators have proven themselves to be cowards, Trumpists, traitors, and even criminals.  Why would this impeachment be any different? With slimy turncoats like Jordan, Cruz, Hawley, McConnell, Paul, Rubio and others why would we expect decency and honor. Forget it!  This impeachment, like the last one, will be a disaster. There my be some conviction votes from the few brave Republican senators, but the ultimate account will still fall short, and the monster who led an insurrection against the United States will smile smugly and breathe a sigh of relief. 


I don't see how anyone can be exposed to Lorraine Hansberry's play A Raisin the Sun and still be a racist. When this play opened on Broadway in 1959, I was 17. My first awareness of it was on a Sunday morning TV show called Camera 3. Living in a white world, I was stunned by the differences and similarities of the Younger family to the white families I have known. They faced the same struggles, the same dreams, the same conflicts as everyone else.  Having grown up in Roxbury, Massachusetts, a racially mixed suburb of Boston, I was aware of blacks but had never been in their homes. I say homes, but they would have been low-rent apartments that my Italian, German, and Irish heritage neighbors could afford. I was so impressed with the one scene I saw, I went to New York the following year and saw the play. This was one of the great theater moments of my life, though I did not see the original cast member Sidney Poitier as Walter Younger, but the very talented Ossie Davis. Also in the play was Ossie's wife Ruby Dee, Diane Sands, John Fiedler  and the incomparable Claudia McNeil. Though the play closed in 1960, it was soon made into a brilliant movie with the original cast, including Sidney Poitier in, what I consider, his greatest performance. So if you harbor any racist feelings, or feel superior to your black brothers, or feel they don't have the same needs, frustrations and ambitions you do, please watch the 1961 Daniel Petrie-directed film Raisin in the Sun. It's 128 minutes that might change your life.

Sunday, January 17, 2021


Every member of Congress takes a solemn oath to defend America from enemies foreign and domestic. Foreign enemies can be elusive, but domestic enemies are easy to spot. A domestic enemy is any member of Congress who continues to defend or protect Donald Trump who has fomented an insurrection against the United States. It is any member of Congress who does not vote for conviction during the second impeachment of this evil president. I suspect some of the obvious domestic enemies will include Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene (who is already attacking Democrats) and even Mitch McConnell who lies when he says he has not made up mind about conviction, when he has. To defend a president who led a revolt against the United States that resulted in death and the destruction of our Capitol clearly makes you a domestic enemy and it will be obvious to all Americans after the impeachment vote.


For the first time in my life, I am having problems with the post office. I am getting late fees from banks who should have received my payment weeks before it was due, and notices from groups who have yet to receive my renewal fees sent weeks ago. Ever since Trump appointed that idiot Louis DeJoy, the Post Office has had problems, And if the Internet can be believed DeJoy will remain during Biden's administration. Let us hope that is not true. DeJoy is a corrupt postmaster who abetted Trump in his attempt to change the vote by destroying costly needed machines. We need hardworking, experienced men and women of honor in positions of authority, not immoral millionaire dilettantes who want to boast about their titles at cocktail parties. 

Saturday, January 16, 2021


There are excellent reasons not to buy My Pillow or any of the company's equally overpriced products.  First of all it's just a pillow. Second, it's too damned expensive. You can get an equal product at Wal-Mart for a  third the price. But the best reasons is that Mark Lindell is a traitor to the United States. Right now he is betraying the country that made him rich by encouraging the demented Donald Trump to declare Marshall Law to remain president. No patriotic American should buy or keep any of the products from this treasonous charlatan who is a former crackhead and has been arrested three times. Given the chance, he will just be another, Trump-drunnk, millionaire using his money to undermine the democracy of the United States. 


I love that the Broadcast Media is so obsessed with the attack on the Capitol and the possibility of even more violence and insurrection when they made it all possible. For four years every TV news show, whether conservative or liberal fed the country Donald Trump around the clock. They aired his every rally, promoted his every prejudice, quoted him constantly, fed him non-stop to every nutcase and crackpot in America. He was good for ratings, so who cared if he was bad for the country? Forget good news about decent Americans. The money is in bad news, crooked cops, imprisoned children, and Trump, always Trump. If he made a racist comment, repeat it endlessly. Let it offend millions. Let it arouse millions. The media elected Trump. They spent so much time lying about Hillary Clinton. "No one likes her. ""No one trusts her." Then how did she get the popular vote?  Even after the media aired the Comey propaganda about her e-mails. Why did Steve Kornacki tear her to pieces in his vitriolic attack? And why did she get so little coverage while Donald's every word was covered by ABC, NBC. CBS, MSNBC, CNN,FOX and everyone else?  The debates? Hah. Let's not discuss Hillary' wise comments. Let's focus on Trump standing too close. Make that the news story. Don't mention that Melania was a porn star. Call her a model. And make sure you show the most flattering photo of Donald. We know that Hillary is in good health but play up Donald's accusation that she's weak and failing. Sure mention the scandals about Trump, but soften them with positive possibilities. But show him constantly, photo after photo, clip after clip. Ratings. Donald is ratings. If he gets to be president, we have coverage for years. What a bonanza. So the country goes to hell and people die, and war is possible, but the ratings. Of course we didn't know that the coronavirus would be great for ratings, especially when coupled with Trump, Trump, and more Trump. Yes, the broadcast media made it all possible for every angry misfit, underachiever, gun nut, misanthropist and budding insurrectionist. And today the top news is still Trump and how awful this terrorism is. How could it possibly have happened?


Citi Bank has a racket. If you have a Citi Bank credit card, the good news is that they provide very clear statements. The bad news is that if you are a minute late in your payment or the post office doesn't deliver  on time, they charge you $29.00. $29.00! Last month I was charged $29.00 on an $18.00 bill because the post office delivered my check late. To make it worse, if you call their Customer Service number to complain, it will get you nowhere. Their irritating phone service refuses to give you a living person who can straighten out your dilemma. Also the recording can never get things straight and always hears the wrong number. So why do I stick with them? Are other banks any better? Did I mention their Thank You Rewards are super stingy?

Friday, January 15, 2021


 During my life I have several times come across persons identified by others as "bitchy queens". These are generally very witty gay men who have nothing good to say about anyone and use their wit and cleverness to attack others, generally those of whom they are afraid or jealous. Did I mention they are also liars and exaggerators? Recently I read of an excellent example of  a bitchy queen. The queen in this case was Tucker Carlson and the victim of his bitchy vitriol was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. It seems she was rightfully terrified of having been in the Capitol during the siege and in fear of her life, and was very grateful for police protection.  Carlson ridiculed her fear, suggested she was never no danger, and—being a bitchy queen—assaulted her with several nasty epithets. Also —being a liar—Tucker said she wanted to  defund the police. Now I'm not suggesting that Tucker is gay, though it is no longer an insult, but he certainly is a very bitchy queen. 


Fortunately for the ever-arrogant and much-hated couple, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, their unearned privileges include being protected by the Secret Service. Sadly for the Secret Service they are not allowed to use any of the six (count them 6) bathrooms in the residence they are guarding. I think the ideal solution to this problem is that they leave a note for this despicable pair that reads: "Sorry to leave you and your family vulnerable and unprotected during these highly dangerous times, but we have to leave the premises in search of a toilet facility. Will return as soon as possible. Pete,"


Why is Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC treating James Comey with such high regard. If it weren't for him and his out-of-control ego, we wouldn't be in this mess. Hillary Clinton would have been our first female president (and probably an excellent one). Donald Trump would still be a garden variety charlatan. The nation wouldn't be so nearly divided. And if Covid arrived at the same time, in the same way, there would have been an administration that would have dealt with it better and thousands of Americans would be alive who died in lonely despair. We Americans are too "forgive and forget". James Comey should be a pariah. James Comey did great damage to the United States, he should no be honored with guest TV appearances to promote his book, which I doubt has a mea culpa in it. 

I don't object that, during the pandemic, customer service centers say "We are experiencing longer than usual wait times". That's to be expected. I do object when they say things like, "Expected wait time is 20 minutes." and it turns out to be 45 minutes. That seems to be the case with TD Ameritrade and other companies from whom I need a simple answer.


I was stunned today to learn the Virginia Foxx, that crosseyed old bat is still in Congress or even that she is still alive. This 77-year-old harridan going on a 106 is one of the most unpleasant biased racists in Congress, another one of those bible-thumpers  who hasn't got an ounce of Christian charity in her withered frame. This old pseudo-Christian was quick to vote against the $51 billion relief package for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. She was adamant that Matthew Shepard was killed in a robbery and not an anti-gay crime. She is totally anti LGBT rights and opposes abortion. And needless to say this old Republican harpy was among those denying the legitimate win of Joe Biden over Comrade Trump.


I am delighted that Trump has been impeached for the second time. (I would approve of the guillotine if we had one. )But this upcoming trial is a waste of time and money. The Republican senators for the most part are cowards and traitors. There isn't a chance in hell that 17 of them are patriotic enough to convict this cancerous blob called Trump. I doubt very much that even two-faced (both ugly) Mitch McConnell will vote for conviction.. He's been a slime ball for years, why should he change now? While it's true that some Republicans are showing signs of patriotism and backbone, there are still too few to make a difference—far fewer Cheneys than Jordans. So, my guess is that this trial or whatever you call it is a total waste of time. Teflon Donny will escape again.. But happily he will be an ordinary citizen with very little say, lots and lots of debts, and all kinds of law enforcement breathing down his wattled neck. Even his loyal fans will soon see him more as a wealthy hobo than a powerful leader.


I  worry about America. We have truly lost our way. Not only did we elect a mental case with Donald Trump who has already brought great destruction to our democracy, but we have been putting other mentally unhinged persons in office. Notably Georgia Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene from Georgia. This truly insane woman vows she plans to impeach Joe Biden. Why? No actual reason other than that she's a bitter Republican nutcase. How do these people get elected? Just think, in four short years we have gone from a peaceful nation to a wildly divided country of sects, cults, mobs, angry troublemakers not only in the general population, but in Congress itself. Washington, D.C. is beginning to look like a set for The Walking Dead. There are still millions of sane law-abiding American citizens who want to protect our great country Fortunately, to quote Gandhi, "there are more of us than there are of them." but not a great deal more. So let us hope that the wackos like Marjorie Taylor Greene and her ilk fade in time and sanity returns to America.

Thursday, January 14, 2021


The reason the assault on the Capitol was a success for the rioters was that that very few were killed. We allowed them to destroy our treasured building, soil it with their presence, steal its treasures and walk safely out its broken doors. One woman was shot crawling though a window with a gun. There should have been dozens of dead marauders lying on the steps, in the rotunda, throughout the Capitol. Justice should have swift and deadly or at least debilitating.  That would have discouraged any further attempts at insurrection. These are not skilled warriors, just misguided morons who swore allegiance to a man even more ignorant than them. Unfortunately, we are too gentle a nation, even when under siege. We are not killers, even when we should be. So these goons, and traitors, are comfortably home admiring themselves on television, seeing how easily they drifted through the Capitol, causes excessive vandalism and left as easily as invited guests. If there is a repeat of this behavior, I hope the National Guard or whomever is guarding is given the order to shoot. Hopefully they are good marksmen who can deliver a crippling shot to a leg, a debilitating shot to a shoulder, but a shot nonetheless that shows we mean business and will not allow thugs to deface and destroy our property, our democracy. 


Does anyone believe for a single moment that Moscow Mitch McConnell will vote for conviction? McConnell is a slimy, two-faced liar who is as afraid of Trump as anyone. He says he wants to hear the evidence, as if sending a gang of thugs to the Capitol to cause destruction and possibly murder isn't enough evidence. Mitch will turncoat, as usual, at the last minute and his wimpy GOP Senators will fall in line denying our democracy of the necessary votes. When did so many people, notably the news media, become so gullible and naive?  Can't they see that McConnell is a bitter, angry old man who isn't about to develop a heart or balls? His wife chickened out before her term was over, probably at his command, and he still has lots of dirty trick up his sleeve. So don't get your hopes up about Trump being convicted. The treasonous McConnell-led Republicans, with a few exceptions, would still be faithful to Trump if he personally blew up the Capitol and set fire to the White House. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

 When it comes to Donald Trump

The law has greatly failed,

If he's only been impeached

When he should have been impaled.


 Right now the Republicans are in Congress defending Donald Trump, disapproving of impeaching the only evil president in our history, redefining his treasonous words. Notable among today's traitors is the ever angry Jim Jordan with his history of toadyism, his past history of pretending he knew nothing about the sexual harrassment of young men, and his present-day denial of Biden's victory. While getting rid of Trump, it is unfortunate that we can't get rid of non-patriots like Jordan, Hawley, Cruz, Gaetz, Nunes, and others, too many others. If Trump is not impeached, he will be free to run for office again, that is if he is not in prison or an insane asylum. Let us hope that enough Republicans come through today to do the right thing, but the right thing has gone wrong so often these past four years that I fully expect the turncoats to remain turncoats and defeat this totally required action.We'll see. 


I find it ironic that James Comey is a very vocal critic of Donald Trump when Comey is the person most responsible for us being saddled with Trump and all the horrors of his administration. Comey, in his grandstand finger-pointing at Hillary Clinton, more than likely cost her the 2016 election and put the insane Trump in office.  While I'm sure that Comey is probably a very decent man, this one error caused incredibly damage to our country and the world, and led to any number of needless deaths. Comey cannot come back from what he did any more than war criminal George W. Bush can, though a foolishly forgiving and forgetful society says they can. As Tennessee Williams wrote in A Streetcar Named Desire, "Some things are not forgivable..." He was talking about deliberate cruelty. I'm referring to thoughtless stupidity.


Both Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes should return their Presidential Medals of Freedom which they were never entitled to in the first place. Both men were toadies to Donald Trump, the president who has proven to be a traitor and is up for impeachment for the second time. These fawning biased boobs protected and defended the corrupt Trump even when he was obviously guilty,  which is why he rewarded them with an honor they did not merit. While Nunes was a tattle-tale telling wimp, Jordan was a loud-mouthed opponent of anything derogatory of Trump whether justified or not. (Most recently this bitter, angry, traitor has refused to accept that Biden won the election. This alone should disqualify him for the medal.)
They no more earned the Presidential Medals of Freedom than the Academy Award for Best Anything. Return your medals, boys, then continue on your slimy way.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


It's amazing. Even after Trump fomented an insurrection to destroy our democracy, many Republicans are still defending him. They pretend they are just trying to keep things more peaceful for Biden, but that's a lie. Other treasonous Republicans like Pompeo are doing their best in defense of Trump to make the transition more difficult for Biden with no attempt at transparency. Pence, of course, is being a complete coward, surprising no one, in his refusal to issue the 25th Amendment. No one will want this sissy now. He'll just run to mommy and hope she can keep him from his shameful desires for handsome men. Speaking of which, I can't believe Jim Jordan got the Medal of Freedom. For what? Constant whining in Trump's favor. It's astonishing how one mentally deficient narcissist managed to corrupt and collapse the entire Republican Party.


Billionaire Sheldon Adelson died this week at 87. Adelson and his wife Miriam were Trump's biggest supporters so it's ironic that he checked out the week in which Trump disgraced himself and faced a second impeachment. Adelson and wife spent over $205 million in donations to Republican candidates, no wonder war criminal George W. Bush called him "An American hero." Most recently the Adelson's spent $75 million to reelect Trump. Talk about wasting money. Anyway, while his widow Mirian no longer has Sheldon, she still has her Presidential Medal of Freedom which Trump hands out more freely and indiscriminately than paper towels in Puerto Rico.

Monday, January 11, 2021


There seems to be a big fuss in the golf world. Apparently after missing a putt at the Sentry Tournament of Champions in Hawaii, Justin Thomas referred to himself in anger as a faggot. Since this is considered a major slur against gays, he was deeply apologetic and many who heard him found it offensive. As a gay man, I want to state —as I often have—that faggot or any other epithet directed at gays is no more offensive, and actually less so, than the word queer which many gays and organizations have stupidly embraced in the insanely mistaken belief that if offers some kind or armor against discrimination. Queer is in an insult, a verbal attack, an age-old discriminatory nasty  invective and will continue to be such no matter how many misguided gays choose to believe otherwise.


The edifying piece is Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. It was included in a post from my favorite blog My Cats Are Democrats. This seems to be proof-positive that Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz as well as others should resign.

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who — having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States — shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."