Saturday, August 31, 2024


Think of all the times in your life that you changed your mind. You decided not to go to that party, not to take that job, not to paint your bedroom green. It was never a big deal, at most an inconvenience, and if it was a mistake, no harm was done. That's about to change. Because if you vote for Trump and he wins, your life as a free American will be over. The 2025 Project will throw everything into chaos to cater to our first autocrat, Donald Trump, a very old, nasty, set in his ways narcissist who couldn't care less about you or your family. And once you realize this it will be too late to change your mind and regain freedom of speech, and all the benefits of democracy you took for granted. You won't live to see a return to sanity if there ever is one. So this November before you cave to all of Trump's lies and Vance's smears, keep in mind how much you will be giving up with a single misplaced ballot. Basically everything.

Friday, August 30, 2024

 Talk about double standards! Donald Trump has told thousands of lies. And the media doesn't seem to care. But Tim Walz tells a debatable untruth and the media goes mad. Trump lies about his health to get out serving his country. Tim Walz serves the National Guard for over 20 years and the media isn't satisfied. We are in a crisis. If Trump is elected, America is doomed. Yet the media allows him as much leeway possible to become to become the final authority over all our lives, even knowing about the draconian 2025 Project. If we become a cruel irreversible autocracy in the coming year, blame it on the media.

 There has never been a creature as low as Donald Trump. Yet no matter how many lies he tells each new one is greeted by the press as if it were true. Today he swears his administration would pay for in vitro fertilization and reporters take him at his word. Why can't they see that if he is in power again there will be a nationwide ban on abortion and IVF will be banned. How can the media be so gullible time after time. Don't his dead eyes reveal his cold heart? 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

 J.D.Vance your hillbilly heritage is showing. Instead of seeing Harris and Walz as opponents in a serious competition, you are reacting to then like gun toting neighbors in a mountain feud. You may think you look mighty fearsome with your angry scowls and "go to hells" but educated Americans are not impressed with your cracker-barrel approach and goldanged anger. Man up.


Why would anyone ask a dour traitorous Donald Trump to lay a wreath for fallen war heros when he is famous for calling  those who died in combat "suckers" and "losers"? I am not surprised there was an altercation at Arlington as Trump's anger and petulance usually results in such situations. Trump's very presence pollutes the hallowed ground of Arlington and his bitchy queen of a Vice President added his Ma Kettle breeding by saying Kamala Harris could "go to hell". This unruly duo would be the worst thing that could happen to America.

Monday, August 26, 2024


 I'm delighted to see the Trump is losing it. Why else would he give Robert Kennedy Jr. a seat at his table? For someone who judges everyone by how they look, this is a  very forgiving action from him. Although let's face it, Trump doesn't look much better.


 There are three words that can instantly destroy Donald Trump. Why have these three words never been used? Because most newscasters and interviewers are too afraid of Donald to use them. How a fat, flatulent, featherbrain can engender so much fear is beyond me. But there it is. The three words? "That's a lie." Despite the thousands of lies I have heard him tell, I have never heard anyone confront this blowhard by saying, "That's a lie." Which explains how he has gotten away with so many lies over time.This very day I heard him whine that Kamala Harris doesn't want to debate and that she isn't smart. Two incredible lies, but no-one callled him on them. If they had he would have been sputtering, a look of terror in his creepy fish eyes. He probably would have lost all control and attacked the interviewer, that's what cowards do. But trust me, if everyone from then on said, "That's a lie" with every lie Trump told, he would soon have the manner of a trapped animal with every escape blocked. Do you think I am wrong about this? Then try it. Hopefully before the election so we don't have to put up with this mendacious pile of garbage.

If he's talking he's lying

Sunday, August 25, 2024

 If one should worry that Trump would not be the wisest of Presidents  one only has to consider two of his choices: J.D.Vance and Robert Kennedy Jr.  As far as I am concerned Trump has tricked into choosing the ambitious Vance by his son Donald Jr, who is about as good a judge of character as his father. Kennnedy is a bad choice under any circumstances and is sure to have all kinds of conflicts with Trump before Election Day.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

 Now that there is no Republican Party, its remnant residents should choose a new name and new symbol. The elephant, a strong and admirable animal, is no longer appropriate. Any suggestions?


Yes, Trump is weird. And one of the ways he is weird is something nobody mentions . He is obsessed with accumulating money, but not in spending it. You would think, like most billionaires, he would be constantly seen at the most fashionable restaurants. No. He would have a spectacular yacht. No. He would travel to world capitals, staying at the most expensive hotels. No. Trump doesn't even have a costly wardrobe, just those tacky dark blue ill-fitting suits. Probably his most expensive possession is his solid gold toilet, something he doesn't have to share with anyone. Yes, his rallies are costly, but he usually stiffs the  cities he holds them in. So why his parsimonious  nature? He's not saving his wealth for his children. That would be too human. The answer is he has a Scrooge McDuck complex. He just likes piling it up. Weird!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


It can't be said enough. The 2025 Project is insane, inhuman, indecent, and once it stains our country, indelible. If Project 2025 isn't enough to make you vow to not vote for Trump, then you don't know what it is. It is a plan that assaults women's rights, children's education, freedom of speech, social security, medical care, and human dignity. It is a white male elitist unsecret society of misanthropic losers eager to bully society into obeying their rules or suffer the consequences. It is every Nazi movie you've ever seen in real life. It is neighbors who disappear in the night. It is constantly looking over your shoulder. And if Trump wins, it is a constant state of irretrievable regret from the Maga morons who will only realize how stupid they were when it it's too late.


If you're a Trump fan who, for some reason, watched the first night of the Democratic Convention and still plans to vote for Trump, I wouldn't say you are misguided or stupid. I would say you are lost. How else can you explain being given dozens of great reasons to vote for freedom and democracy, and you still choose to be ruled by an egoistical maniac? How can you explain giving up freedom for suppression, democracy for autocracy, and a sane government for the sinister dictatorship of 2025?  Do you really see Trump as someone other than a avaricious asshole with a criminal past and no interest in anyone's future but his own? Are you so beguiled by his web of lies that you can no longer recognize truth and reality? If you are, there's no point in trying to make you see reason as you are sadly and irrevocably lost. And—yes— you are also stupid and misguided.

Monday, August 19, 2024



The Democratic Convention has begun and it's sure to make the Republican screamfest look like the lowbrow orgy of anger that it was. There is already a lineup of giants including the Clintons, the Obamas, and respected politicians from all over America, unlike the prissy prudish traitorous Republicans prying into everyone's bedroom. I do have one complaint, however. Several attendees, mostly woman, while praising Hillary Clinton, suggest that while she didn't shatter the glass ceiling, Kamala Harris will. I beg to differ. In her run for president Hillary won the popular vote, which means the majority of Americans chose her for president. Which means she did shatter the glass ceiling, and because of the electoral vote, Trump, covered with broken glass stole her office. If I ever get to meet Hillary Clinton I will address her as Madame President.

Sunday, August 18, 2024


What's really weird about this election is that those who vote for Harris/Walz have lots to gain and those who vote for Trump/Vance have lots of lose. But those who have lots to lose feel for some reason they have lots to gain, which they don't. Trump's fans are completely delusional. For starters they think they're Republicans which is an obsolete party. They think Trump has plans for their future, but he has no plans for anything. They think they are protected if Trump dies by having him replaced by Vance, but Vance knows nothing and his presidency would result in chaos. The whole thing is a charade. Trump pretends to be strong, fakes being Christian, and has no sense of fair play or patriotism. Yet his mindless minions march in lockstep, grinning madly as they discard their futures along the winding road to nowhere.

Saturday, August 17, 2024


 Indulge me in my latest conspiracy theory. Donald Trump is not nearly as unhinged as he appears. His inability to focus on his campaign is all a ruse. I think he has realized that Vance is not his friend but possibly his Brutus if he gets into the White House. Additionally he feels cornered by the self-serving ambitions of the Heritage Foundation. So he has decided to try to lose the race for President. Since, being a coward, he can't admit this, it must look like his loss was bad politics, failing health of just plain fate. After the shocking loss, his excuse is that choosing Vance was the reason. This way he saves his life, keeps the adoration of his Maga morons and gets revenge on Vance and Heritage. Being a lazy slob, Trump realizes he didn't want the responsibility anyway. He's much rather play golf, watch TV, and whine endlessly about how this election was stolen.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

 Here's an oath the used to mean something, but doesn't anymore. My bank statement is once again lost in the mail, which means I have to go to the bank tomorrow or incur a $29.00 late fee.  This year alone I have sent three packages that that never arrived and two letters that arrived weeks late. And due to lost mail I have paid $40.00 in late fees for bills I paid the day they arrived.


I can't say enough how much I despise Comcast/Xfinity and their maddening recorded so-called Customer Service. Their recorded shrew has been programmed to never respond to any reasonable request and speaking to a human being is out of the question unless you want to add another expensive service and then you get connected. My biggest gripe? Every few weeks they demand that I sign in again for my e-mail, but they always insist I typed then wrong password. I am then required to jump through hoops to get another password that they approve of to access my e-mail. Today's main hoop was calling their 800 number where I had to wait 20 minutes to get connected. I think if Trump is elected, almost everything we need to do on a daily basis will be like dealing with Comcast. God help us!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


I continue to be amazed that the media says Trump and Harris are running neck to neck. How is that possible? How can a senile old sadist, saddled with a moronic Vice President conceivably be on an equal footing with an brilliant candidate like Harris and her charming and experienced VP, Tim Walz? Maybe it's because most people are still unaware of the 2025 Project. If they knew what that entails no one would vote for Trump and this draconic nightmare. If Trump is elected you can kiss democracy goodby, said adieu to freedom of speech, and adios to lots of your good neighbors. You can fix up a space in your home for your soon to be without Social Security parents, get ready to answer all the stupid questions your poorly educated children will ask, and feel guilty for not visiting your gay friend at that government work camp. Trump is sure to be on a "must watch" program every day, and god knows what TV shows you can watch that aren't banned. Then comes that inevitable day when Trump falls ill and, golly, checks out. Suddenly all those ubiquitous retouched posters of Donnie are replaced with those of President Vance, eyeliner and all and the lousy economy gets even worse. And if you voted for Trump you'll hate yourself, but not as much as those who didn't despise you. And you tell yourself, this is too weird, it's got to get better. Which may be true. But sadly not in your lifetime.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


If you make your living  from  any aspect of the news media, get off your ass. Stop mollycoddling Trump by ignoring his insane whines.  Learn to say these three words to him, "That's a lie". Use the same kind of criticism you used on Joe Biden. Tell him he's too old, too repetetive, too boring. What are you afraid of? That he will leap across the lectern and attack you?  If he wins you have as much to lose as the rest of us, and it will be mostly your fault for years of turning you head away. Come on. Move it. Get into gear. Use all the comments you've had in your mind. Slay this dragon.

Monday, August 12, 2024

 I don't know why the media allows Trump to get away with lying. Here are just a couple of comments they could have questioned but didn't.

Trump:"Millions and millions of illegals are stampeding into our country."

Millions? Where did you get that figure, Mr. Trump? And do you have any idea what stampeding means?

Trump: "Many from countries you never even heard of"

Can you name one, Mr.Trump?

That same speech had many other lies, which the media totally ignores.

Sunday, August 11, 2024



Poor Donald Trump. He is so hurt about being called weird that he actually opened a Thesaurus,which he scanned until he settled on the word "freakish". Now he's thrilled that he can call Walz freakish, though there's nothing freakish about Walz. Well, then, since Donald hates women and knows nothing about tampons he'll villainize these sanitary products and curse Walz for making them available to high school girls and toss in another of his insane lies suggesting he also gave them to boys. (Now that's weird, Donny.) Lacking the intelligence to debate in a sane and  adult manner, Donald can only rely on insults and poorly thought out attacks on what is actually praiseworthy about Walz  like free school meals. Like everything Trump does, this also backfires and one can only be left feeling that Trump is not only weird but freakish.

Friday, August 9, 2024


Why have we allowed a mental case to run for president? A man would have to be deranged to think the number of his his January 6 thugs even came close to Martin Luther King Jrs. August 28, 1963 "I Have a Dream" audience of 250,000. Why do we keep denying that Trump is a nutcase? He's a paranoid, narcissistic, compulsive liar that should be in sanatorium with other unhinged loonies. Yet he invades our airwaves, treated by the media as if he were sane and entitled to claim control of the world's leading position. What's going on? How is this possible? Are we really willing to hand our 248-year-old democracy to this elderly, overweight, lazy whack job? Have we become a suicidal society who has lost all sense of reality. In the entire history of the world's weirdest dictators, there has never be one so pathetically destitute of any charm, intelligence, strategy, humor, learning, and possibly hygiene. This goon is a walking disease creating a mental miasma wherever he goes, somehow brainwashing low IQ persons with his hypnotic droning, endless repetitions and the vacant emptiness of his fish eyes. There is no logical reason he should be permitted to run for president. Yet there he is.


When I was younger I was an avid letter writer. I still am. I wrote to companies praising or criticizing their products. I wrote to celebrities, to politicians, to authors, to anyone about anything that aroused my interest. And amazingly most people wrote back. It was very encouraging to a teenager to get free samples from a leading manufacturer or a letter from a famous person like Marcia Davenport telling me she had no interest in selling her bestselling novel, My Brother's Keeper, to Hollywood. In the past ten years, I have probably written over 400 letters and gotten fewer than ten replies. In many cases I had to do tiresome research since so many companies and individuals are secretive about their locations. The rudest non-responders to my letters are all three news networks, Publix markets, Starbucks, and Freedom from Religion. The two responses that I most valued were from highly successful and busy musical giants: Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Sondheim. Should I stop writing? No. It's still satisfying to get an idea or gripe off my chest even if so many people have lost the ability to correspond.

Thursday, August 8, 2024


 I'm getting ripped off right and left by corporate America and I'm beginning to suspect it's not by accident. First of all, let me say I am one of those persons who pays his bills the day they arrive. That being so I was surprised to get a late fee of $29.00 from TD Bank. I assumed it was a Post Office failing. But when I tried calling their customer service I could get nowhere and decided to live with the false charge. Soon after I got a $30 late fee from Citi Cards, though my checking list showed I paid the bill on time. Dealing with their Customer Service was even more difficult, so I wrote to them. No response. More than a month ago I cancelled my T-Mobile phone and changed service to Consumer Cellular. But T-Mobile is still billing me for a phone I don't have and I can't get through to their Customer Service. At the same time Consumer Cellular isn't giving me the free service for two months they promised on their latest ad though I bought a new phone as they requested. What have I learned? That these seemingly mistaken charges are deliberate.That all the companies have designed circuitous impassable recorded message Customer Service numbers who refuse to connect you to a living human being until you've jumped through endless hoops and raised your blood pressure to dangerous levels. That corporations make a ton of money on deliberately illegitimate charges that helpless customers can't get reversed. And that the incompetence of the United States Post Office is the ideal scapegoat for corporate ripoffs. And that I suspect that I will keep getting these fake charges as will probably millions of other ripped off consumers.


 That's the perfect headline for any Trump speech, particularly today's snore fest at MaraLago.  One wonders if Trump believes any of the lies he tells. For instance how he can say Harris is dumb? She has been so successful in every endeavor and is admired for her intellect. I guess it's just another projection when he realizes how ill-educated he is, how many mistakes he makes; and how many failed companies, law suits, marriages, and political appointments he has left in his wake. Does he even get embarrassed when, after his speeches, the fact checking begins and shows that most of his blustering was lies? Even his promise to do three debates is highly debatable. Let's face it, Trump is a sad old battleship, no longer up to combat, rusting in his berth, honoring too many different flags, and subject to uncontrollable leaking.


This is the latest childish ploy from the weird Republicans. By giving Tim Walz the nickname Tampon Tim they feel they have weakened his growing popularity. But what they have done instead  is reinforce their own reputation as misogynists. Obviously they think that tampons are something shameful and disreputable rather than a necessary aid to female well-being. Having no regard and understanding of women, Republicans feel that it was distasteful for Walz to legislate providing tampons to all menstruating students of Minnesota schools since many could not afford the cost and necessity  of this product. So while they in their juvenile ignorance are giggling about their nickname, they have made another misfire in their clumsy campaign. Even the photo of Tim seems to be smiling at their ignorance.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Last night's rally in Philadelphia couldn't have gone better. Josh Shapiro was powerful  and supportive of the Harris ticket, and made it clear to the audience of 12,000 he loved being their governor. Kamala was letter perfect and amazingly comfortable with such a huge crowd. Best of all, Tim Walz's introduction to America at large was a complete home run. The Philly audience loved him as I am sure the millions of TV viewers did as well. He, like Kamala and Josh was completely at ease making their optimism for the election seem assured. And three cheers for the attentive and cheerful audience so different from Trump's goon squads with their dopey hats, crude tee-shirts and generally sour expressions.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


I see that J.D. Vance has delivered his first whine since learning about the Harris pick for VP. Naturally it was all vitriolic and full of lies and even included a scolding to reporters, telling them they must be tougher on Harris to help him out. Was there any positive comment about the Trump agenda? Of course not. Was there any suggestion of how he and Trump would make life better?  Nah. Trump and Vance, each weird in his own way, do have the same political philosophy: bitch, complain, whine, insult, carp, evade, deny, accuse, criticize, denounce, gripe, grumble, grouse, moan, object, oppose, in fact do anything but suggest a solution for anything.

Monday, August 5, 2024

 Why is Trump. so obsessed with the size of the crowds that attend his rallies? Maybe because there's nothing else in his life of a size he can brag about.  


In the 1957 film A Face in the Crowd, Andy Griffith (in a brilliant performance) plays folk singer Lonesome Rhodes. While his character starts out as a drunk, success and fame turn him into a cold and arrogant cult figure. Like Trump he has millions of admirers who see him as a caring redeemer. (The picture below is from the film not a Trump rally). Lonesome's rise in power includes mass media coverage, the adoration of rubes, and even a flirtation with the presidency. His downfall comes when, unaware of an open mike,  he displays how ruthless he is and how little he values his fans. Sadly Trump's fans don't seem to notice or mind his constant lies, total lack of character, or the fact that he only likes their money. His contempt for them and America itself is always on total display. Yet they still turn out with gullible adoration. ( I don't understand this, Andy Griffin was attractive and could act and sing, and Trump is repulsive and can't do anything but lie.)


Donald Trump and his Heritage comrades regard themselves as very clever. Yet they made one of the stupidest moves of the year: revealing the details of the 2025 Project months in advance. If you're planning to put a nation under your autocratic thumb, it's best to take them by surprise once you've gained power. Yet these morons laid out their draconian plan while the intended victims could still evade their captors. Dumb. Now Deranged Donnie has to pretend he never heard of the project, he doesn't know anyone at Heritage, and his doofus VP wasn't recommended by them. If a stand-up comic had their sense of timing, he'd never get past his first open mike night.

Sunday, August 4, 2024


This morning I walked a couple of  blocks to deliver books to a neighbor's outdoor mini-libary. On the way back I noticed that the neighbor across the street from me had two flags flying over his front entrance. One was the American flag. Printed on the other larger flag was "TRUMP" and "Take America Back".  It couldn't have been a more disturbing sight if it was a swastika, which in essence it was. I am astounded that anyone votes for Trump with his draconian list of threats, 2025. But why would this old man, who lives in a large house in a peaceful neighborhood feel that America needs to be taken back? From what? Prosperity? Liberty? Free speech? And how would his life be improved by having a paranoid nutcase in office?  Then my thoughts returned to the mini-library and I realized more than ever how we have to safeguard our books, our thoughts, our differences,  from the ignorant, gullible flag-waving cultists out to destroy our democracy.


Donald Trump actually said something true this week. In fact he said it three times. Of course like most of his utterances, it was meaningless. He said, "I don't have a guitar" and repeated it twice.  But this week he also said, "The choice of Vice President doesn't matter." Yes, it does Donald, especially when the president is 78 years old, and the VP is kind of a weirdo. But I guess he's trying to justify his moronic choice to himself and his constituents. 

Saturday, August 3, 2024


 Maybe I'm reading too much into this but indulge me. Let's say that Trump wins the election.Based on all his insane talk and the incompetence of his VP, and the creepiness of all those sicko Heritage guys who created that draconian 2025 book, a lot of Democrats are going to be pissed and afraid for their future.Because, based on all the Maga threats they don't have much to look forward to. So, out of millions of angry Democrats, some will be anticipating deportation, others financial ruin, and others being fired from their government jobs (it's all in the book). So, since thousands of those millions have guns, and refuse to live in a dictatorship, what's to stop them from the last hurrah of blasting Trump, Vance, and all the architects of their  dismissal, displacement, or destruction? Nothing.  Trump says he will be a dictator on day one. Yes, If he's around on day one.

Friday, August 2, 2024


In this post I will revert to my advertising critiques. My gripe of the day is with Consumer Cellular. It's bad enough that they do  stupid ads that waste the talents of Ted Danson, but their non-Danson ad is a fraud. In it they promise that if you buy a new phone you get two months service free. I bought a new phone, which I still can't operate.When I called for further instruction, I was told I did not get two month's service free because of some complex excuse they dreamed up, also that they no longer had printed manuals and you had to get all instructions over the Internet. Since they sell so many phones to seniors this seemed arbitrary since many seniors, like me, are not good with computers, much less phones. A printed manual is easier, more convenient, and more readily referred to.  It's another example of a large corporation forcing the consumer to jump through hoops so they can make larger profits. It's a pity. Consumer Cellular started out as such a nice company.

P.S. It seems I was having trouble using my new phone due to a moronic design flaw. One is supposed to gain access to several operations by tapping the arrow to the right of the OK button. The problem is the tiny arrow is black like the rest of the button, making it nearly invisible to many of the senior citizens CC claims to care about.

Thursday, August 1, 2024


The most dangerous thing that could happen to Donald Trump is that he wins the election. After all he has very powerful and highly educated partners with The Heritage Foundation.  They're certainly smart enough to know that he is the Trojan Horse that will get them into the White House. And once they're in how much will they rely on a moronic egotist who is very short in the smarts department and very long in narcissism. Of course they will still have to deal with his loyal fans, but if Trump dies from some mysterious illness or unforeseen accident his VP ( a Heritage plant) will satisfy them with lots of ceremony and promises to continue Trump's (their) plans. Of course Trump is too confident to see this fatal possibility, especially since the crooked media never once suggested it. Still I doubt that so many men would have put so much time and effort into creating the 2025 Project if they weren't hell 
bent on seeing it become a reality.


There are so many good books out today that will delight Democrats like me. The only problem is that books are expensive and unpredictable. But Fred Trump, Donald's nephew, brother to Mary Trump, and an eager Harris supporter, has a new book out that will add to the tales of "Atomic Crazy" Donald Trump, so I can't wait to buy it. The book is titled All In the Family, which seems very suitable since Trump is an Archie Bunker type without the humor or heart. (Has Donald ever laughed?) One of the lowlights of the book is learning how Donald stole the inheritance that Fred Trump senior left to his children. (What a surprise!) Apparently most of the Trumps were cold, dark, greedy people like Donald himself who felt that handicapped persons were better off dead.  Since MAGA fans have no interest in facts and are reluctant to read anything, they'll never know how evil young Donald was. But for the rest if us this will be an intense read and hopefully a bestseller that somewhat compensates for the fortune Donald stole from Fred's children.