Wednesday, September 16, 2020


You think I'm exagerrating? Not at all. A president who doesn't believe in global warming puts the Earth in danger of destruction. By keeping the coronavirus facts to himself, nearly 200,000 Americans have already died. Herman Cain committed his unwitting suicide by attending Trump's Tulsa rally. There are sure to be deaths from Arizona, Nevada, wherever an uncaring Trump gathers unmasked, undistanced fans. But not only doesn't he believe in global warming, he doesn't believe in the value of human life, save his own, and possibly a family member or two. Since he took office he has continually put us in danger. He gave command of the Environment Protection Agency to idiots who didn't know the pesticides they reapproved could poison people. These uneducated naifs also didn't know that the lowly bee is responsible for all life on earth through pollination. He put cronies and no-nothings in positions vital to our heath and existence. He removed many of the laws protecting California out of sheer pettiness which is one of the contributing reasons the entire state is on fire today. Many health workers have died because he was too lazy to do his job and get them the proper health equipment. So, yes, voting for Trump is suicide. It may not kill you right away. But you will be risking your life just the same. Now many voters argue that he's good for the economy, which is an insane comment. What good is a good economy if your million dollar mansion is ashes and rubble and your showplace on the Atlantic coast is a pile of soaked lumber and cement blocks. And that's if you're rich. If you're poor or middle class, you're in for a series of promises not kept, tax breaks not honored, and environmental protections not even considered. So gather all your gullible misconceptions and gulp down Trump's poison, or wise up and swallow your pride and vote for Biden.

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