Sunday, September 20, 2020


I don't know why the Republicans in the Senate wouldn't remove Trump when it was so obvious he was corrupt. I don't know why they rush to Trump's  defense even when his crimes are indefensible. I don't know so many parents in the Senate who swore allegiance to our Constitution are reneging on that oath and betraying America for an incompetent thug and leaving their children with such a stigma. And I don't know if there's a chance in hell any Republican Senator would read this. But it's not too late. Regardless of why you're loyal, or why you're afraid, or what Trump or Putin knows about you, it's not too late to be a patriot. Now we know that we can't expect decency and patriotism from Senators too deeply mired in the filth of Trumpism—traitors like Jim Jordan, Mitch McConnell,  Lindsey Graham, and Tom Cotton. But there are less public Senators who know full well how corrupt Trump and his cronies are. These are the men and woman who still have time to redeem themselves and find a honorable place in history. 

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