Monday, September 28, 2020


This week we learned that Trump doesn't pay taxes, (apparently the IRS doesn't bother to look into the cheating of wealthy people only the poor and middle class.) In the past eleven years, he has paid income tax only once, $750 in 2016, so basically that comes to less than $70 a year. We also discovered—surprise!— that Trump owes $421 million dollars to creditors due in the next four months. We don't know to whom, of course, but at least all the dirt is coming out. Now if Trump were a billionaire, which he isn't,  $421 million dollars would be no  problem since it's a thousand million, but it's a sore point for a cheapskate. I wonder how much he promised to William Barr to destroy that once-admired attorney's reputation. I'm guessing quite a lot. As you probably know Trump made most of his money from cheating and criminal activities, (and his father's misplaced faith in Donald's weak intellect). But mostly for allowing companies to use the Trump name, which once meant something. Not any more. Now the Trump logo is a joke. A stigma being removed from many buildings and products. He still has one thing going for him. The complete stupidity, gullibility, and loyalty of the idiots who believe everything he says, and who don't mind at all that in their lifetimes every one of them has paid far more in taxes than this fat, spoiled scam artist.

 (Shown here, one of three NYC buildings ridding themselves of the Trump sign.)

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