Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Trump never does anything that doesn't benefit him. So why is he so eager to promote a drug proven to be ineffective for coronavirus and, in fact, risky? Why does he continue to insist that this malaria drug is effective? It can't be because he wants people to be cured, since he doesn't really care about people. It could be that he wants to be proven right, but that's unlikely to happen considering all the research to the contrary. While he says he has no financial interest in the product, that's apparently not true. Based on the New York Times quote below, it would seem that Trump is perfectly willing to promote a possibly dangerous drug if it will profit him.
"The Times reports the president’s family trusts all have investments in a mutual fund whose largest holding is Sanofi, the manufacturer of Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine. "

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