Sunday, December 26, 2021

The covid Christmas of “21”

Wasn’t real festive and wasn’t much fun.

Many stockings weren’t hung by the chimney with care

Because tornado victims required them to wear.

Hotels had far fewer people, hospitals more.

And store shelves were barer than ever before,

For the gifts we wanted, from endless reports,

Were trapped in containers, stranded in ports.

President Biden did his best to stay cheery.

But even Democrats were wary and weary,

Since hopes for the future were totally shot

By selfish Joe Manchin smug on his yacht.

Republican traitors saw no need to bitch

They were all fine, since they were all rich.

Sondheim had died, which left a huge gap

Between brilliant composing and modern pop crap.

Not that it mattered since Broadway was shuttered,

Not a song could be sung, or a monologue uttered.

Unfazed, millions of travelers took to the sky.

(We won’t know for months now how many will die.)

But we still had our trees and carols and such,

So, when it comes to Christmas we haven’t lost touch.

In fact, I can say with the greatest of cheer,

"Merry Christmas to all." Well maybe next year."

Friday, December 24, 2021


Sunday, December 19, 2021


 Is the government ever going to do anything about unwanted e-mails? Today I got 127 which is standard, It is become more time-consuming than ever to separate wanted correspondence from pests looking for money, business or attention. I don't buy anything on the Internet. I'm not interested in your pet campaigns.  I only donate to pet charities I receive real mail from, and only a few of them. Spammers are the lowest of  low,  the ultimate losers, and I am sure they won't stop pestering me until there are new laws that put a stop to these computer rodents.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

 On the Internet, the heights of lovey-dovey Congressmen Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan are given as Matt 5'7" and Jim 6'. If that is so, how would you explain this photo of the two of them? Is there anything Republicans don't lie about?

Thursday, December 2, 2021

 If you're  thinking of getting a Citibank credit card, keep in mind they are very cheap with their rewards and they periodically fake a late charge of $29.00 as a way to gain extra money during the year. There is no point protesting the fake charge as they will not respond.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse wanted to kill someone.  So he bought an assault rifle. When he saw an area of conflict, he rushed there and murdered two men and wounded a third. When he went to trial he was acquitted thanks to Republican support, a crooked judge and a biased jury. The Republicans are hailing him as a hero. He is, in fact, and evil serial killer.

Sunday, October 31, 2021


An unpatriotic Southwest pilot announces a code expression for "Fuck Joe Biden." The news reports Biden's popularity ratings drop dramatically. This is madness. Why is a kind-hearted decent man like Biden who has devoted his whole life to his country vilified, while millions of reason-blind fools still champion a greedy opportunist like Trump?  Why are people opposed to a honest, moral  president who is doing everything possible to help the poor and middle class? Why does decency and kindness bring animosity and ridicule? And why does President Trump, a lying criminal gain respect from persons he despised and never lifted a finger to help? America claims to be a mostly Christian country. No more. We have drifted as far from Christianity from any religion as possible by embracing lies, scams, cruelty, and an admiration for low-life braggarts, cheats, and thieves. I'm sure right now Joe Biden is working on plans to make that Southwest pilot's life easier and less stress-free. But all that ungrateful and ignorant yahoo can say in response is the cowardly code expression, "Let's go Brandon" which means "Fuck Joe Biden" words this flying unpatriotic worm wasn't courageous enough to say. If the airlines does the right thing and fires him, his family will get by with the aid of programs created by the Democrats, something he will never appreciate.

Friday, October 29, 2021

There are only two honorable Republicans in Congress and one of them says he will not run again. This is terribly deflating news for those who believe in democracy. But we cannot blame Adam Kinzinger. After all two sound pillars cannot support a crumbling centuries-old edifice.

Thursday, October 28, 2021


Bless Jimmy Kimmel for pointing out Tucker's petulant attack on Biden's cough and suggesting the male (ha) version of Karen should be Tucker (or did he say Carlson?). I don't think Fox realizes what a negative force Tucker is becoming with his constant whining, endless lies, and absurd theories, despite his many maniacal fans. Even they are going to get tired of his baseless back fence style gossiping and bitching.  

Wednesday, October 27, 2021



"The one reason why Donald 

Trump is guaranteed to run for 


Every year there are thousands of articles with headlines much like this one. And for some bizarre reason the authors of those articles don't seem to realize that the  word "why" is totally unnecessary. Take out the superfluous why and the meaning is the same. It drives me mad, but I'm sure this worthless why will not disappear any time soon, if ever.



One thing I find very troubling in America today, perhaps the world, is that everyone is expected to have a computer and be proficient in its use.  In order to get a booster shot, for instance, I am instructed to contact a computer address and fill out all kinds of information. Being a Luddite I can do that, but with difficulty. But there are still thousands, maybe millions of Americans, poor Americans, elderly Americans , just plain stubborn Americans who don't have a computer or don't find it simple to use.  How do they schedule the vaccinations that the government insists are so important? Yet these people are constantly asked to go to this or that computer address to buy tickets, make hotel reservations, find repair persons, make medical appointments or check your medical results, and hundreds of other reasons. Companies rarely promote their address anymore and often hide their phone number. We have become an increasingly computerized and antisocial country. The general message today seems to be, "Go out and buy an expensive computer and learn to use it or you don't belong in society."

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Most Americans would be thrilled and feel completely secure to have a million dollars. Anyone with ten million dollars would be more than set for life. Then why is it that those fortunate Americans who possess a billion dollars, which is a thousand million dollars are so unwilling to pay higher taxes? Does being rich bring with it a sickness, an uncontrollable greed, a Scrooge McDuck desire to horde every dollar? And why are the Republicans always so eager to cater to this sickness? Is it because they lie and cheat and graft to reach that level of wealth themselves. It's all so incomprehensible. But most confusing of all is why millions of hard-working poor and middle-class Americans don't seem to begrudge these avaricious billionaires their right to an obscene wealth that should be shared. They keep voting for the Republicans who are constantly legislating to keep them powerless and giving short shrift to the Democrats who support all the programs designed to make their lives easier, more profitable, and more successful. It's time to wise up and recognize your true friends.


 There are very few things that are guaranteed. But when Alec Baldwin suffered the horror of having accidentally shot cinematographer Halyna  Hutchins it was guaranteed that Donald Trump Jr., the desperately insecure son of America's worse president would find a sick joy in the tragedy. Of course it didn't go unnoticed and even the New York Daily News gave Jr. front page coverage as the  SPAWN OF HATIN. One wonders if any of Trump's Children of the Corn has even a shred of humanity as it appears that the whole passel of pathetic losers only exist to praise and defend their evil father for their place in his will.

Monday, October 25, 2021


Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis is offering signing bonuses for L.A.  cops who refuse to get vaccinated. If that means you, you may be tempted. I've lived in L.A. and Florida and the Golden State beats the Sunshine State any day. Florida is brutally hot, horribly flat, and incredibly boring unless you live at the beach. But forgetting all that, moving to Florida to avoid getting vaccinated for Covid is suiicidal. DeSantis doesn't care if you die. He's already sent hundreds to their graves with his bullshit theories. The guy is a nut and a pathetic opportunist. He has no problem luring you to Florida, bribing you with taxpayer money and having you and your family play Russian roulette with the Covid virus if he can win another pyrrhic victory in the news. California has lakes, mountains, ski slopes, Hollywood, the Pacific Ocean, and a myriad of scenic wonders.  The Sunshine State has endless sunshine and little else. Okay, it does have Disney World, but you have DisneyLand, so why move? Get vaccinated and live.

Sunday, October 24, 2021


I go to a local cafe to buy Cuban coffee. I am particularly fond of one of the servers behind the counter. Today I asked if she had been fully vaccinated and she made it clear that no and she doesn't intend to be. Since she is over 50, not in great health, and deals with dozens of people every day I imagine she will get Covid and possibly die from it, as have so many others. I considered pitching the benefits of vaccination, but decided against it  As much as I like her, I have to accept she is another one of those ignorant people stubbornly clinging to some bizarre belief based on nothing. I wonder if her eventual and very likely death will be another one we can chalk up to our governor Ron De Santis. It's a pity that there are some forms of mass murder one can get away with.

Saturday, October 23, 2021


 Having been an award-winning copywriter for 40 years, I feel I can nominate, without fear of contradiction, Liberty Mutual commercials as the most unimaginative and irritating commercials of all time. Every one of them is annoying, made more so by how often they are run. The jump rope spot is creepy, the Afghan spot is repulsive, the new dance spot is mindless, and the endless Limu Emu commercials are unwatchable and have me constantly changing channels. Doug has got to be the seediest, most unattractive and unappealing spokesman ever, and the treadmill spot more maddening than the Chinese water torture. Geico is bad enough with some good spots, some bad. But Liberty Mutual has nothing but bad spots. Sad that the Statue of Liberty has to be party to such mediocrity.

Friday, October 22, 2021

 I despise Kyrsten Sinema as you probably guessed from several recent posts.  But I feel I haven't vented enough venom for this selfish egomaniacal Senator, so I encourage any of my possible readers and Sinema haters to go to the always brilliant and vulgar blog of The Rude Pundit, his post Kyrsten Sinema Is Getting Off on This captures the madness of this unworthy and unpatriotic harridan. Enjoy.

Matt Gaetz, he of the huge head, has given himself, Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene the unlikely nickname of "the pro American squad". What an absurd name for three of the most traitorous scabs in the American Congress. Each one of them has sullied the American reputation repeatedly, made frequent anti-democracy speeches and proven to be an enemy of decent government and the American way. Forgetting, if possible, his sexual liaisons with underage girls, Gaetz and his boyfriend Jim Jordan have ridiculed the super-decent president Biden and praised the always turdacious Trump with the girlish enthuasiam of 12-year olds. As these boys sashayed mischievously through the halls of Congress, the butch assault-rifle twins Lauren and Marge strutted angrily through those same halls spreading their anti-American venom. "The Pro-American Squad" I would suggest "The Three Blind Lice."

Thursday, October 21, 2021


One of the reasons America is in dire danger is that our government is riddled with idiotic hypocrites like Arizona Senator Kirsten Cinema, a Republican disguised as a Democrat, and not convincingly. This heartless bimbo doesn't have a clue what she really wants, other than to be the center of attention no matter what it costs her constituents. She is an arrogant shrew who acts as if the money being allocated to help average Americans were coming out of her pocket. She is a selfish narcissistic harridan who has no kindness, no empathy, and essentially no value to the misguided Arizona voters who stupidly put her in office. Every bit as vainglorious as the moronic Manchin, she, like him, tries to keep up the pretense that she is a serious thinking politician when she is in fact just an petty obstructionist punishing everyone for her pathetic childhood.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Can you guess what person in the news looks like they haven't showered in weeks, and probably smells to high heaven? This is a person who you would take for a homeless derelict if he weren't so famous or infamous. He's a person so disheveled and seedy one can't imagine how he ever achieved anything in society.  A clue: He always has a shit-eating grin which suggests he is very proud of his ratty appearance. Another hint: his morals are just as unclean as he is. 


 Nikolas Cruz has pleaded guilty to murdering 17 students at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas School in hopes of avoiding the death penalty. Not only do I think this monster should be put to death, but I would recommend such past punishments as burning at the stake or being drawn and quartered. We must stop giving humane punishments for inhuman crimes. This person is a worm, a demon, a heartless piece of excrement. I am totally in favor of capital punishment, especially for serial killers and mass murderers like Cruz. Maybe crime is so rampant because punishment is so gentle. (a semi-private room and three meals a day)I am all for severe penalties for scam artists, abusive parents, and anyone guilty of animal cruelty.  

Gilbert had it right, "Make the punishment fit the crime."

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


Apparently although millions of gay and straight men and woman object to the use of the word queer, myself included, many organizations couldn't care less. They, for some bizarre reason, have decided to embrace a term that has long been used in derision against gay people and is still widely used to express hatred and revulsion.  How clever they must feel to employ such a loathsome word as a term of pride—a reasoning that's way beyond logical. I can't speak for the general public or all the gay men today who still cringe at the cruel epithet no matter how it is used, but I do know many of these militant gays  have little else to recommend them other than their sexual differences. It is unlikely they will ever recognize just how stupid and  offensive the term queer is no matter how giddy it makes so many masochistic professional gays. Here is a list of organizations, if they existed, who would applaud their stand as it essentially the same thing. CUNTS for female equality—KIKES against anti-Semitism—SPICS to promote Hispanic acceptance—GOOKS for Asian Charities—WOPS opposed to Italian stereotypes—CHINKS for Chinese/America relations—RETARDS battling mental illness—KRIPS for better handicap facilities—. I won't even use the N word as I find it every bit as offensive as the brainless word “queer”.








I know this is going to be hard for many people to accept. Especially now that we are hearing about to so many police officers giving up their jobs rather than getting the Covid vaccine. It's true all these strong, beefy strapping men actually willing to abandon their roles as officers of the law rather than getting a vaccine that has been proven to be safe and life saving.. How is it possible that anyone would refuse to be vaccinated when it could prevent you from getting Covid, suffering alone in a frightening hospital ward and eventually dying alone far from any friends or family? There is only one logical answer. Only one. These holdouts aren't concerned about efficacy or developing some unexpected side effects. They are all just afraid of needles. 


Eric, Eric, Eric, how many times do I have to tell you? Don't comment about anything. You always get it wrong and make a total fool of yourself. Complaining about Biden visiting his home was beyond stupid. Try to remember how often your father played golf, how seldom he did the job we paid him for, and how badly he failed when he attempted to work. You always come across as a whiny spoiled brat. Nobody takes you seriously except your bimbo wife. Stay out of the limelight and avoid the ridicule. As the spoiled scion of a spoiled scion, you are an absurd figure without an ounce of moral authority. We know all about your charity ripoffs, your petulant tantrums, your desperate need for daddy's love. Trust me, you will never be a respected public figure. Cut your losses. Stop looking for attention now.

Monday, October 18, 2021


Conservative pundit Dennis Prager has Covid. He claims he got it on purpose, thus admitting that he is suicidal. Sadly Dennis is another one of those delusional morons who refuses the protection of being vaccinated and finds some kind of idiotic heroism in facing the demon Covid and losing. I'm sure there are many conservative conspiracy nuts out there who would be very sad it Prager dies from Covid. But I get the feeling that Dennis would consider death, no matter how painful, as a kind of victory.

Saturday, October 16, 2021


Tucker Carlson is obviously homophobic and would be very offended if anyone suggested he was gay. He seems obsessed with portraying himself as a married and straight family man. But at the same time he's a petty, bitchy gossip whose behavior is far from what is considered manly.  Tucker's recent snipe at the very masculine Pete Buttigieg was about as pissy and go girl as one would see outside of a drag competition. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Someone I know died  last night. He wasn't a friend, but the brother of a friend, someone whose company I enjoyed because he was so funny, so outrageous, and so full of life. Sadly he was also full of theories, conspiracies, and misconceptions. And, being a Republican, he subscribed to the insane myth that covid vaccinations are unnecessary and possibly even a plot to gain control of our minds. His friends and family, being realistic pushed for him to have the vaccinations. He was almost convinced until other friends convinced him otherwise. If he had been vaccinated, the covid virus would have been mild, not the savage fury that assaulted all his organs, required his being in an induced coma for nearly a month, kept apart from persons he loved, and eventually dying alone without a comforting word or loving companion. He was only 55 years old. He never thought he would get the virus and die, but he did. If you know someone who refuses to be vaccinated, they may face the same fate. If they do, I'd like to say I feel sorry for them, but I don't. I think they're about as stupid as a person can be.

Saturday, October 9, 2021


Isn't it great when you suspect someone is a slime-ball and then you get confirmation that you're right. It's so great when you see someone trying to be affable and you just know they are a disgusting, insincere, worthless piece of garbage. And in no time a credible someone testifies that you are absolutely right on and that person you dislike just couldn't be more unlikable, dishonest, deceptive and  butt-kissing. And the cherry on the sundae is knowing that another person who you also detest, Trump, thinks that Meadows smells  like a rose when you know he stinks to high heaven.

 Southern bigots

Are terribly torn

Between their hatred of women

And passion for porn.

Another fact

That should merit your scorn:

They despise poor children

But adore the unborn.


While I still have a handful of pages to read in I'll Take Your Questions Now I'm pretty much finished with this tell-all book, which didn't tell as much as it could. As I said, I hated the glowing comments about Melania though they did become harsher toward the end. Ivanka deservedly was portrayed as a vain, intrusive and selfish bitch, though her effete husband Jared was even more of a diva or as the author described him a "Rasputin in a slim-fitting suit". Someone who really sounds evil (Trump is more stupid and unhinged than evil) is Mark Meadows, a true turd of a person which was just as I suspected. There was very little mention of Pence, which is about right. Stephen Miller came across as a creep as did John Bolton, no surprise in either case. And overall I would say it was a fun read that didn't tell you much you didn't know, but did remind you that we must never again allow this clown with his many character- impaired mediocrities to soil the White House. Stephanie covered election night, but didn't tell us just how crestfallen Trump was. Also the later part of the book included some true confessions, a pet saga, and a travelog/home repair tale from Kansas. Happily the book ended with an appropriate number of regrets and an awareness of what is happening to the Republican Party. I can't imagine how this Carnival will be portrayed in history books(videos? tours?) 25 years from now, but I am sure Trump's grave will become of America's most popular "watering" spots.

Friday, October 8, 2021


 L.A. Sheriff, Alex Villanueva, is shown here throwing up his hands in a helpless gesture suggesting that he will not force his employees to get vaccinated. I imagine this supposed unwillingness to require vaccines represents his own stubborn and ignorant belief. I wonder what excuse he will come up with when many of the employees under his rule get covid and die. Never have so many people been so willingly uninformed and suicidal. To think two tiny pricks may save your life and help you avoid dying along while gasping for breath. More and more I think the problem isn't suspicion of the vaccine so much as a childish fear of the needle.

Thursday, October 7, 2021


I am reading I'll Take Your Questions Now by Stephanie Grisham which is the tell-all it promised to be, but not sure it was worth $28. I'm only half-finished but so far I find it a bit annoying that she is praising Melania as if she were a worthwhile innocent instead of a gold- digging parvenue whose nude photos are accessible on the Internet. She does point out how camera hungry, vain, and worthless Ivanka and Jared are, which is satisfying. Ms. Grisham keeps hinting that her loyalties may change in the remainder of the book. I hope so, since so far this account is closer to a valentine than an indictment. Especially since she praises such detestable liars as Sean Spicer and Sara Huckabee Sanders. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

This morning at 9 am, my TVs in the living room and kitchen weren't working. The black defunct screen said "Sorry, we're having trouble" and promised to fix it as soon as possible. When I turned the TV on at 8pm tonight, the problem was still there. This wasn't unusual with Comcast. While they often have problems, they never give you a discount on the bill for the outages. They are a very inept company, but I am told the competition isn't any better. So unless we consumers get more choices, we're stuck with one or more cable provider who is often "sorry".  

Monday, October 4, 2021

Now that his wife has breast cancer, maybe Governor DeSantis will appreciate how disturbing it is to have someone in your family suffering from something that could kill them like Covid 19.  


 Have you ever used Angie's List? It used to be helpful. Now it's called Angi, and it sucks. Yes, it may still have qualified companies listed on it. But it has become another greedy, pushy, complicated company, purchased by an equally incompetent service The Home Advisor. For instance Angi hides their phone number, making it impossible to reach a human being. This was especially annoying to me since they made an appointment for appliance repair that I didn't ask for. Also they sent me three exorbitant quotes for a dryer repair without even knowing the problem. Fortunately a local repair service (not with Angi)  told me there was no problem; I just had a clogged air vent. I personally will never work with Angi again. On the Internet, it's still trying to pretend that it's the dependable Angie's List. It isn't. It's Angi and it's a flop that needs some major repair.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Not many people will agree with me, but I think the popular game shows JEOPARDY and WHEEL OF FORTUNE are a bit sadistic. On WHEEL when the winner tries to solve the final puzzle and fails, they lose a ton of money or a car. This has got to haunt them for ages or, worse, subject them to verbal abuse from a spouse or friends who thought the puzzle was easy. Sadistic. Now the news is praising Matt Amodio for winning so many games and making so much money. Though he is one of the most agreeable and modest winners, I see his victory differently. He obviously has a photographic memory, which is a gift not a skill. And every night he comes up against two other players with high hopes who go home with their hopes dashed. Every night, game after game, two optimistic players face ignominious defeat. Is that really entertaining for Jeopardy fans? It sure isn't for me. I have stopped watching Jeopardy and won't tune in again until Matt Amodio, nice as he is, is defeated. 

Friday, October 1, 2021


Who are these stingy old ladies like Manchin who act as if Federal funds were coming out of their personal clutch purses. Did you see the news clip of the kayakers approaching him on his yacht?  He loves living in undeserved luxury, but denies millions of Americans even a modicum of comfort. What a hypocritical pig.

Thursday, September 30, 2021


All the Shingles ads are informative and well done. With one exception. That annoying, unnecessary, cornball exclamation Whhhhaaaaa. Also annoying is the Ram ad in which the announcer says, "If you're shopping in the past." What the hell does that mean? 


It has been revealed that back in 2019, Trump went to Walter Reed Medical Center for a colonoscopy. Supposedly he refused anesthesia because he didn't want to hand over the reins of power to Pence. I pity the poor doctor who had to deal with Trump's grotesque body, and considering his girth I wouldn't be surprised if that had to perform the procedure with a garden hose.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021


Why is the incompetent,Trump-appointed, parasite Louis DeJoy still the United States  Postmaster General. Why do we allow corrupt persons to remain in office. Louis has already proven to be a crooked pawn of Trump, has weakened the postal service, and seems determine to destroy it even more. We have got to get rid of this worthless rat who is gnawing away at the foundation of an American institution.


While I always knew astrology was bunk, it was also kind of fun. For instance I never met a Cancer (which is what I am) that I didn't like. Then along came Kyrsten Sinema, a detestable Democrat in Name Only Obstuctionist who along with Joe Manchin has become a pain in the ass to the Democratic Party. I don't think there's a sincere bone in her body, and all her posturing is just a bid for attention. Has American government ever been so overrun with persons of low character? Note: Today 10-2, I read The Rude Pundit's take on Kirsten, "Kyrsten Sinema is Getting Off on This". It's vulgar as hell and I think absolutely spot on. Check it out. The Rude Pundit's blog is always worth reading.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021


Monday, September 27, 2021

 REMINDER: "No comments" on all my posts is a stupid line that doesn't mean "no comments". If you click it, you can make any comment you like, and I wish you would.


I am referring to the lazy news media that so eagerly puts into print every idiotic comment made by such morons as Donald Trump Jr., Lauren Bozo, and Marjorie Taylor Mean. But the good news is that their comments quickly get attacked and ridiculed by the literate public who are far wiser than these incompetent clowns. Just today Junior is being chastised on national television for his bitchy attack on Anna Navarro's weight; Lauren Boebert is being ridiculed by tweeters for her idiotic comment about headaches; and, no doubt, somewhere Mad Marjorie is proving herself a nitwit with any number of ill-conceived comments. Sadly they are so stupid they fail to review or research their next comments and plough ahead with more of the material that keeps us all in stitches.

Monday, September 27, 2021

 REMINDER: "No comments" on all my posts is a stupid line that doesn't mean "no comments". If you click it, you can make any comment you like, and I wish you would.


 Today I was having a pleasant chat with a casual friend, when he suddenly said, "My wife hates Biden." When I asked him why, he said, "Because of the Haitians." My first thought was I bet she didn't hate Trump because of the children he imprisoned, My second thought was we're doomed. Why? Because Americans are increasingly the most hating, whiny, critical, dissatisfied people on earth.  They will never have the patience or courage to save our democracy. Here they are bitching, (his wife and TVpundits)  because Joe Biden, one of the nicest presidents ever, can't perform miracles. He can't take those exhausted Haitians and give every one them a home in America including health care, child care, and freedom from worry. (Which he, unlike Trump, would love to do.) Nor can he totally focus on them when there are myriad other aliens from other oppressive countries. Because of that alone (she claims) she hates Biden. It probably never occurred to her to list in her mind all the good things Biden has done, his accomplishments over the years, and how hard it is to run a country. She probably never compared Biden's goodness to the last president, a racist, molester, liar, lazy layabout, and brainless buffoon. Biden did not invite the hordes of freedom seekers to America. He didn't say, "Come on over. We'll treat you right." No. These poor, tired, huddled masses yearning to breathe free came on their own because they had heard that America was a kind-hearted democracy that would somehow find a way to make their lives better. And we are. But we have never been so deluged with refugees as now during a world-wide pandemic. And because Joe Biden can't solve this monumental problem and many others within a day or two,  my friend's wife hates him. And that illogical hatred, multiplied millions of times, may just be our downfall. 


Think how much better life would be if Trump had had a heart attack when he came down that escalator with his shit-eating grin to announce his candidacy. Better not just for Americans, but for the world.  He would not have spread his toxic philosophy of hate and division. More Americans, who died of Covid, would be alive not having been poisoned by his misinformation. The gullible racist Republicans would not have been infused with his contagious bigotry. We would never have left the Paris Accord. Morons like Giuliani would never have been requested to create mischief abroad. The army of  incompetent persons like Betsy DeVos, Louis DeJoy and the money-grubbing Kushners would never have been appointed, and worthy American Hispanics would not have been deported. There would have been thousands of benefits if Trump had the courtesy to die. Huge ones like retaining favor in the world's eyes, and lesser ones, but still wonderful, like not having the Rose Garden butchered by Trump's tasteless porn star wife.

Sunday, September 26, 2021


 I am sure this septuagenarian turncoat is delighted to have his name and face in the news so often, and is basking in the adoration he gets from his fellow Republicans for betraying his own party. But I also imagine Joe loses a lot of sleep dreaming up excuses for turning on the Democrats and monkey-wrenching all their noble plans. When did it happen? When did he realize that he was an invisible nobody and decided the only way to steal the limelight was to become a renegade troublemaker? I hope the citizens of West Virginia are wise enough to vote him out of office with the next election. 


 Donald the traitor Trump says the only thing that could derail his run for presidency in 2024 is "a bad call from a doctor". How is that even possible when previous collusions with doctors have insisted he was a he-man despite his obesity, flab, dementia, high blood pressure, bloat, and impotence? As he proved with his New York physician (shown below) he has the money and power to bully and bribe even reputable doctors into giving this broken down windbag a clean bill of health. If such a "bad call from a doctor" should surface, it would only be because Trump demanded it as an excuse not to run for fear of a second rejection from a majority of Americans who have had enough of his lies, bragging, and incompetence. 


 If you had any doubts about the low IQ of Lauren Boebert, consider this. This bimbo actually think you can impeach a president who has done nothing impeachable. It should frighten any American citizen to know that we have such ignorant people in Congress who are not only that stupid but so vindictive and evil that they should be hellbent on the destruction of a kindhearted and admirable president as Biden. Ms. Boebert like her twin sister Marjorie Taylor Greene is a gun-toting, spoiled, malicious misfit who should never have gained the privilege of being in Congress. She is just a blackhearted butch brat eager to create mischief and  chaos and, like many Republicans, bring our democracy down. Sadly before Colorado replaces her with someone with a brain, we are condemned to cope with her demented and disturbed attempts at insurrection. Note the sour pout of this nasty hate-filled harridan.

Saturday, September 25, 2021


 If a man is known by the company he keeps, consider Donald Trump's pals. Steve Bannon, who looks like a smelly old street person most of the time; Rudy Giuliani, seedy, unkempt, flatulent, and sometimes seen with Grecian Formula running down his nearly bald head; Roger Stone, creepy, foppish, bisexual degenerate who describes himself as Trysexual; Jeffrey Epstein, deceased child molester extraordinaire who was more than happy to share his underaged victims with friends like Donald.

There is a very old term that is used for a certain type of woman. It's a term far older than Karen or bitch or the very appropriate word we are not allowed to use. It's a term that fits Marjorie Taylor Greene perfectly, which is why I will put it under a picture of this harridan, shrew, and scold.

                               FISH WIFE

 HuffPost's latest NEXT TRAP (their deceptive way to get you to scroll through dozens of ads) is by referring to the homes of Al Roker and Megan McCains as "repulsive". They assume, probably rightly, that readers will be curious enough to know why they are "repulsive" to fall for this smug trickery. If you don't want to feel like just another of their gullible readers, I suggest you click off as soon as you see the word NEXT in any of these moronic features, which show that HuffPost has absolutely no respect for the intelligence of their readers.

Friday, September 24, 2021


 I  have often been impressed (not in a good way) at how large Matt Gaetz's head is. It occurred to me today that he may 
have been born with Macrocephaly, or an enlarged head. Maybe that's why his parents are so over-indulgent with him; they feel guilt or pity about his deformity. It is particularly sad when he is shown standing next to Jim Jordan whose figure comes very close to dwarfism. I wonder if Gaetz will use his condition in court, as an excuse for his sick behavior, a sort of "the devil made me do it" defense. Since little is known about the mental effects of Macrocephaly, it's worth a try.


Chuck Grassley insists he is going to run for his 8th term as Iowa Senator. (Apparently he's real reluctant to give up that paycheck.) His excuse? He says there's still lots more to do in Iowa, though I doubt an 88-year-old codger has the energy to do it. Unless, of course, by lots more he means lots more naps, lots more doctor's visits, lots more hunting for his glasses, lots more forgetting of where he's supposed to be and when. Someone should tell Chuck that Congress is not a retirement community and no place for an octogenarian. Do Iowa a favor, Chuck, and ride into the sunset. And by the way, at 88, it's time to start using your grown-up name Charles.


 Even the idiots who initiated the costly Arizona recount have today admitted that Biden won. Despite that, the country's stupidest governor, Abbott, is planning a recount in Texas. (I guess fellating Trump isn't enough proof of his love.) Is it even possible that the continually humiliated citizens of Texas will reelect this dimwit? How sad it is that so many corrupt ignorant, and evil men have so much power. Let us hope Floridians aren't gullible enough to reelect mass murderer Ron DeSantis.

Thursday, September 23, 2021


 Why is the news media not telling the truth about radical catholic Governor Greg Abbott. The draconian abortion laws are strictly a religious ruling in total defiance of the separation of Church and State. They are not based on science or medicine. They are a vendetta by Christians and evangelicals, like Abbott to punish, not pregnant women so much as women who have defied their standards of conduct. These pro-life frauds couldn't care less about the unborn child or the suffering mother, they want what all Republicans want: to win! Do you really think these fat, wrinkled, paunchy, rich, impotent, white-haired pro-life geezers care about the unborn child of say a poor black waitress. No. They want her to suffer for having engaged in sexual practices they don't approve of, and hide their angry vendetta in the guise of caring about the unborn child, which is bunk. 

Poor Marjorie. Not pretty. Not smart. Not qualified.  

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


I just watched a show on ID about two greedy twin sisters who bilked the government out of $20 million in fake delivery charges, including charging nearly a million dollars to deliver a washer. This scam went on for years as the government blindly and stupidly paid these absurd charges, questioning none of them, especially during the Iraq War. One can only imagine how many other criminals are stealing our tax money with other scams and frauds that go unnoticed but not  unpaid. Eventually one rare government employee did notice the fraud after years of the twins buying beach houses, cars, costly vacations, boats, and a host of luxury items. The exposure drove one of the twins to suicide while the other was dragged into court and reviled for her years of deception. What was her punishment? Not much. A mere 6-l/2 years in jail, after which I am sure that after her release, she retrieved the millions of dollars she had stowed away for such an minor inconvenience. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


Tucker Carlson is a one-obsession pony. The scion of a wealthy family whose fattening good looks at 52 are still being employed on right-wing conspiracies which he defecates into angry books and a nightly propaganda show which neatly divides America's morons from its saner citizens. Seth McFarlane is a multi-talented superstar: a successful actor, screenwriter, producer, director, and singer. While there is no actual feud as the over-wrought media suggests, Seth did do a segment on his popular TV series Family Guy  ridiculing the ignorance of Tucker's propaganda and did appear on Jimmy Kimmel's show suggesting that the Fox Network should provide more responsible coverage about the life-saving benefits of  vaccinations for Covid. Meanwhile Seth is producing the 20th successful series of Family Guy (sadly on the Fox Network) while Tucker sits on his ballooning butt lying to his impressively huge audience, many of whom, I am sure, are dying from Covid every single day, thanks to Tucker's uneducated advice.

Monday, September 20, 2021


 Just when I thought Comcast (AKA Xfinity) couldn't get more obnoxious and irritating, they reach a new low. Today they have inactivated my remote, adding all kinds of ineffective new operating rules, and in an attempt to push their lousy voice-activated feature, made watching TV super complicated. I followed their instructions for activating a new remote. It didn't work, though they required me to attempt it four times, all failures. I am told that all cable companies are miserable to deal with but Comcast must be the worst. I'd change services, but I'm sure Comcast would make even that incredibly exhausting and complex. I should have known that their voice control would always be trouble when I requested "Channel 300" and kept getting "The 300 Spartans."

The following is from Google's answer to the question, "Is Comcast really that bad?

Comcast earned Consumerist's “Worst Company in America” title twice, first in 2010 and again this year, 2014. It ranks at the very bottom of the American Consumer Satisfaction Index, underperforming even the rest of the cable industry, where “high prices, poor reliability, and declining customer service” are endemic.Aug 19, 2014


 I generally like HuffPost but they have one despicable feature which they run regularly. I call it The NEXT TRAP.  With each NEXT TRAP,  HuffPost seduces you with a provocative question you'd like the answer to. That question will only be answered after you have gone through every NEXT blurb and its accompanying ads. Today for instance they promote "The world's most overrated singers=See the list." But there is no list. There is a NEXT TRAP, which means they will feed you  series of singers (many you have never heard of) one by one with lots of intermittent advertising. You can only gain access to the main tease by clicking NEXT a dozen or more times and hopefully being taken in by the many ads that are the reason for this annoying ruse. It's a frustrating, time=consuming, and deceptive trick, and HuffPost should be ashamed.

Sunday, September 19, 2021


The good news about commercials on TV is we are seeing more and more bi-racial couples; more and more black actors; more gay couples, male and female; and more and more public service ads like the ones encouraging Americans to get their Covid vaccinations and avoid the possibility of  a lonely horrid death The bad news is, as I have stated below, there are far too many commercials on the tube. I suspect most are aired out of greed rather than necessity. The good news is many consumers can pre-record their shows and flip through the commercials or, like me, turn to a non-commercial station like TCM until the show returns. The bad news is many poorer viewers do not have that option and have to sit through the endless promotions for cars, pharmaceuticals, insurance companies, and all the other sales pitches they've already seen dozens and dozens of times. All I can suggest is that if you don't complain to your local station, you can expect even more commercials next year.


Humira. Their commercial, which features a black and white female running a radio station (?)  is  very nice, but the director keeps focusing on the wrong woman, so it's  hard to tell who has the problem. House and Garden TV. Who is the jerk who came up with the juvenile and illogical line, "You'll wet your plants."? Was it a seven-year-old? Aspercreme. "Kick pain in the Aspercreme" must have brought a giggle to to the agency who titters at any ass reference. Jif. Same kind of undeveloped intellect who thinks "Jifing good" is naughty and inspiring. Grow up! Breathe-Rte. While "I strip on the subway" etc. was a cute gimmick, it's still a one-gag commercial we're forced to see again and again.  Liberty Mutual. Their ubiquitous ads are still detestable especially Lemu Emu. Their newest bore would have been slightly improved  if the blond model had said "my best friend" instead of "someone else."(The aging rope skippers spot is just creepy.) Downy. The teen would have to be an idiot to think wrinkled clothes mean his parents were having sex and he'd be very uptight if was freaked out if they were. Planter's. How annoying to see a company insult their own product by reducing it as most significantly something you have with beer. Kraft. They continue in their campaign to approve of disobedient children and maintain a less than nutritious meal is a "win win". Prevagen is still the winner in misleading advertising. Sadly they are getting so rich selling snake oil to morons they can afford to hire additional talented liars for still more deceptive commercials. Do their customers even know that Prevagen has been labelled a fraud and hoax by the FTC, yet still pay $70 a month for these worthless placebos? Its bad enough that we are forced to deal with far too many commercials  (as many as 14 during a single break) on TV service we pay for, but it's truly adding insult to injury that most are so uncreative, so increasingly loud, and repeated so often.


Why are most politicians rich, super rich, or obscene rich? Is it because only the wealthy can afford to run for office, which sucks? Or is it that, once in office, they get rich through wealthy connections, insider trading, high salaries, indulgent perks, and graft? Whatever the reason, Americans  are stuck with elite government employees who have no knowledge of how the poor and middle class live and really don't care. Which is why so many Americans are being evicted while their swinish representatives live high on the hog. Recent rulings show that most of the privileged Supreme Court has no concern about homelessness or  hunger. Our new influx of spoiled conspiracy-driven scions in Congress have zero compassion for those in need. Pseudo-Democrat Joe Manchen, like many Senators, is worth millions yet still worries most about keeping his $174,00 annual salary and not offending the GOP. Surprisingly and happily President Biden, while rich, seems to feel empathy for the middle class and is one of the few in government working on their behalf.  Unfortunately while he does he has to put up with a lot of crap from the very people he is trying to help.  Being a Congressman or Senator wasn't always the highly-paid, multi-perks, free health care, tons of privileges, lots of vacation time position it is today. Once upon a time being in congress was an honor and even better, those who sought that honor, unlike today's Republicans, were patriots.

Friday, September 17, 2021


If you are considering getting a Consumer Cellular phone, don't. If you already have a Consumer Cellular phone and they insist you have to buy a new one to meet the new G standards, whatever they are, don't. The service, which was once dependable, is a shambles. They never answer their phones, they will not return your calls, and most of their supposed "experts" are clueless. After putting me through hell for a month of faulty service and incompetence, I gave up on them and went to a T-Mobile store where they have all kinds of phones (many free) and no contracts, (an equal quality flip phone like mine was free and the monthly charge is only $20.)