Sunday, September 19, 2021


Why are most politicians rich, super rich, or obscene rich? Is it because only the wealthy can afford to run for office, which sucks? Or is it that, once in office, they get rich through wealthy connections, insider trading, high salaries, indulgent perks, and graft? Whatever the reason, Americans  are stuck with elite government employees who have no knowledge of how the poor and middle class live and really don't care. Which is why so many Americans are being evicted while their swinish representatives live high on the hog. Recent rulings show that most of the privileged Supreme Court has no concern about homelessness or  hunger. Our new influx of spoiled conspiracy-driven scions in Congress have zero compassion for those in need. Pseudo-Democrat Joe Manchen, like many Senators, is worth millions yet still worries most about keeping his $174,00 annual salary and not offending the GOP. Surprisingly and happily President Biden, while rich, seems to feel empathy for the middle class and is one of the few in government working on their behalf.  Unfortunately while he does he has to put up with a lot of crap from the very people he is trying to help.  Being a Congressman or Senator wasn't always the highly-paid, multi-perks, free health care, tons of privileges, lots of vacation time position it is today. Once upon a time being in congress was an honor and even better, those who sought that honor, unlike today's Republicans, were patriots.

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