Monday, September 20, 2021


 I generally like HuffPost but they have one despicable feature which they run regularly. I call it The NEXT TRAP.  With each NEXT TRAP,  HuffPost seduces you with a provocative question you'd like the answer to. That question will only be answered after you have gone through every NEXT blurb and its accompanying ads. Today for instance they promote "The world's most overrated singers=See the list." But there is no list. There is a NEXT TRAP, which means they will feed you  series of singers (many you have never heard of) one by one with lots of intermittent advertising. You can only gain access to the main tease by clicking NEXT a dozen or more times and hopefully being taken in by the many ads that are the reason for this annoying ruse. It's a frustrating, time=consuming, and deceptive trick, and HuffPost should be ashamed.

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