Sunday, September 19, 2021


Humira. Their commercial, which features a black and white female running a radio station (?)  is  very nice, but the director keeps focusing on the wrong woman, so it's  hard to tell who has the problem. House and Garden TV. Who is the jerk who came up with the juvenile and illogical line, "You'll wet your plants."? Was it a seven-year-old? Aspercreme. "Kick pain in the Aspercreme" must have brought a giggle to to the agency who titters at any ass reference. Jif. Same kind of undeveloped intellect who thinks "Jifing good" is naughty and inspiring. Grow up! Breathe-Rte. While "I strip on the subway" etc. was a cute gimmick, it's still a one-gag commercial we're forced to see again and again.  Liberty Mutual. Their ubiquitous ads are still detestable especially Lemu Emu. Their newest bore would have been slightly improved  if the blond model had said "my best friend" instead of "someone else."(The aging rope skippers spot is just creepy.) Downy. The teen would have to be an idiot to think wrinkled clothes mean his parents were having sex and he'd be very uptight if was freaked out if they were. Planter's. How annoying to see a company insult their own product by reducing it as most significantly something you have with beer. Kraft. They continue in their campaign to approve of disobedient children and maintain a less than nutritious meal is a "win win". Prevagen is still the winner in misleading advertising. Sadly they are getting so rich selling snake oil to morons they can afford to hire additional talented liars for still more deceptive commercials. Do their customers even know that Prevagen has been labelled a fraud and hoax by the FTC, yet still pay $70 a month for these worthless placebos? Its bad enough that we are forced to deal with far too many commercials  (as many as 14 during a single break) on TV service we pay for, but it's truly adding insult to injury that most are so uncreative, so increasingly loud, and repeated so often.

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