Sunday, October 31, 2021


An unpatriotic Southwest pilot announces a code expression for "Fuck Joe Biden." The news reports Biden's popularity ratings drop dramatically. This is madness. Why is a kind-hearted decent man like Biden who has devoted his whole life to his country vilified, while millions of reason-blind fools still champion a greedy opportunist like Trump?  Why are people opposed to a honest, moral  president who is doing everything possible to help the poor and middle class? Why does decency and kindness bring animosity and ridicule? And why does President Trump, a lying criminal gain respect from persons he despised and never lifted a finger to help? America claims to be a mostly Christian country. No more. We have drifted as far from Christianity from any religion as possible by embracing lies, scams, cruelty, and an admiration for low-life braggarts, cheats, and thieves. I'm sure right now Joe Biden is working on plans to make that Southwest pilot's life easier and less stress-free. But all that ungrateful and ignorant yahoo can say in response is the cowardly code expression, "Let's go Brandon" which means "Fuck Joe Biden" words this flying unpatriotic worm wasn't courageous enough to say. If the airlines does the right thing and fires him, his family will get by with the aid of programs created by the Democrats, something he will never appreciate.

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