Sunday, May 31, 2020


If Trump weren't born with a platinum spoon in his mouth, do you know who he would be? He woul be an ordinary working man, maybe a cop, (more like a night watchman) without a college education (or at least not Wharton).  He would still be on his third marriage, paying alimony and child support on a meager salary. He would still be a bitter racist, most likely a member of a white supremacist group. He would still consider himself brilliant despite being on only rung two of the ladder of success. He would always have a Ralph Kramden scheme to wealth that always failed. He would owe everyone in town which would lead to constant moving. He couldn't afford to play golf, so he would probably be a bowler, but not that often. He would say makeup is for queers. He would probably still not be a drinker (teetotalling being his only virtue). Dumb people would think he was smart, the smart would recognize his stupidity. He would still eat at McDonalds but out of poverty, not preference. He would never be able to afford to stay at any hotel like his, and considering his moral code he might even become a professional thief, which he would rationalize by saying that wealtlhy people didn't deserve to hog all the nation's wealth.

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