Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Martha Mcsally, junior senator from Arizona, and first-class shrew, is a staunch defender of Trump showing just how witless she is. So it's no surprise that she announced that she believes the spread of the coronavirus is cause by assymetric people. Apparently she means those persons who have no symptoms, not ones that are unbalanced, suggesting she is just as word-challenged as her admired president. Followers of the news will recall that this was the pint-sized senator who when asked a perfectly legitimate question about the Trump impeachment by CNN reporter Manu Raju gave the foot stamping retort, "You're a liberal hack. I'm not talking to you." and quickly ducked into a safe room and slammed the door with so much as adding, "so there!" The unqualified senator was not even elected to her position but got chosen because of her connections and combat pilot credentials. One could assume she had some appeal when she married a fellow pilot, but mysteriously that union was annulled two-years later and this petulant republican is still, not surprisingly, single.

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