Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Just read an article by Amanda Marcotte suggesting that Bloomberg can't win over Trump. Her argument seems to be that Bloomberg is a racist and misogynist who will not get votes while Trump a racist and misogynist will. Huh? I'm sure everything I have heard about Bloomberg is true, But I couldn't care less. Not when our country is at stake. Stop and frisk was obscene. Not as obscene as putting children in prisons for months. Making insulting remarks about women is unforgivable. But these remarks are hearsay. I heard the misogynist filth directly from Trump's mouth. Mike has 62 billion dollars. Trump has nowhere near one billion which is why he won't release his taxes. Mike has said if he is not the candidate he will support whomever is. Trump wouldn't do a favor like that for anyone. Finally, Mike Bloomberg is sane and an excellent manager. Hate him if you like, but he'll make your life and America's future better. Not convinced. All right, collect all the ammunition you need to make you unwilling to vote for Bloomberg if he's chosen, then stay home in self-righteous smugness. And after the election watch how much more damage Trump can do to the country you supposedly love.

1 comment:

  1. Who is this man? Could it be Bloomberg? I'm confused.
    By the way I'm leaning towards Bloomberg. He spends his own money on ads and doesn't play golf.
