Sunday, May 2, 2021


Has everyone noticed? The Republicans are throwing away the United States with both hands. They actually booed during a Mitt Romney speech in Utah, and he's their only honorable statesman. Their most honorable stateswoman is Liz Cheney, and the Republicans want to get rid of her. In our country's history, we have never had more petty, bitchy, dishonest, disagreeable, treasonous members of the House and Senate. The GOP couldn't care less who Matt Gaetz has sex with; how much hate and division Marjorie Taylor Greene spreads; or how unqualified Lauren Boebert is. They just want to win so they can court the wealthy and make tons of money themselves. To achieve this they are redistricting, creating new draconic voting laws, and devising commercials designed to make you hate your neighbors. America is in danger of disappearing, democracy is in danger of failure. And all you have to do is pay attention and speak up.

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