Sunday, February 28, 2021


I love it. Donald Trump is the leading figure of the Republican Party. Yet he's not even a true Republican. He was a Democrat until he realized Republican voters are more gullible. He believed in abortion and birth control until he had to pretend otherwise.  He had no problem with homosexuality. He is an atheist. He was an active hedonist until he became old and impotent. And he sure as hell as no interest in Christian teachings especially the sanctity of marriage. And he is likely to be brought to court on charges of sexual molestation and possibly rape. So to we Democrats, it is hilarious to watch all these dyed-in-the-wool Republicans cow-towing to an absolute fraudulent leader.


I think it's about to happen. It sure seems that way. Of course I always knew this day would come. And it's almost here. The day when there are more TV commercials than programming.Today I watched an hour program on ID and counted 43 commercials. This is not unusual. The evening news, which at one time long ago, didn't have commercials at all, has dozens. Not early in the program but after a grace period, they come in waves, so many that, during one of several breaks, there is only one short news item to allow for a raft of more ads for pharmaceuticals, cars, and Emu Limu. The new tendency is to run the same irritating commercial twice during the same break. This tsunami of commercials is bad enough, but it's made worse by the poor quality of what passes for advertising these days. "It's the easiest because it's the cheesiest" takes the prize for the worst slogan of our time, making it the anthem for lazy, indulgent parents everywhere. But most commercials lack any sense of originality or style or even logic.  The idea of people eating Oreos in bed is a crumby concept. The the security ad featuring a supposedly charming masked home burglar is detestable. And truly truly weird are the ads where a young Jimmy Dean, who died 11 years ago at 81, still cheerfully promotes his breakfast products. But even if most ads were cleverly-conceived, well-written and stylishly produced, there are still too many, shown too often, and, I suspect, with unnecessary superfluity as I am sure half as many would generate a hefty, hefty, hefty profit for the greedy networks.

Saturday, February 27, 2021


Why are Republicans always so angry? Seriously, why? Take Donald Trump Jr. He can barely make a speech without vehemently attacking persons who have done him no harm. That's sick. Republican anger spreads to Senators denying working people a living wage, though it doesn't affect their income at all. Why? Along with the anger is paranoia as one can see at any Trump rally. And look at his Republican audience, angry hateful faces, full of bile, out for blood. Why? The insurrectionists who attacked the Capitol. Why were they so angry? Because a president who didn't fulfill his promises and basically regarded them as worthless riff-raff wasn't elected to disappoint them for another four years? Is it a product of the modern world, where there are too many toys and most too expensive to own? Is it because brains are befuddled with endless commercials, too many showing happy blacks to underachieving whites? Is it because pornography is so available, making users dissatisfied with their most loving relationships? What is it?  Are all these angry people pro-Trump because he is so flawed, semi-illiterate, a constant failure, and ridiculous? Do they all feel they have toilet paper on their shoe? Is it because the news places them in a constant state of worry, want  and worthlessness?  I have no idea why Republicans are so angry, but I hope the non-angry, non-vengeful, kind-heartedness of President Biden, not to mention the generous covid relief checks he wants every citizen in need to have, will soften that inexplicable anger.


 Many people are wondering where that hideous golden statue of Trump came from. I'm pretty sure I know. It seems that when Trump was voted out of the White House, he insisted on taking his solid gold toilet with him. But since he already had a gold toilet at Mara Lago, he melted the superfluous one down and had a hack sculptor make it into a mediocre statue. So the statue is basically Trump's toilet. That should keep even his most ardent fans from worshipping it too enthusiastically. 

Friday, February 26, 2021


 Have we entered the age of evil?  For four years we allowed a mad, malevolent racist dictator to take the reins of our great country. He is still spreading his evil. Today are legislators are evil. Cruz, Hawley, Greene, Boebert, McConnell, others in the shadows, all eager to undermine our good-hearted charitable president. Evangelicals are evil, no longer supporting Christian values, but defending the anti-Christ and themselves becoming White Supremists. Evil events are happening with greater frequency: our once inviolate Capitol stormed by an angry, evil mob determined to put a dictator in power; an entire state abandoned by those who should have protected it; a power company heedless to the deaths of its citizens, including children, freezing to death for lack of planning.  Many law enforcers are evil, killing innocent black citizens with abandon and going free. Many of our judges are evil, having been appointed by the dictator and themselves willing to make cruel and unlawful decisions.  Our once-respected utilities are evil, a post office run by a despicable incompetent, proud of his tampering wth people's lives. And here we are, forced to live with this evil age, hampered by absurd laws that allow deceitful lawmakers to comfortably and profitable remain in office in a country they obviously despise. Sadly the age of evil, ushered in by the promoting of a satanic criminal to the office of presidency has arrived along with the coronavirus pandemic, increased global warming, and a world increasingly crowded and inhospitable. And I don't think it is an age that will not pass without even greater catastrophes.


 That settles it! On Thursday Mitch McConnell said he would absolutely support Trump if he gets the Republican nomination in 2024. That's conclusive proof that McConnell has no intention of working with President Biden to get our country back on its feet. He will be just as divisive, canny, and creepy as he was during Obama's terms. It also suggests, after his condemnation of Trump, that he is becoming as nutty and mercurial as Lindsey Graham. (Is every Republican secretly working with Putin to bring down our democracy?) With this truly insane endorsement McConnell is saying he dismisses the attack on our Capitol and the deaths and destruction it created; he supports white supremacists because he supports their hero; and at the advanced age of 80, he has totally lost all sense of reason and patriotism. We knew that Cruz, Hawley, Greene, Jordan, Graham, Boebert, Gaetz and others were dangers to our great country, but the ranks of traitors are growing and unless the patriotic American people complain loudly and forcefully, we will completely lose the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Thursday, February 25, 2021


 Leave it to GOP relic of a  dying breed of religious fantatics to praise the Amish of Ohio for going maskless during the pandemic. 76-year old lawmaker Diane Grendell lauds the mask-free Amish for "culling the herd" though six of their members died from Covid and the sect had an overall 77% rate of positivity.  I hope she hasn't encouraged the House of Representatives to go maskless to prove their faith in God. Though I hope she practices what she preaches if she keeps her distance. I wonder if the family of the six members who died think that it's just swell that their lack of caution "culled the herd"as Diane phrases it.  (Although I think Jesus would have preferred the world flock.)



Nobody is as evil and angry as Marjorie Taylor Greene unless they'e mentally ill. Sadly Ms. Green shows all the signs of having a full complement of screws loose. Even her ravaged face suggests the turmoil of that less-than-functioning brain. Her latest madness, hanging an anti-transgender sign outside he office of congresswomen Marie Newman who has a trangender daughter shows the dangerous extent of her prejudice and malice. Georgia has many reasons to be proud this election year, a pride diminished by the pollution to Congress by the psychotic Ms. Greene. Mental illness is tragic. But I personally believe there are kind deranged persons and those who are evil, spiteful, and incredibly dangerous. In short persons like Majorie Taylor Greene who, by the way, owns an assault rifle.


When it comes time to vote again, mid-term or big time, keep this following in mind. The Republicans did not want you to have the generous survival package, the Democrats did. The Republicans did not want to increase your minimum wage. The Democrats did. No Democrats walked out on Texas during the deep-freeze. Two Republicans did. No Democrats stormed and pillaged the Capitol. Lots of Republicans did. Republicans did not give you most of the health and welfare benefits that make your life easier. The Democrats did. When the country faced dire, seemingly impossible difficulties during the Depression, a Republican didn't save the day and win the respect of the American people, a Democrat did. When we faced the nightmare of a world-wide pandemic, a Democrat didn't lie to you on how to protect yourself and the ones you loved. A Republican did. And because of that lie who died? 200,000 Democrats and Republicans did.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


I love that people think that Donald Trump will run again in four years. The man will be almost 80 and more out of shape than he is now, not to mention even daffier than he is presently, More than likely he'll have a third divorce on his hands; and faced trials and convictions for tax evasion, inflating the value of his properties, and possibly rape. There will be at least three more tell-all books on what a creep he is and possibly a movie that is anything but flattering. And think of all the dirty secrets that will be revealed, like the reason for his love affair with Putin, and how far he is from being a billionaire. In four years even his greatest fans will realize what a crooked doofus this jerk is, and even Lindsey Graham may have gotten over his crush. So if you think that four years from now a dottering old bleached blond fool with a criminal record and a thick layer of pancake makeup will be running for president, god help you.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021


 Trump is absolutely right to call the probe into his taxes a fishing  expedition. If there is anything in this country that is fishy, it's Trump's tax returns. And we're not just talking about sardine-tiny frauds, but what are sure to be whale-sized lies and evasions. And the expedition won't be just pulling in the big fish like Trump, the killer whale himself, but you can expect a net full of sharks, piranha, and clownfish. Yes, Donny, it's a fishing expedition all right and you are about to get hooked.


A note to Texas.

I’m sorry Ted left you

To shiver the blues.

But that’s what you get

From a slime-ball like Cruz.

And even Ted Paxton

Felt you didn’t matter

And flew far away

Where his teeth didn’t chatter.

Did you happen to notice

The folks who came through?

Maybe the next time

You’ll wisely vote blue.



Monday, February 22, 2021


 It's a cruel accusation, but what else can you say for a state that makes a convicted Martian thief a governor and later a senator? I ask you. What can you say for a pathetic peninsula that chooses a later governor as dumb as a post as opposed to his rival who's as smart s a whip? Our new governor is so stupid he handled the covid crisis all wrong and hundreds of people lost their lives or were horribly sick. Then to prove that he is completely brain dead-biased he demands that Florida fly the flag at half-staff for biased, racist, anti-Latino cheap-shot radio host Rush Limbaugh. Ron DeSantis is not only short on marbles, he looks it. So why couldn't Floridians see that his opponent Andrew Gillum was a far wiser choice — no, not even that, the only choice. Simple, because Florida is the dumbest state.

 Prediction: While Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell will be as trenchant and liberal as ever, MSNBC will immediately start covering Trump's every rally, every move. They will give him excessive face time, thus the opportunity to once again buffalo the American public and take over our country for his own vile purposes, just as MSNBC did last time.


You know what's sad? When a successful entrepreneur loses everything through mismanagement or a billion dollar lawsuit. It's a tragic circumstance that drives many men and women to suicide, even if it was their fault. I see this all the time on the true crime shows to which I am addicted. I hear that Mike Lindell is the subject of such a lawsuit. You've got to feel sorry for this ex (maybe) drug addict and charlatan. Hmm. I wonder if he knows that if you shoot yourself in the head through a pillow, it acts like a silencer so you don't wake the children. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021


With Biden doing such a good job and having such high ratings, far right Newsmax is scrambling for dirt. It seems they found the perfect target in Champ, Biden's German shepherd. Apparently prissy Greg Kelly doesn't approve of Champ's appearance. He seems to think an old dog shouldn't look old and  if he, the dog, spends time playing he ought to stay clean and not look rough. His report tells you very little about Champ, but a lot out the pettiness of Newsmax. I suspect only a frequently bathed, beribboned and perfumed toy poodle would suit Kelly. But, of course, no democratic pooch would suit the ultra-biased Kelly. 

Saturday, February 20, 2021

 "I wish that we would have seen..." Some congressman just uttered those illiterate words on MSNBC. How did so many people get through college still uttering one of the most egregious assaults on the English language? And what prevents them for using the correct, and far clearer word, "had"?


 It seems that Joe Manchin from West Virginia refuses to vote for Neera Tanden as head of Office of Management and Budget because she tweeted some mean remarks about several people he knows and it made him so mad. I mean it wasn't like she sexually assaulted someone like Kavanaugh did ,who did get his vote. But then Kavanaugh it totally white and thus not uppity. Manchin has no problem squelching President Biden's choice, but I guess being the leading Dempublican that's to be expected.

Friday, February 19, 2021


If I didn't hate our incompetent governor Ron De Spineless for all the people he has killed with his careless Covid laws and allowing Florida restaurants to behave as if everything was normal, I despite him for his latest misjudgment. For some biased and asinine reason, he  has decreed that the flag is to be flown at half staff in Florida to honor (honor?) bigot and instigator Rush Limbaugh who has never done anything patriotic and worthy of reverence. This is the dumbest move since Paul Ryan dishonored the Capitol Rotunda with the unworthy corpse of millionaire grifter Billy Graham. In Florida, with losers like Rubio, Scott, and De Santis we have more than our share of lousy legislators.  I'd say that only Republicans were brain dead if it weren't for pseudo-Democrat Joe Manchin.


 If, as Miss Lindsey says, the Republican party doesn't stand a snowball's chance without Trump, what does that tell you about Republicans? It says that without a corrupt charlatan leading them, they are lost. They need a Crime Boss to guide their corruption. A totally amoral gangster to head up their scamming of the American public. Or worse, a maniacal dictator to show them how to dismantle our democracy and create an authoritarian plutocracy wherein only Trump-favored Republicans prosper. Thanks to the mercurial and ditzy Lindsey Graham, all has been exposed. 

Thursday, February 18, 2021


I don't give a damn If Governor Cuomo underereported nursing home deaths. He certainly didn't do it deliberately or for spite. All I know is that Governor Cuomo got America through the frightening onset of corona virus. He gave us daily discussions on its cause, its spread, its remedies, and its impact on New York and the rest of the country. While Trump was uselessly staring at his navel, Cuomo was doing research to calm the fears of New York's millions of residents. So if Cuomo is being sued, investigated and vilified, you can be sure some envious politicians are behind it, jealous that he did so much when Trump did nothing. 


Rick Perry, once governor to Texas and ironically a former secretary of energy, has proven once again he is not playing with a full deck. Perry stated this week that Texans would rather deal with a cold spell like the one that is crippling Texas, than have Federal interference in their power supply. I doubt very much if the Texans who are dying from the cold, hunger, or carbon monoxide poisoning agree with him. Republican politicians can never see the world from any angle but their own, which is why the Texas power grid is independent from the country's two other electrical grids that cover the eastern and western states. Sadly they didn't plan for a disaster like this and are now pointing fingers at everyone but themselves. Laughingly this arrogant company is called The Electric Reliability Council of Texas.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


I have seen the most repulsive commercial of the year only a couple of times, so I cannot clearly tell you the name of the product, other than it's for a beverage, I think, and Funky is in its name. What makes it repulsive is that it shows people with two faces, the second one being where their mouth should be. I can't imagine what kind of sick minds come up with these concepts, or what kind of depraved clients buy them. But I'm guessing they don't have a big ad budget, so I may not have to see it again. P.S. I can't find a single take from this commercial to show you. Could it have been a nightmare?

My second gripe is for a pharmaceutical called Nurtec, but my complaint applies to lots of commercials and some entertainment programs. There is nothing funny about a man getting hit in the crotch, though it seems to send really stupid people into gales of laughter. Nortec's "concept" is to have a man's dog show more affection to a nearby girl in the park and for some inexplicable reason have a out-of-control retractable leash hit him below the belt. It's not only not funny but reverse it and have the woman hit in the crotch and it would be national news.

Correction: The complaint above is not for Nurtec, it's for Pip-Perroni, a dog treat. My stupidity, of course. But I do have an excuse, however lame. The networks, who are putting more and more commercials on the air run them so close together that it sometimes hard to find where one ends and another begins. Sorry Nurtec.

However the winner for commercials seen too often, not funny, beyond stupid, and incredibly intrusive are those featuring LiMu Emu and Doug. And how they relate to Liberty Mutual Insurance is beyond me.

You know what would be nice? If Texas, our most bigoted state, seceded from the Union, which they have often threatened to do. And, at the same time, Washington D.C. became our newest state. If those two things happened, we wouldn't have to create a new flag.


 Trump has conned millions of people, but no group has been more buffaloed than the Evangelicals. Many years ago, Trump admitted on television that he was an atheist. Even if he hadn't his behavior must show you that the only rules that guide his life are his own. He doesn't go to church. The only reason he faked being Christian was because he thought anyone religious was an idiot, but he needed their vote. Look at his family. All atheists. All self-absorbed millionaires who are not about to share their wealth with the poor and downtrodden of the world, like so many Christian charities. The Evangelicals are gullible easily-conned simpletons who sadly don't live up the teachings of Christ. Trump breaks all Ten Commandments on a regular basis, so the sign shown below, which many of them displayed,  is evidence of just how unChristian they are.  The top part may still apply. But thank God the bottom is no longer true.


 On February 12th the master of the trenchant political post The Rude Pundit wrote that the Republican Party given a chance at redemption chose to remain anti-democracy and "has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Trump Corporation." That's worrisome news when you consider that all the other Trump Corporations went into bankruptcy despite the highest hopes. Trump airlines, long grounded. Trump cigars, up in smoke. Trump casinos, out of luck. Trump steaks, burnt to a crisp. Trump sports team, a losing proposition. So if I were a treasonous Republican, I wouldn't be very optimistic about my new boss. Of course he still does sell lots of junk made in China and elsewhere, including "MAGA" products. So if you're a Senator for Trump, be grateful you and your family can still freeload off the American people while you plan destroy their country.


I'm sure millions of Americans will share my feelings today about the death of Rush Limbaugh. They must surely feel as I do about not hearing his voice ever again, not hearing about each conspiracy and unproven rumor, not seeing him constantly tug at his shirt for no known reason. When somebody as famous as Rush Limbaugh dies, at only 70-years-old, when somebody as admired and renowned by millions of Americans, when someone so in league with the leading conservatives of the world, there can only be one reaction to such a death: jubilation! 


When someone like Tucker Carlson comes out and says that he thinks that the affectionate relationship between Joe Biden and Jill is fake, it makes me wonder. Not that their relationship is fake. I don't doubt for a moment the Biden's  have as solid a love affair as any two people ever had. No, it makes me wonder about Tucker's relationship. What inspired that thought in his catty little mind? Is his own 30-year marriage to Susan becoming boring. Are all his closet fantasies overwhelming him. Or is he just jealous about Biden's superior marriage. Poor Susan Carlson. It can't be easy living with a angry priss like Tucker who makes his living attacking others and creating absurd theories.  Meow!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


Lara Trump is running for Senator in 2022. She feels she's entitled to the job and it's such a nice status symbol. Isn't it time we stopped handing important positions to super-wealthy shallow blondes? The fact that she's a Trump makes it worse. The fact that she is married to Eric, who pilfered funds meant for children with cancer makes it worse still. Apparently Ivanka, another vacuous Trump millionaire also wants to be a Senator. I'm guessing both these ambitious woman are not interested in caring for their children and just love the kind of power that will make Donald happy and make America miserable. Like their puppet master they have no interest in improving the lives of ordinary Americans.  I suggest when they push their way onto the ballot,  we give all the Trump blondes the Kelly Loeffler treatment.

Monday, February 15, 2021


 MSNBC is at it again. We have a new president, Joe Biden, and he's working his tail off to get this country back on its feet. But who are they giving the most coverage to? Donald Trump and Lindsey Graham. I have seen Miss Lindsey praising Donald a dozen times already. And there has been far too much coverage for an ex-president. He's nobody now. Why give him so much air time? I wouldn't mind if it were critical, but it's not. They chat about his plans to gain power again, with the tone of voice that suggests that he probably will. This is a liberal station? Then how about some liberal coverage. I still maintain that MSNBC played a major role in putting Trump in office, by constantly vilifying Hillary Clinton while they ran Trump around the clock.  They must be afraid that their ratings will plummet if they broadcast good news. So it appears if you want to hear positive news about Trump, the place to turn is MSNBC!


Let's take a look at a popular hero. He's overweight and flabby. He wears makeup, a lot of makeup, and he applies it himself, not very well. His hair, if it is his hair, looks like Dynel left over from an Ava Gabor wig. He's not a good dresser and often looks baggy-pants dumpy. He claims to be well-educated, but has a poor grip on English and makes lots of non-sequiturs and malapropisms. He has a very short attention span. He's not good with money and has sent lots of businesses and associates into bankruptcy. He's cheap and tries to use other people's money as much as possible. He is, and always has been a couch potato and and spends lots of time watching TV. He's not religious, but pretends to be to fool his gullible evangelicals. He loves golf, but is only an ordinary player and he cheats at every game. He rarely tells the truth. He claims to be a self-made man but his father showered him with millions, most of which he lost. He likes sex, but has mostly had to marry for sex, pay for sex, or assault woman for sex. He is not above molesting or taking advantage of under-aged girls. He has a very low opinion of almost all his fans and regarded Covid-19 as a blessing because he didn't have to shake their hands. Despite being ordinary, he is very vain. He has had facial surgery which has left his once-normal eyes looking fish-like. He has lied, stolen, and cheated all his life and has very little to recommend him as a human being. But amazingly he has gotten millions of people to hold him in high regard for absolutely no reason. Hopefully, very few people reading this post.

Sunday, February 14, 2021



Saw Lindsey Graham on the news this morning. He has got to be the dizziest queen that was ever in Congress. How can someone be an ally to John McCain and then switch his loyalties to Donald Trump? If McCain could see what a sham Lindsey's life has become, he'd be heartbroken. Graham has no standards, no morals, and definitely no sense.  He stands solidly behind Trump and Donald's fantasies of national dominance. He flatters him, encourages him, and even overlooks his cheating at golf. Lindsey is  much more like a moll than a friend to Trump. He's a Smee to Trump's Hook. A Nancy to Trump's Sikes or maybe more like Sike's  terrier Bulls-Eye. But even Nancy and the dog showed some character in the end of Oliver Twist. I doubt if we can expect that from Lindsey,

Saturday, February 13, 2021


The most disgusting man in American politics, 
a cesspool of so many. 


Has the Congress of the United States ever sunk so low? It is obvious that Trump is completely guilty of inciting the riot at the Capitol on January 6th. Without his encouragement it never would have occurred and five people would be alive today. Yet the Republicans who have become increasingly treasonous and anti-American have ignored the evidence of their own eyes and voted for acquittal. With each "Not guilty" vote our country sinks lower and lower into the depravity of politicians pocketing the salary the American people pay them while ignoring their oath of office and betraying the country that aided their success. And for whom is their greater loyalty? A two-bit criminal, a charlatan, a life-long grifter, a low-life who is not even a Republican, but whatever the ignorant and gullible want him to be. They are loyal to a soulless creature who is snickering up his sleeve at how easily manipulated these once-proud Americans were led away from any claim of patriotism. They are dedicated and protective of a monster who has no loyalty of affection to them. They are suckers in the world's most serious game of three-card monte and it's costing them their integrity, their honor, and the high regard of history because time will show very clearly what fools they were.


I am amazed at how bad commercials are today, either because they are poorly written, poorly delivered, or inaccurate. Her are two examples:

Kay Jewelers has a perfectly good commercial for diamonds. It is a pity that they hired a female spokesperson who can't pronounce her interior ts. She first says cennered instead of centered and follows that up with  proclaiming Kay a leading diamond cenner.

Ubrelvy (the names they come up with!) claims that, "it stops migraine headaches in their tracks within two hours.: A ridiculous statement. Something is stopped in its tracks when it is stopped immediately not in five minutes or two hours. I though these pharmaceuticals were fussy about their facts.

Friday, February 12, 2021


 When I first saw Ken Jennings during his 74-game winning streak on JEOPARDY,  I didn't like him. He seemed like he was full of himself, and a know-it-all, which of course he was. So following the death of Alex Trebek, I was annoyed to hear that Ken Jennings would be the guest host, and felt the show would not be watchable. But I am pleased to admit I couldn't have been more wrong. Ken is an amazingly affable  host and acts as if he's been doing it for years. His banter is perfect, his diction excellent, and the producers would be fools not to keep him on. There has been talk of other guest hosts, but I can't imagine that anyone could do as good a job as Jennings. And boy, do I hate to be wrong.

Thursday, February 11, 2021


 Trump is a criminal. All his major supporters are criminals. His lawyers are criminals. Most of his family are criminals. Millions of his supporters, given the opportunity, would be criminals.  His entire life has been one of deception, selfishness, and immorality. He has robbed, cheated, and lied to every contact he ever made, and will continue do so. In recent years he has allied himself with more powerful criminals like Cruz and Hawley. He has no affection, gratitude, or admiration for the United States of America. Given the chance to attain more power,  he would gladly destroy us or turn us over to an enemy. Hopefully even the millions who voted for him will come to realize that he and his fellow criminal conspirators are the greatest possible danger that they and their families face in the coming years.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


 Mary Trump has wisely suggested that Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr., the Children of the Corn, are unlikely be named to high office in the future. Being millionaires why would they want to? They obviously have no concern for ordinary people.They don't need the salary. And they are not used to working. The answer is that having a government office is a status symbol, like an expensive car or costly jewelry. That was the only reason that shallow Kelly Loeffler wanted to be Senator and the same applies to Ivanka. And she will probably be elected, dumb as she is. Will she make a good Senator? Of course not. But after all, she does deserve to have whatever she wants.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021


 I just saw two things in a movie that truly impressed me. One was something one rarely sees so that was an eye opener. The other was something I am always impressed with that too many other people never recognize. One. In almost every movie where someone is carrying luggage, it is obvious that the luggage is empty. Check it out. It is very rare to see heavy luggage. Which is why tonight, watching Barbara Stanwyck, I was impressed to see her walking along a wharf with a suitcase that was so heavy she had to change hands. Talk about realism. Two. The person who always impresses me. Marilyn Monroe. In this film she pays an ordinary worker in a fish factory, and she plays it to perfection. No wonder Montgomery Clift said Monroe was a true professional who he felt was  always completely focused on the part she was playing. 

 I would love to throttle the person who came up with using passwords. Nothing in the modern world has given me more grief and blood pressure increasing frustration than using passwords. Either it's not right, or it doesn't match, or it isn't complicated enough. There's always a problem. Today I wanted to buy a hand vacuum cleaner with a cord since lithium batteries don't last at all. They had one at Walmart, but just giving them my name and address and credit card information wasn't enough, they needed a password. Why? Anyway, I didn't provide one and they lost out on a sale, silly twits. Why has the modern world become so unnecessarily complicated?


 I have no intention of watching a single moment of Trump's second impeachment trial. Why would I? There is no question of what it will be like. The whiny, wimpy Republicans will say it is not legal and be totally wrong. Evidence will show that Trump did indeed fire up the rioters in his pathetic attempt to claim the election was stolen, since he can't admit that most Americans find him repulsive. There will be days of question and arguments. Jim Jordan will do his usual jacketless jackass routine while Matt looks on adoringly. The Republicans who are mostly traitors will not allow facts to invade their closed minds, and those few, who are open-minded will be afraid to vote against Trump. The horrible visuals and the statistics of the dead will have no effect on most Republicans and when it comes time to vote, there will not be enough votes to convict, and those Americans who do watch this fake trial will totally realize what a cowardly assemblage of assholes the Republican Party has become.

Monday, February 8, 2021


In case you don't think the Republicans have lost their minds, consider this. The Republicans, led by Kevin McCarthy are vilifying Liz Cheney because she voted to impeach Trump. In other words she obeyed her oath of office by voting against a traitor who incited a riot at the U.S. Capitol that resulted in several deaths and untold destruction. Kevin objected to her doing her duty since he had no intention of  living up to his oath. Faulting her for that is like punishing a fireman for putting out a fire; complaining about a policeman who arrests a murderer; ridiculing a lifeguard for saving a drowning person. These treasonous Republicans have no integrity left and now it's beginning to affect their sanity. They can't tell right from wrong. This will become incredibly obvious at the end of the impeachment trial when most of these losers let Trump off with a slap on the wrist. No not even that,  more like a kiss on the butt. 

 I can see why African Americans are underserved in their attempts t get Coronavirus shots. First of all almost all appointments must be done by computer, which many poorer families don't have. And even if they do, making reservations is so complicated. I just tried to make a reservation at Publix and gave up because the form was so unnecessesarily complex. I am 78 years old, and keep seeing much younger people being vaccinated on the TV. In the meantime I wait and wait and wait. I have been signed up with two providers from whom I have never heard. What a shambles!


There is no question that Trump will be acquitted by the Republicans. But there is also no question that you'd have to be dumb and blind not to realize that Trump was totally responsible for the assault on the Capitol. Trump led that mob to the Capitol and caused the deaths of five people, the costly destruction of a revered building, the intense fear of many representatives. Trump is an evil egoist who has no feelings for anyone but himself. Despite that these immoral Republicans are willing to save him from retribution, put their own integrity on the line and make sure this evil ogre does not pay for his crimes. Why? Nobody knows. But almost every Republican senator has branded himself with the words coward and traitor two labels that they will not shed for the remainder of their shameful lifetimes. 

Sunday, February 7, 2021


 If you're one of the thousand of  fans in Tampa not wearing a mask, live it up. Eat whatever you want. Drink as much as you like. Take full advantage of flouting the law and ignoring safety precautions like wearing a mask and keeping your distance. Be happy today, because in a week or so hundreds of you will either be home dealing with your most miserable flu symptoms or in a hospital trying desperately to breathe. 


I find it incredibly prophetic that the 1956 movie The Invasion of the Body Snatchers starred Kevin McCarthy and now 65 years later another Kevin McCarthy is involved with another pack of body snatchers. This group of Republicans wasn't hatched from a pod under their beds, but they are just as inhumane and just as robotic. Unlike actual people they don't seem to have any morals, any feelings, and some of them are downright diabolic which doesn't seem to bother the soulless Kevin. In 1956, we didn't know exactly what evil plans they had, but we could only hope they were defeated before they did our country harm. The body snatchers were scary then and now they're even moreso.


You have to admire senators who are not afraid to admit that they have no allegiance to the Constitution and are all for criminal behavior. So cheers for Rand Paul, the dizzy eye doctor, who is  totally in favor of Trump's treachery and has no problem with Marjorie Taylor Greene putting a bulllet in Nancy Pelosi's head. While there are a lot of traitors in the Republican Party, Paul seems to be the one most bothered by the rule of law and that damned interfering democracy, Of course he has no problem with pocketing his large paycheck and avail himself of all the perks of being a Senator like keeping  his curls intact. But then he obviously takes pride in his hypoocrisy and ignoring the cause of liberty. I'm sure that Rand Paul, the Danny Kaye of the Senate, will continue to amuse with his inane antics.


 Recently Sun Trust Bank cancelled my credit card that I used to pay Xfinity, St.Jude, Chewy and others. Why? They said it had been used illlegaly. This is totally untrue. The problem was that the credit machines at my local Publix, for some reason, will not accept this card. Apparently this glitch threw the investigators at Sun Trust into a total panic for which they saw no solution except to totally screw up my finances and make it impossible for me to watch a Netlflix movie or donate to St. Jude. A single phone call would have solved the problem, but nobody calls customers any more. So Sun Trust is sending me a new and unnecessary card and I will spend an hour or so on new, unnecessary phone calls to straighten this mess out.

Friday, February 5, 2021


 Remember the idiot who wore his halloween costume of horns and skin to the raid on the Capitol? Well it seems he's in jail waiting to be tried for his many crimes of January 6. But apparently the poor baby is so fussy he will only eat organic food and is on a hunger strike. So to appease his delicate appetite they are moving him to another prison. If they don't, he might starve to death. What's wrong with that?


I am convinced that someone somewhere has invented a toothpaste that doesn't harm teeth but does dissolve and eliminate plaque in one brushing. But since this would also eliminate the need for millions of expensive cleanings, this product will never see the light of day. 


I am stunned to learn that Kyle Rittenhouse, who has murdered two innocent men, is out on bail. Not only that but he was seen drinking with Proud Boys, criminals in themselves. This suggest to me that a drunk and trigger happy Rittenhouse is easy to convince to kill some more innocent victims. What the hell is the Wisconsin court thinking granting bail to a double murderer? At barely 18 years of age this sicko teen has gleefully murdered two people and is well on his way to being a serial killer, yet he is out on bail. The citizens of Wisconsin should be very disturbed at this insane ruling. It's possible that right now he is asking a Proud Boys pal, "Can I borrow your gun?" 

Thursday, February 4, 2021


Imagine how Americans would feel about England if a mob of English thugs stormed Parliament, bent on murder and theft. And we saw these thugs marching down the halls, destroying artifacts, breaking windows, and causing havoc. How would we feel if they were calling for the hanging of the Prime Minister or other British notables. Certainly our high opinion of Great Britain would change overnight. And if later we found out they had a member of Parliament that wanted to carry an AK47 into Parliament and was lobbying for the death of someone in the Royal Family, we would surely think that the person should be removed and possibly imprisoned. How must the world feel knowing that our Republican members are perfectly agreeable to overlooking a member of Congress who is mentally unstable and has fantasies of murdering several of our American leaders?


When I worked on the Carival Cruise Account, we were told our spokesperson Kathie Lee would be leaving. My idea was to do a series of commercials in which famous celebrities were jockeying for her position. Among them was Susan Lucci, and Robert Wagner. I felt I wrote a particularly clever script for Donald Trump. In it, Kathie would show him around the ship and when she was done, he would say, "How much do you want for it." My Creative Director liked the script, but nixed the idea because he said, "I've worked with Trump. He's an asshole."


It's no surprise that the crooked, treasonous GOP has decided to overlook Majorie Taylor Greene's madness and killer instinct. We knew they would never have the courage to dump this insane bimbo. I wonder what their excuse will be when she finally commits an act of insanity that results in someone's death or maiming.

It's no surprise that cinder-block head Matt Gaetz failed in his ass-kissing attempt to please Trump and weaken Liz Cheney. Matt is like the third adult Trump son. All his grand plans and plots like Trump Jr's and Eric's come to naught. I'm sure Jim Jordan is stroking his hair and saying, "There. There."

It's no surprise that pillow-head Mike Lindell has been losing it on talk shows in his attempt to keep pushing the thoroughly debunked stolen election fantasy. Obviously despite recent success his drug-use years did a lot of damage to his weakly wired brain. Wait'll he finds out that Trump considers him as  boring a loser as everyone else does.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


It is a sad fact that the Republican Senators we have elected to protect our nation and Constitution have become cowardly traitors who totally ignore their oaths of office, continue to cash their checks and enjoy all the perks of office. Even more sad is that at his upcoming impeachment trial these traitors refuse to convict the nation's most evil president for his many crimes, most notably the insurrection at the Capitol. Especially sad is that we Americans know in advance that, of the 100 Senators, there are not 17 with enough integrity and courage to stand up against the criminal ex-president to defend our proud nation's 245-year history. This building was once the proud symbol of a free nation, honorable men and women, and high world-wide regard. Today it is a hiding place for traitorous Republican parasites who wander the halls with no more humanity or respect than the destructive insurrectionists who stormed though them weeks ago.