Monday, September 5, 2016


One of the things I find most surprising about the Internet is how unwilling people are to be located. This goes for companies, authors, celebrities—people who,  yes, might receive hate mail which they can ignore, or might just as frequently receive praise or constructive criticism or other positive comments.Today I read, for the sixth time, a book that always lifts my spirits. I wanted to contact the author, Boze Hadleigh, to order any other book he had written. There were several items about him on the Internet, and a listing of at least eight other books I was willing to purchase, but absolutely no way to contact him directly. Because of this I will have to search from various sources to secure all his books and I will never get to tell him how much pleasure I have gotten from the one I have, and why.

Note: For anyone who says, "I thought you had a Kindle." I did. It died.  I think I'm going back to books.