Monday, September 5, 2016


I am getting so tired of hearing people say in that apologetic tone of voice, "I don't really like Hillary Clinton."  First of all I suspect that they don't have all the facts and have fallen prey to Republican propaganda. But even if that weren't the case, my advice is, "Get over it!" Stop repeating that you don't like or don't trust Hillary Clinton, because she is the only person in the world that can protect you, your family and your future from the dangerous and catastrophic presidency of Donald Trump. No matter how often the news tries to redeem him, and says idiotic comments like, "He's pivoted and seems more presidential now" the man is your worst nightmare. Donald Trump is a liar, a bigot, a homophobe, a xenophobe, a grifter, a Russophile, a narcissist, and a megalomaniac. Worse that even that he's an serial loser who hasn't got a clue how to govern our country. So keep whining about how you don't trust Hillary, carp about those e-mails even you don't understand, keep bleating about  Benghazi, moan about Monica, and plan on living under a Trump presidency where any security you had will soon disappear. Or start recognizing all the good Hillary has done, the difference she's made in the world, the experience she has gained over the decades, and take comfort in having a president who will enrich your life because she knows what the hell she is doing.

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