Saturday, April 6, 2024


Like Joe Biden I am 81 years old. Actually I'm older than him since I was born in July of 42.  Thus when people criticize his age, I can only assume they are unimaginative Republicans or petty carpers looking for an excuse to fault him. These people are bitching about the minor flaws he always had while devoting his life to our country. They are whining about the careful steps he takes which is a wise course for anyone over 60. But while I am in good shape and weigh a healthful 150, I could never deliver the speeches with the passion he does, never cope with the amount of traveling he does, and never maintain the volume of facts he accesses with such ease. Joe Biden is strong because he has led a purposeful life and continues to fight for the American people. Contrast that with his younger, by 4 years, rival who had led a dissolute life of lying, cheating, grifting, philandering, rape, and unrelenting greed. A man who has never used his once-healthy brain to benefit humanity, nor his inherited wealth to ease the suffering of anyone. A man who today spews his evil objectives along with insufferable grammar and mountainous mendacity to the gullible masses he pretends to protect but privately despises. At 81 I am pleased to still be strong, alert, energetic, and wise enough to not be taken in, even slightly, by an evil, ruthless, transparent mountebank like Trump.

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