Monday, March 15, 2021


Andrew Cuomo is an intelligent guy as his coverage of the advent of the coronavirus pandemic proved. Therefore I feel certain that if he knew that Charlotte Bennet was such a delicate flower that a few impertinent questions would completely confuse and horrify her and make her eager to destroy Governor Cuomo's career, he would not have asked them. By the same token I feel that he would have had the same reaction with the other women who are absolutely furious that he found them attractive and desirable and the nerve to say so or otherwise indicate his admiration. A pity that they have reacted as violently and spitefully as if he were a Bill Cosby who had spiked their drink and actually assaulted them. Sorry, but I fail to understand why an expression that someone finds you attractive and desirable is such a nightmare. And I cannot understand why a woman in the 21st Century is unable to say to a man, "I'm not interested in you, so don't bother me." Or for that matter, punch him in the face. But no. It seems the solution to an unwanted flirtation is to strip the man of all dignity, try to force him to resign from the position he took years to achieve, and encourage the press to make him seem as evil and disgusting as possible.

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