Monday, October 19, 2020


As we get closer to election dayTrump gets increasingly unhinged. Among the many people he attacked today was national hero Doctor Tony Fauci, one of his most ill advised attacks ever. He also ranted about Ben Sasse who had the courage to defy him. Trump said, "We Republicans have to stick together." Except he's not a Republican. He's nothing. He says he goes to church. He doesn't. He says he's anti-abortion. He's not. But he knows if he says otherwise you'll turn against him. He says he has a health plan, He doesn't. Elect him and you'll spend sleepless nights worrying about medical bills. He says he likes black. He doesn't. Nor does he like women, children, pets, or anyone remotely Hispanic. Trump is a man without a soul, a conscience, a moral compass of any kind. He feels no fealty to any human being. He is crippled in a manner that has no cure. Trump calls Biden old and infirm because he, Trump. is old and infirm. He is a case study in projection. Why is he so sick? Is it because of his heartless father? Is it because of his sexual deformity? Or is he just a bad seed? If you voted for him, you will regret it if he wins. You will have a leader who doesn't have a clue what you need or why you need it, and doesn't care. You've convinced yourself that this empty shell of a man is filled with feelings and emotion. And he's no more generous of spirit than Stalin, Castro, Mussolini or any other dictator who wants power more than anything else.

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