Tuesday, October 15, 2024

 Last night I  watched a 1941 movie called So Ends Our Night. At this time everyone should watch such films which are about the reign of the Nazis. It will remind you of the kind of oppression you will go through if Trump is president. Your life won't be your own. Any mistake in your language could put you in prison or cost you your life. You will need permission to do everything. You will live in a state of anxiety. Your children will not the know the joy of freedom. Everything will be arranged to meet the neurotic needs of dictator Trump, until he drops dead and creepy J.D. Vance assumes his autocracy. And just think you may avoid years, or even a lifetime, of bullying by voting for Harris. Yes, it's that simple. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Why are both campaigns so silent on the 2025 Project? That nightmare scenario should be all anyone talks about. What else does one need to know other than the hell Trump has in store for all of us, which should stop any one of us from voting for him.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

If you're black and Trump wins, you can forget any progress you made in the last 60 years. If you're black and Kamala wins, you can expect a new age of progress. So take your choice because this election will rely heavily on the black vote.

Pro-Trump Americans are like the five-year old who found daddy's loaded gun lying on the bedroom bureau. Having no idea just how deadly it is, they handle it as casual as if it were a Slinky. 

 It's amazing the number of otherwise intelligent people who don't appreciate what a threat Donald  Trump is to America. The latest is cranky Meaghan McCain, who is pissed that Kamala Harris said nice things about her father. She feels Kamala is using his memory to gain points. So what? We need to do everything possible to prevent Trump from a Nazi-like reign, and Meaghan isn't helping. With half if America ready to surrender to Trump's dictatorship, our freedom is facing its last possible days with the election of Trump (actually Vance since he is very likely to be President when the aging and senile Trump  bites the dust). So Meaghan who never was much of team player is ready to cost Harris votes with her petty and unfounded whining. If John were still alive, there is no question that he would vote for Kamala.

Friday, October 11, 2024

I feel and have always felt that every library in America should display the quote below. It is from one of our country's finest books, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, which has been a movie, even a Broadway musical. I would say it is one of the most inspiring books I have ever read. Which is why I damn Florida's Governor, Ron DeSantis, for promoting the shameful sin of book banning and putting this masterpiece by Betty Smith on that despicable prude's list. 

"Oh, magic hour, when a child first knows she can read printed words."

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

 Most of us had no doubt that OJ. Simpson murdered two innocent people. We also had no doubt that Brett  Kavanaugh was a sexual deviant who should never have been a Supreme Court justice. Shame on the FBI. Kudos to Sheldon Whitehouse for exposing the total lack of investigation on Kavanaugh's case. Unless Kamala is elected president, we may never see the return of justice.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

To all the undecided voters who feel they don't know enough about Kamala Harris and wonder if she will be as good with the economy as Donald Trump.  Are you fucking out of your minds. Donald Trump has failed at every business he financed on daddy's money. You have no idea of the chaos he will plunge this country in. You need to vote for Kamala even if you know nothing about her because Trump will be the end of you. It's stupid, undecided, morons like you that put our democracy, our freedom in danger with your pretensions to require more information that you have no idea how to process anyway considering what a piss-poor job you've done with the tons of negative information you have on Trump.

You would think that 60 Minlutes would have some appreciation of the danger of a Trump dictatorship. Yet they gleefully played Gotcha with Kamala Harris on Monday night,  giving Maga nuts more ammunition in their devotion to Deranged Donald. So many supposedly liberal networks give Trump tons of face time and repeat his insane quotes without mentioning they are insane. Sometimes I wonder if the Trump brainwashing has even extended to MSNBC, CBS, ABC and other supposedly patriotic networks. I even question MSNBC's photos of the candidates. Instead if showing Trump's present-day haggardness, they have a years old photo of him looking hale healthy and  electable, which is isn't. Why? If Trump—god forbid—wins I think the liberal channels will be just as guilty as Fox.

Monday, October 7, 2024

I met an educated professional today who said the stupidest thing. He said, "Donald Trump is the lesser of two evils."  What a moronic conclusion. He thinks that an elderly  convicted felon, rapist, con man, business failure, pathological liar, racist, traitor and insurrectionist will make a better president than a far younger woman who has been a success in every field in which she worked including Vice President. This person, echoing Trump, insists that Kamala Harris is an idiot and loser despite her many successes and intellectual achievements. Sadly there are a lot of misguided losers like this brainwashed nitwit who will cast a vote for a would-be dictator because they never equipped themselves with facts and zapped what brain cells they had with Fox News.


 Trump recently has said that immigrants have bad genes and are disposed to crime. It would appear to me that Trump is disposed to crime since he has been a criminal all his life. I don't know any immigrant who has committed the thefts, frauds, and swindles that Donald Trump has all his life. Does that means that he has alway had bad genes, which is why he is blotchy, wrinkled, fat, flatulent and crooked?  Does he cheat at golf because of his genes? Do bad genes make him a pathological liar? Was it bad genes that made him sadisticly separate families and cage their children? Were those same bad genes responsible for him raping a woman and molesting others?  My guess is that immigrants have the same variety of genes as anyone else and that Trump isn't a miserable amoral bastard because of genes but because he's a miserable amoral bastard and always has been. In fact if his indulgent daddy hadn't given him millions of dollars to waste, I think Trump is such a weak character he would never achieved anything of real value in life.

I heard that the Supreme Court of the United States is soon to rule on a series of new cases. Why? Except for three justices the court has been found to be corrupt, biased, and useless. The opinions of Alito, Thomas, Roberts, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barret are of no more value than those of Donald Trump their puppet master. If Trump wins, our country will become even more lawless and chaotic. If Harris wins, I hope she vilifies these six traitors and returns the court to a state of Constitutional respect.

  J.D. Vance is such an idiot that during  the return to Butler, PA, he stated that Trump took a bullet for his country. First of all, having your ear grazed is not taking a bullet. Secondly the expression taking a bullet for your country or comrade only applies when you bravely face the possibility of being shot in the performance of a known danger in order to protect someone else — something that does not apply to arch-coward Trump. If anything, rally attendee Corey Comperatore took a bullet for Trump.

This is a message to every important person who is planning to vote for Donald Trump because he has promised the voter something wonderful: an even more important position, greatly increased wealth, fulfillment of a secret desire.  Or, if you are just an ordinary citizen, a better life with more money and more respect. The message? Donald Trump does not keep his promises, and never has, nor does he like to be reminded that he ever made them.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Seeing and hearing the admiring responses from the Butler crowd reminds me of The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I wonder where Trump get his pods.

 I don't feel the least bit sorry for Tina Peters who will spend nine years in jail for tampering with voting machines. But I hope other Trump cultists will appreciate that she is just the latest of thousands of gullible  nitwits whose lives have been adversely affected by Trump's brainwashing. His lies have led many Americans into jail cells, financial ruin (Rudy) and exhausting false causes. Yet Trump, an indicted criminal and swindler is still at it and still admired by America's most ignorant boobs. If enough of these fools vote for a felon, rapist, and liar to put Trump in office, you can imagine the millions of lives that will take a major downward turn at the tiny hands of this elderly unfit moron.

Friday, October 4, 2024

 If Donald Trump and J.D. Vance in a few short days ,with a few vicious lies can cause a peaceful city like Springfield, Ohio, to be plunged into chaos, imagine what they could do to the entire United States.

Since Trump and his minions tell incredible lies, here's mine, except that I admit it's not true. I have long wondered why so many attractive young blondes are Trump fans, and I finally got the answer through research and bribery. It seems that China has finally perfected the creation of clones. And while they are very expensive, they can be custom designed and programmed to seem incredibly human and single minded. Thus Trump has secretly ordered over fifty of them— all attractive, all blonde, all wired to suggest adoration to Trump. Though each looks different, they are all based on brainwashed bimbo #1 Lara Trump. So whenever you see a beautiful, intelligent, glassy-eyed blonde praising Trump keep in mind it's actually a product to Ha Chen lifelikes of Chongqing, China.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Millions of Americans are planning to vote for a deranged, cognitively impaired, convicted felon for president who has threatened to limit their freedoms, deport millions of their decent neighbors, even take away Social Security payments from them and their elderly parents. These masochistic voters are so gullible and unread they have no idea what's in the draconian 2025 Project and actually believe that a self-serving narcissist like Trump will make their lives better. Amazingly Christian voters worship this antiChrist candidate and his demonic running mate. These cultist fans babble incoherently about Trump's non-existent virtues, and many past achievements which never happened. While they all claim to be patriotic Americans, they are poised to destroy our Democracy and plunge our nation into darkness. Let us hope they are exorcised before November.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

J.D. Vance did well tonight. The way he always does well. By being obsequious. This slippery chameleon faked being affable. That's how he won over Trump, with a false sincerity and pretend admiration. He has one fierce ambition: to be president. And if the fast- failing  Trump wins, it won't be long before he achieves that goal. Still if viewers were paying attention, they would see through his lies. When he says we must do a better job of educating women, he means brainwashing them. He wouldn't admit he wants a national abortion ban or that Trump lost to Biden. He still lies about the Haitians in Springfield. Sadly Walz never questioned him on cat ladies and his lies about eating pets. Many pundits will say he won the debate. But he didn't. Because that wasn't him at the lectern; it was just one more of his doppelgängers a one-night phony.. Unlike Tim Walz, a sincere, caring human being who remains steadfast and totally real.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

 If you watch the debate tonight, keep this in mind. J.D.Vance is not running for Vice President but for President. So listen carefully to every mindless thing this moron says because he may end up running your life. Not only is Trump an aging, failing, feeble, old man but he has an inadequate diet and riding around in a golf cart is not exercise. In addition one suspects Vance went from vilifying Trump to wooing him with the goal of becoming his running mate. Why? Can you think of a faster way to the presidency than attaching yourself to a possible winner on his last legs? If not for his boyfriend, Peter Thiel, Vance would still be a hillbilly. He is not fit to be president any more than his Trojan horse, Trump.