Saturday, October 8, 2022


 One of the most interesting oddities I've seen during my 80 years is the number of Republicans who are so stupid they don't know they're Democrats.These are people who vote red, but are quick to take advantage of every handout, food stamp, and government allowance while vilifying the party who created these programs. These people are not rich and often not even middle class, but they bitch about Democrats  and praise billionaires and greedy congressmen who are the very people who keep them poor with such acts as keeping the minimum wage as minimum as possible and defeating labor unions. My own sister was a minimum wage worker with two kids and a dependency on welfare, but she insisted that she was a Republican and would vote no other way. Fortunately once she died of cancer (with all her bills taken care of by Democratic generosity) her children began to realize their true political leaning and are now voting blue.

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