Saturday, August 31, 2019


I think for annoying and cloying commercials you can't beat Raisin Bran. For some reason these insipid and illogical little dramas always involve a tween daughter and her dad who seems to bring Raisin Bran with them wherever they go. Whoever brought a full box to a fishing site?  If they are not fishing, they're exchanging puns, or discussing who makes the best choices or something equally unclear. Frankly I  find them both dad and Lolita a little creepy. I can't imagine what the agency thinks this series will accomplish. It seems to me there are lots of really weird art director/copywriter combos having too much say in what gets produced today.


I'm guessing that if you had the time and knowledge to go through your monthly cable bill you would realize that a larger portion of the bill is made of of unauthorized charges. For instance I pay $8.50 a month for something called "Regional Sports Fees".  I have no idea what that is, who put it on the bill and why I should pay it since I hate all sports. But I'm sure they make deliberately difficult to contact them with questions about  your bill to discourage you from any complaints. However if you want to add services, you're put right through, otherwise you're in for a long chat with someone in China or India. I can't tell you how much I despite Xfinity and probably any cable service, since they are all run by charlatans and crooks. Ah, the price we pay to see five thousand commercials every month.


When you hear of all the money Trump is raking in by cheating the taxpayers, stealing from charity funds and not paying his debts, it's only natural to wish you had that kind of wealth (but not stolen, of course).  But is Trump someone to inspire jealousy? He is not a gourmet, has no interest in the arts, doesn't own a pet, certainly doesn't collect rare books, will never build anything, is too ignorant to appreciate art, doesn't really like to travel, dislikes his sons, lusts over his daughter, has no love of fancy cars, has no friends on which to dote, is fond of no charity, has done about all the repairs he can do to his face, body and scalp; and is so impotent he doesn't even spend on hookers anymore. So isn't it nice to know that all his ill-gotten money brings him no pleasure other than its accumulation which will be spread among his equally shallow and joyless spawn on his death in a few years. And I feel certain that his grave site, or the monument he creates for himself will be one  of the most visited urinals in the world.


"President Donald Trump told reporters Friday that his personal assistant Madeleine Westerhout had departed because she made “hurtful” comments about his children during an off-the-record dinner with journalists." The expression "hurtful comments" means "truth". She told him the truth and was fired. She said he wouldn't be able to pick his daughter Tiffany out in a crowd. And the poor fat boy's feelings were hurt. So naturally he struck back. She is apparently very down. Who cares? Anyone who works for Trump can't have much character. Vampires are brought down by crucifixes. Trump is felled by truth. Do the right thing, Maddy. Start writing.

Friday, August 30, 2019


One of the most common mistakes in movies is the scene of the just murdered body floating in the pool as in the most-famous movie with such a scene Sunset Boulevard. Sorry Hollywood, but a drowned person sinks to the bottom and doesn't float face down on the top; they sink to the bottom until their bodies gases float them to the top.  It may not bother most people, but it kills my liking for the film. But I hate all movie cliches. Like the person turning on the lamp before answering the phone; the exposition from the killer before shooting the hero which he never gets to do because he talked too long; the fact that nobody says goodbye on the phone; the fact that the radio comes right to the spot about the crime as soon as they turn it on; and so on and so forth.


It seems that late, late fities Laura Ingraham, the white supremacist racist who went crying to Twitter to expel me because I called her a bitch has been picking on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. When AOC pointed out that "less than 20 accounts of my 5.2 million followers" were blocked, know-it-all Laura replied that the correct usage was "fewer". Once again bitchy Laura shows her abysmal ignorance. When speaking in terms of millions, most grammarians would agree that the use of fewer is rather silly and  is less far more logical and desirable. Bow to your betters, Laura.


THE LIE:  Donald Trump has generously cancelled his visit to Poland this weekend so that he can monitor Hurricane Dorian, a possible Category #4 Hurricane, heading towards Florida. Mr. Trump wants to be in the area during this catastrophe so that he can keep a close watch on the damage, make sure all agencies are performing properly and be able to rush aid where it is needed. It's the presidential thing to do.
THE TRUTH: Donald Trump hates traveling abroad and will use any excuse (like this hurricane) to get out of visiting foreign leaders. He doesn't give a damn how much the citizens of Florida suffer and will turn a blind eye to their needs. All he cares about is what happens to his precious money-maker Mara a Lago and how well his golf courses weather the storm. His narcissistic dedication to himself is not the least bit presidential, but what else can you expect from such a shallow self-centered slob?

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Those are the words of Donald Trump attacking his most loyal accomplice. It seems that even they are beginning to see that Trump is a nutcase and no longer want to tie their fate to such a loser. Trump has suggested to his fans that they abandon Fox and find another outlet for their anger and racism, but there isn't any. I will be curious to see what this does to Fox's ratings, if anything. And if they don't lose ratings does that mean that Trumpists are not obeying their mad king?  And wouldn't that make Donnie even madder, in both senses of the word? Hmmm.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


This is Ghislaine Noelle Marion Maxwell, a supposedly British socialite and the youngest child of publishing tycoon and fraudster Robert Maxwell. She moved to the United States in 1991 after her father's death, and having no talents or money she became a close associate of Jeffrey Epstein. She is credited with directing young girls to him, for which she has so far not been prosecuted but if there is justice for all these victims she will be. I cannot imagine why the news media still refers to her as Jeffrey Epstein's "recruiter" when any educated adult knows that the correct term is "pimp". 


Was surprised yesterday when Joe Walsh made a shocking statement on MSNBC'S Nicolle Wallace  show, and nobody commented on it. First of all he was a pathetic heap of insincere apologies in his attempt to run for president. The only good news about his appearance is that he lambasted Trump again and again, while crediting himself for creating this monster. The offensive remark? Oh, yes. While the host accused him of being a birther, he admitted it was true and added, "I said Obama was a Muslim, which was terrible." Nicolle said nothing. The panel said nothing. Hey guys, there's nothing terrible about being a Muslim, why didn't your correct Walsh? Well, no matter. The guys a loser and will fade into anonymity soon enough. I must admit it was fun watching him squirm when Wallace asked if he would vote for a Democrat over Trump. He couldn't say yes without offending his moronic radio audience and he couldn't say no without losing many possible voters. Poor Joe.


As the Amazon burns, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is demanding an apology from French President Emmanuel Macron for calling him a liar. What is this guy, a sensitive little orchid, a baby?  He won't fight a world=destroying fire unless his tender feelings are assuaged by an apology. We've got to stop this putting the power to save the world into one person's hands. U.N. forces should march into Bosonaro's office, beat shit out of this arrogant punk and tell the firefighters to continue fighting. There is a time for law and order, but when we have a dangerous renegade putting all our lives in danger, action must be taken. Jair will survive a little roughing over and the world hopefully will survive the fires thi monster allowed. 

Monday, August 26, 2019


I love quests, and though the questing I do can't rival the silver chalice or the Golden Fleece, they are still neurotic fun. Usually my questing is for some everyday item that should be in stores, but isn't. Today for instance my quest was for a gun, a water pistol to be more specific. The one I had was broken and I need one to scatter the peacocks who assault my home every day. Starting early this morning I went to Ross, The Dollar Tree, Marshall's. CVS, and Navarro with no luck. No water pistols. The manager at CVS said that it was unavailable since it was a summer item. That seems odd since this is Miami, it's 95 degrees today, and summer year-round. My last shot, after a torrential rainstorm that left me trapped in Starbuck's listening to their crappy music selections, was Big Lots. Ironically water pistols were the first thing I saw when I entered the store. A pack of four tiny water pistols and just above them a huge water blaster, making my quest successful. Stupidly I also bought birdseed for the peacocks, so even if I blast them with water later they'll still keep coming back. My next quest is for a revolving canasta tray, which no one seems to have and the ones on the Internet are too expensive or to complicated to purchase. (I hate the internet.) Since nobody reads my blog, I don't expect anyone to recommend a purveyor of canasta trays in Miami.

Sunday, August 25, 2019


What idiots we Americans were to let the corrupt Supreme Court rule in favor of George Moron Bush and cheat Al Gore out of the presidency. Not only did it result in declaring war against a country innocent of 9-11 resulting in the deaths of thousands and giving birth to the most evil forces of the Mideast, but it cost us a president devoted to fighting climate change. Imagine how much healthier our planet would be today if we had Al Gore fighting for it from the very beginning of this century. But no, we sat back as we do now with another idiot Trump. And soon we will have  higher oceans, less oxygen, fewer species, more health problems, earlier deaths, more violent weather. and days that are hotter or colder than ever before.


I was very pleased that the jury found Michael Drejka guilty of manslaughter in the shooting of Markeis McGlockton in a Clearwater, Florida parking lot. Fortunately, unlike the shameful Zimmerman verdict, this jury recognized the "stand your ground" defense was bullshit. Apparently Drejka is a born troublemaker who bullied one person too many and will have up to 30 years in prison to regret it.

Friday, August 23, 2019


Poor Senator Tom Cotton. He's another one of those weak wimps who is desperate to make a name for himself. Apparently he's the idiot who suggested to Trump that the U.S. buy Greenland, thus setting Trump up for another embarrassing tantrum. He first  tried to make a name for himself by writing a letter to Iran's leaders in March of 2015 giving his pathetic political predictions in a weak attempt to undermine Obama. Cotton, Gaetz and Nunes should form a group called The Sycophants. What if they don't have any talent as singers? Who cares They don't have any talent as politicians.


I am delighted to hear of the death of David Koch at 79, a despicable, greedy, soulless, earth-destroying pig. I saw him in person not long ago at an art exhibit in Boca Raton and I thought how easy it would be to assault him. But of course I didn't, so I'm very pleased that Fate did what I would never be able to. The fact that he was worth billions at his death reminds us the one thing you can never buy is life. The deaths of tyrants is always joy-inducing. Can't wait to hear of the death of his equally evil brother, Charles, and since he is older at 83, I may not have to wait long.

Thursday, August 22, 2019


As a consumer you will note with the endless TV commercials for Prevagen (and the print ads) they refer to this medication as "The #1 Pharmacist recommended memory support brand." Not Physician recommended, not Neurologist recommended. And the reason for that they wouldn't  recommend a completely fraudulent product. Pharmacists, not the other hand, sell lots of this snake oil for well over $30 a bottle. It's a pity we no longer have energetic truth-in-advertising laws to prevent scams like Prevagen getting up the hopes of seniors or anyone with failing memory. I have several friends whose parents have Alzheimer's whose doctors scoff at Prevagen. My own pharmacist says he has sold a lot of the elixir and no one has come back in unbridled praise. More and more I am aware that the pharmaceutical community is a very greedy one and, sadly, not terribly honest.


We know that Trump will never be literate or well-read, but can't somebody, anybody, teach him the difference between badly and bad. I flinch every time he misuses it, which is every time. Not that that's his only grammatical error. He has dozens. But that seems to be the one he uses most to punish the ears of the educated. He also frequently employs my most hated misuse,"if I would have known"
but so many other supposedly educated people screw that up he has an excuse. This boob often brags about his great education, frequently dropping the word Wharton because even he can't lie and say Harvard. But Wharton must not have taught English, or if they did it eluded him like everything else.


Today I saw my first drone, and I am not pleased. It hovered over my house at about 9:30 AM, loud as a lawnmower and remained there for at least ten minutes before darting off to a next street over where it terrified a local cat. I hate to think this is our future: hundreds of these cacophonous monstrosities blackened the sky, delivering products for companies or just being playthings for idiots, making every day as frightening to pets as the Fourth of July. Is it a fad? And will it last? Or will its popularity die with the first person killed by a falling drone, the first passenger plane knocked out of the sky, the first homeowner who wins a million dollar suit for the destruction it did to his home? More and more advanced technology is ruining our lives. Teens no longer talk to each other when they can text. Many adults are addicted to idiotic, and often violent video games. Cable providers are robbing us blind because we must have 212 stations.  Once friendly people don't go out with friends, when they can order from any restaurant and avoid social contact. I personally can't go to the movies anymore because there are more lighted screens in the audience than on the stage. And now giant buzzing electronic steel flies that are completely unswatable.


Every day it's something new. Yesterday Trump accused the Prime Minster of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen, of being "nasty" because she called his absurd offer to purchase Greenland "absurd".This led our petulant drama queen Trump to cancel a planned visit to Denmark one of our most loyal allies.  At the same time he has been pushing for one of our long-time enemies, Russia, to be invited back into the G7 club. Whose side is this nutcase on?

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


I just looked at the paintings of Jon McNaughton, including his newest, "The Masterpiece".  Never have I seen so much talent wasted on such sentimental crap. Being a Republican. a Mormon and in love with Donald Trump was the ruination of his career. Imagine what he could have painted if he were sane. Already the critical comments are pouring in for this new absurdity in oil, including one in which Scaramucci has inserted his face in the painting, another has Trump revealing a section of the swastika.  Others have even questioned if that's his thumb protruding from the palette. McNaughton didn't do Trump any favors with this latest laughable tribute to America's worst president.

Monday, August 19, 2019


There are lots of reasons Comcast is the most hated company in America other than it's too expensive, it's hard to reach a human being to solve a problem and when you do it's someone in China or India whom you can barely understand. I have some new complaints. On their guide, they often list programs as "new" on the crime show networks that have been of several times before. Their service is often failing as mine did for two days last week. Since they never called back with their call-back service, I had to get up at 6am when I was sure one of their "busy" techs would be available. I insisted on a refund for all the time I wasted trying to reach them and the viewing I didn't receive. They credited $6 to my monthly $232 bill. I'd switch to someone else but the choices are limited and I'm told they all suck, though not as bad as Comcast.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

How old do you have to be before its a timely death?


The "No Comments" wording at the bottom of each post is a poor choice of words. I guess it means that no one has commented yet. But it sounds like it means, don't comment. Maybe that's why I don't get any comments (other than Pat and Sheila) and sometimes wonder if I am just writing to the empty air. Prove to me that I'm not .If you agree or disagree with anything I say, press that stupid "no comments" and let me know.


If Jeffrey was planning to kill himself why did he put bribery money into the accounts of other prisoners? Doesn't that suggest that they had access to him?  And why did they? Assuming they did it's no wonder he didn't shower or shave, He wanted to be as repulsive as possible to attackers or rapists.  If he planned on being dead why did he spent 12 hours a day with his lawyers? The answer is he had no plans on hanging himself. Being sly and cunning and rich, he assumed he could  beat this rap and even escape to a country that would not extradite him.  Also why was he in a roach infested and dismal cell. Being a major criminal in a significant trial every effort should have been made to preserve his spirit. It sounds like those in power tried to make his surrounding as suicide-inducing as possible and when that failed they took the matter in their own hands, so to speak.   I am pleased to hear that his lawyers, not accepting the suicide report, are pursuing their own investigation.


Am I the only person in America who misses the small cloth tabs on the inside back of clothing? I'm sure that these sewn-on labels are designed to be more comfortable, and they must cheaper or manufactures wouldn't use them, but I don't like them. Mostly because they fade and one can spend half an hour deciding which way the tee-shirt goes. (I know I've put it on wrong when it feels like it's choking me.) No, give me tabs. Instant recognition.


On August 16, Marco Rubio, tweeted one of his endless Biblical quotes, but this one is proof positive that Rubio is, in many ways, as crazy as Trump. The quote from Proverbs was, "Do not be friendly with hotheads, nor associate with the wrathful, lest you learn their ways and become ensnared."This from an ardent Trump and NRA supporter. Naturally this quote was immediately the trigger for lots of tweets attacking Rubio's hypocrisy. One wonders how Rubio could be so stupid as not see exactly the reaction such a holier-the-thou caution would cause. I recall when I was permitted on Twitter that Marco seemed to behave more like a televangelist than a senator, and one without a clue about the Constitution's separation of church and state. So I must admit that I am smugly delighted that this jerk has stepped onto a land mine of well-deserved criticism and will continue to be the object of ridicule for such a sanctimonious tweet.

Friday, August 16, 2019


Hmm.. It seems that the New York Medical Examiner has determined that Jeffrey Epstein's death was a suicide. And he is a respected person. So was the medical doctor who determined that Trump was in excellent health despite his obesity, lousy diet, lack of exercise, and vacillating blood pressure. So I still think that Epstein was murdered. Why was he left alone? Why were the guards asleep? Why was his hyoid bone broken? Why did he choose to kill himself on that one day when he had been happily plotting with his lawyers earlier? To an ignorant oaf like Trump who can steal an election, having someone off a person who knows his most shameful secrets is child's play, especially with the backing of a powerful attorney general. Jeffrey Epstein was murdered.


If you were a fan of All In the Family, you'll remember that Archie Bunker was anti-Semitic (as well as anti-everyone else), but he insisted on having Jewish lawyers because he bought the stereotype that they were smarter than other lawyers. I think Trump thinks like Archie Bunker which is why all his lawyers are Jewish. So when he claims to be pro-Jewish and pro-Israel, I think once again he is lying. In fact, his recent goal of having two Congresswomen banned from visiting Israel does more for anti-Semitism than the opposite. He had made an Eastern Democracy behave as badly as he does in their refusal to admit Congresswomen Tliab and Omar. This petty and biased act is causing Jews and Gentiles alike to have an increasingly bad opinion of Netanyahu who does very little to bolster the image of Israel and whose election is as suspicious as that of his old buddy Trump. It's very possible that, if admitted to Israel, the Congresswomen would change a lot of their negative feelings about the country and its people, but Benny and Donny would rather sow discontent than take a chance on harmony. Once again proving that our president is a meathead.

Thursday, August 15, 2019


I find it amazing that so many companies who are in specific businesses don't even know the nomenclature of their own business. I keep seeing a commercial for a company called Leaf Filter  who specialize in cleaning roofs, gutters, etc. But they obviously think that the plural of roofs is rooves, which it isn't and hasn't been for decades. Note: I am forced to express annoyances like this on my blog since I don't have the luxury of Twitter any longer.


I want to remind anyone who is reading my blog that I have been bounced by Twitter for calling Laura Ingraham a bitch which, of course, she is. But Twitter, who are apparently very neurotic and sensitive  should never have bounced someone like me, who wrote so many well-received and often trenchant tweets.Thus I suspect that Twitter is very conservative and bitches like Laura have quite a lot of power. Especially what they have given as the following reason for my suspension bears no resemblance to labeling someone with such an innocent epithet.
Your account has been suspended and will not be restored because it was found to be violating Twitter's Terms of Service, specifically the Twitter Rules against hateful conduct. It is against our rules to promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease.  Additionally, if we determine that the primary purpose of an account is to incite harm towards others on the basis of these categories, that account may be suspended without prior warning. 


A frequently run commercial these days is for Lazik Plus promoting—what else?—lasic surgery. While otherwise harmless and forgettable, it ends with a clip that drives me mad. It show a young woman who delivers what these idiots consider a good punch line. It would be if it were delivered correctly, but it is so grammatically incorrect it is sure to annoy any sane grammarian and it makes the woman who delivers it look like an illiterate, especially since she follows this error with a kind of self-satisfied giggle. The completely ungrammatical line? "I wish I would have done this sooner." This should obviously should have been, "I wish I had done this sooner."

Note: While I couldn't find a shot of the female model, I was shocked to discover that other commercials use this illiterate line. This actor uses it on a commercial for bariatric surgery.


Right now there are two commercials, both designed to make you think well of their products. But each on makes me detest their companies for showing destruction and callousness of magnificent landmarks.  The first is for United Health Care which uses a bulldozer to demonstrate how uncomplicated their plans are. The idiocy? They show the bulldozer ploughing through a magnificent multi-acre maze of dense green hedges. What idiot came up with this moronic concept? The second spot, not so obviously destructive, is for Range Rover in which they show their car driving up the 999 steps of Heaven's Gate on Tainmen Mountain in in China. I don't see how a heavy car can drive up that beautiful ancient staircase without damaging or destroying much of the brickwork. Again, wasn't the agency, the client, or the creative team thinking when they created this loser of a "challenge".

Monday, August 12, 2019


Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump were pals.
Back then Donald was a sexual pig before he became impotent.
Jeffrey had lots of serious dirt on Donald.
Donald didn't want it known that he had sex with
    underage girls.
Jeffrey must not ever go to trial.
William Barr, Donald's protector, had control over
     that prison.
First Jeffrey was caged with a powerful violent
     double murderer.
Who would choose such a possible murderous
Jeffrey supposedly tried committing suicide,
   which he denied.
He was put on, and quickly taken off, suicide watch.
Before his hanging they removed his new cellmate,
   the only possible witness to his "suicide".
Any investigation of the hanging will be conducted
 by Trump loyalist William Barr.
Donald Trump has no more need to worry about
 Jeffrey Epstein exposing his crimes.
Problem solved.

Sunday, August 11, 2019


The news reports that when Epstein was first confined, he had a cellmate. A much larger man who was in jail for committing two murders. Why would they confine him with such a person unless they were hoping he'd be murdered?  Later when Jeffrey supposedly attempted suicide, he says he was attacked. Why was that downplayed? Despite that they put him on suicide watch for a few days and then removed it. Why if they believed he attempted suicide? The night he allegedly hanged himself he was in the cell alone because they transferred his cellmate (can't have witnesses). Give me a break. They wanted us to believe he attempted suicide so when they hired someone to string him up when he was alone in his cell, they could act unsurprised. Of course it would take powerful people to keep all this secret and manage to get a hired assassin into the cell. And what powerful people would be concerned about Jeffrey Epstein's testimony enough to murder him? And why is Trump trying so hard to make the ridiculous suggestion that Clinton was involved? It seems to me it's just another one of Trump's, "Don't look at me. Look over there." ploys.


For the same reason that Alan Dershowitz and a host of other rich and famous men are so gleeful this week. Because Jeffrey Epstein is dead, and they foolishly believe that all this secrets involving them will not be revealed. Trump is extra gleeful because it let's him play one of his favorite games and certain proof of his insanity: accusing the Clintons of murdering Epstein, as he accuses them of everything else that goes wrong in the world.  Of course, being an expression of his madness, Trump doesn't explain how the Clintons carried off this coup in William Barr-operated prison. What's interesting to me is that Trump so frequently projects his own actions onto others that one wonders if, among all his other  crimes, there isn't a murder or two.


I find it hilarious that Trump, our mad president, is suggesting that Bill Clinton had Jeffrey Epstein murdered because of what Jeff knew. While I don't question that Clinton may have been one of the many famous men involved in Epstein's ring, so was Trump. And note that the prison in which Epstein allegedly committed suicide is under the control of William Barr, Trump's most valuable stooge. Considering all the money men involved in this scandal, it would have been no problem to pay a prison employee a heft sum to enter Epstein's cell and string him up. Since he already  supposedly attempted suicide (which I doubt) it would be an easy act to "prove" especially since he was taken off suicide watch (even Barr knew he wasn't suicidal). Also it's that today, when so many homes have video monitors that Barr didn't have one installed in Epstein's cell. Hmmm. At present the cause of his death is being determined by autopsy. But will the public get the actual results? Or will Barr's power rule? Epstein, unlike Trump, was a billionaire with several luxury residences and his own private island. He could afford the world's best lawyers. They helped him beat the last rap. So why wouldn't he wait around to see how this trial turned out?  He could always hang himself later. No. Epstein didn't kill himself. And Clinton sure as hell didn't kill him. My theory for what it's worth is to paraphrase an old French expression, "cherchez la scum."

Saturday, August 10, 2019


Because Jeffrey Epstein is dead. Yes, Mr. Epstein was conveniently found dead in his cell today giving Mr. Dershowitz and many other famous men reason to sigh with relief. That is, unless some diligent prosecutors pursue the investigations into Mr. Epstein's crimes and fellow criminals.


Bausch and Lomb, like all pharmaceutical companies are greedy thieves. A fantastic profit is not good enough for them. Not when they can make astronomical profits, often on the backs of poor people. I just picked up a new B & Lomb prescription, a 2.5mL bottle of eyedrops called VYZULTA. My copay for this smaller than thumb-sized bottle was $65.00. Can I afford it? Yes. But I still regard it as thievery. Now consider that most people who require this medication are seniors like me, often persons of very limited income. For them to pay this incredibly inflated price is nothing less than senior abuse, And don't give me the song and dance that glaucoma research costs so much money that B & L has no choice but to stick it to seniors. We're talking about greed, sheer greed, nothing more, And that's just the optical people. The pill pushers, and serum sellers have their own super expensive ways to soak hard-working people, including actual scams like Prevagen, which doesn't do a damn thing. Why do you think pharmaceutical companies can run all those endless costly commercials? Because they're rolling in money.Your money. With Republicans in power, they will continue their piracy. But I suggest that whenever you pick up an overpriced prescription that you bitch and whine and make it clear that you know someone is picking your pocket even if you can't stop them--yet.


How convenient. The vain, wealthy, arrogant child predator whose upcoming trial was sure to reveal the identity of other child predators with famous names is found dead in his cell from suicide. The billionaire who could afford the best lawyers and the most costly bribes didn't feel it was worth a roll of the dice. I'm not buying it. This was a man who had no morals, no character, a self-indulgent patrician who could easily have bartered famous names for reduced prison time and sent a lot of famous men to jail. One of his many publicized accusers said she was on Epstein's private plane with a flirtatious Donald Trump but they never had sex. This reeked to me of threats and bribes from powerful persons. Jeffrey's "suicide" offers all the convenience and coverup of murder with so many
possible, powerful perpetrators.  Will the other shoe drop on this story?

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


I don't understand why the people of Dayton or El Paso want an apology from Trump. What value would that have? Everything out of his mouth is insincere. And we know he's a racist, so nothing he says has any meaning. It's like asking Bundy to say he doesn't believe in murder. I really get annoyed with this standard of forgiveness and respect to an absolute pig of a human being. That this animal lands in El Paso this afternoon with his goldigger wife and spouts platitudes to a respectful crowd is maddening.  I would rather they just shouted insults at him to force him to leave. I would actually rather that they rushed him and strung him up outside the Walmart, but fortunately civilized people don't do that. Let us hope that come election day every citizen with Mexican or Spanish blood remembers these tragic events and makes a huge contribution to getting rid us of this monster once and for all.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Today on MSNBC Donny Deutsch, whom I consider a lightweight, encouraged a Latina reporter to launch a rally against a visit from Trump to El Paso. Deutsch said, "Invite Obama, invite George W, Bush." because he felt that Trump "has blood on his hands." which, of course, he does. But, how stupid can Deutsch be? George W. Bush is a war criminal with the blood of thousands on his hands, the blood of brave soldiers sent to a fake war; the blood of thousands o Iraqi men, women, and  children caught in the crossfire; the blood of the wounded and maimed and blinded and—to use a dated expression—shell shocked. George W. Bush is a monster and I am fed up with journalists and naifs like Deutsch showing him any respect. Trump is a worthless racist piece of trash. Bush is a worthless non-racist piece of trash. And Donny Deutsch is an idiot to not recognize that neither man is worthy enough to visit El Paso as a representative of goodness and morality.


In the insanity department, Sean Hannity (rhymes with insanity) is calling for armed force to surround all schools and stores. That would certainly be easier than passing new gun laws and having a president who doesn't preach hate and division. Why doesn't everybody see the connection between Trump's racism and encouragement of white supremacy and these horrendous assaults on society. Note this photo from today's Huffington Post. These are moronic young white males in support of Moscow Mitch strangling and groping an image of Ocasio-Cortez. They're sick. They're stupid. They're sadistic Republicans. With indulgence from the GOP any one of these grinning goons might be the next shooter. Hopefully this photo will find its way into every college in which they enroll, every company with which they apply. I repeat: Hannity rhymes with insanity.

Sunday, August 4, 2019



Saturday, August 3, 2019


So far there are 20 dead in the El Paso mall shooting. Another slaughter of innocent people by another wacko, angry young male. But he didn't kill them alone. He had help. Also involved in the murders was the insane state of Texas with its carry laws that spit on law-abiding citizens and cater to neurotic macho gun fans. And even more responsible was Donald Trump, our full-of-hate Russian- elected president. The shooter said himself that he hated the migrants at the Southern Border a sentiment constantly repeated by Trump in one way or another. Trump is too much of a coward to kill himself, so he sows the seeds of hate so others will do it. Today is Sunday. All over El Paso families will be mourning their dead; ministers and priests will be talking some nonsense about what God thinks and feels; their hypocritical congregations will feel bad about the slaughter but do little else; and Trump will not give it another thought.


In 1969, I lived in Boston's Back Bay, which was a desirable neighborhood. Not so appealing was the neighboring South End, a low-income, mostly African American area of once grand row houses turned into tenements and often derelict buildings. But with Boston's booming economy, the South End slowly become gentrified and so-called yuppies began buying up these townhouse for a song. I, along with my partner at the time, paid $25,000 for a red-brick, five-story house with four bedrooms, two living rooms, two baths, a dining room and kitchen. When we broke up a two years later we sold the house for $65,000. Today it is worth $2 million plus as is every house in that extensive downtown neighborhood. A situation like the exists today in Baltimore. The same handsome multi-story brick townhouses at reduced prices throughout the city. All it would take is the same forward-minded people prepared to take a chance on a major urban renovation. Sadly in Boston, most of the black residents moved out. That doesn't have to happen in Baltimore. If the residents there work closely with local banks and buy up their rental homes before the renaissance, they will see a very tidy profit. When's the time to buy? Now, when our racist president has diminished this handsome, historic and proud city in disrepair that could soon be on the verge of renewal.  (photos shown; Boston and Baltimore)


During the Late 30s and early 40s, the Nazi victims were the Jews, the gays, the Gypsies, and the handicapped. Those were the people Hitler hated. Today's victims are the refuge seekers, their children, any person with non-white skin, and all Democrats. Those are some of the people Trump hates.Sadly, a lot of-once patriotic Americans are running around dizzily singing Trump's praises, unaware that given total power he would be as quick to murder his fans as all his imagined enemies. So Trump's most ardent fans should realize they are in danger if they are poor, ignorant, unimportant, or unattractive. Am I serious. Yes. Donald Trump is mentally ill. And while many mentally ill persons are harmless and even kind, he is sadistic, evil, unfeeling, and power hungry. His heroes are  dictators, his standard is white only, he sees women only as objects for sex (or now that he's impotent) merely decorative. He is not a Christian, though he pretends to be one. His only god is himself. He has led a life of total amorality, first with his satanic and indulgent father. then with whatever minions he could bribe with portions of his stolen and scammed millions. If you're a Trump fan or even slightly forgiving of his evil, you had better wise up before Election Day.

Friday, August 2, 2019


John Ratcliffe. That's the slimy, obsequious politician Trump has nominated to replace Dan Coats as Director of National Intelligence, the latest person to be named to a significant post for which he is totally unqualified. He may not have any skill to serve in this position, he does however have a perfect name. John, because he has the appeal of a bus station toilet. Rat because, like many Republican vermin that's pretty much what he is and has been all this life, and cliff because if he is named to this position, he will soon have us going over yet another Trump  precipice based on another idiotic appointment. The final e in his name can serve as his score for the kind of effort we can expect.  By the way the middle name of this inept 4th district congressman is Lee, as in Robert E. and since he's from Texas, I'm betting that he's as much a racist as Trump.

P.S. Even a moron like Trump has realized what a stupid choice Ratcliffe is and has withdrawn him from consideration.

Addendum: Trump tried to lie his way out of this gaffe by pretending he knew nothing about Ratcliffe's incompetence, that he just chooses people and leaves others to vet them. In short more Trump bullshit.

Thursday, August 1, 2019


Yes, I loathe and despise Trump and everything he stands for, as do so many reporters. But what they keep doing that infuriates me is saying that "Hillary lost". Hillary did not lose. She won the popular vote by millions and she did not have Russia interfering in the election on her behalf. She won the popular vote despite almost all the major TV networks giving her less play than Trump, repeating endlessly the Republican lie that she was not trusted, and often angrily vilifying her as on the very disturbing occasion MSNBC's Steve Kornaki attacked her as if she were his wife in a divorce settlement. Which leads me to once again repeat that the "liberal" TV media did as much as anyone to  keep pushing Trump in our face and eventually into office. And I am very afraid they will do it again by giving him far more face time than whomever the democratic candidate is. If Trump gets a second term all is lost. Not only for liberals who can see his weaknesses but also for all Trump's gullible fans who don't care that he's a traitor to America, a hater of women, a racist, a persecutor of children, a liar, a thief, and a  grifter and don't recognize how unhinged and dangerous he is. But given a second term they will, they soon will.