Monday, July 31, 2017


From what I've read Anthony Scaramucci was introduced into the White House with the full approval of Donald Trump and his family. In the beginning he made an impressive speech and seemed thrilled to take control. I later read that his wife is divorcing him because he is obsessed with power and having a place in the White House. Even when he went off the rails, it was because he acted like our out-of--control president. And Trump didn't complain, though everybody else did. But today he was fired, let go, dumped after eleven days. Imagine how defeated, embarrassed and angry he is. Imagine how humiliated to be so publicly betrayed by Donald Trump. You've seen the heights of anger he rose to over Reince Priebus. Imagine the fury that he would like to unleash on Trump. And since he is a multimillionaire, he has the cash to achieve any vendetta he wants. I for one, can hardly wait.


I doubt that any Trump voter would read my blog, but just in case one of you is reading it, this post is for you. This is not directed, of course, to the many equally wealthy people, lobbyists, and greedy Republicans who hope to get richer by kissing Trump's ass. No, this is for the millions of poor and middle-class voters who naively think Trump will keep all his empty promises, optimistically believe he will make America great again (you ninny, it never stopped being great), or dumbest of all who believe someday they will also be rich when your entire history has proven otherwise. But regardless of that you like the guy. But guess what? He has nothing but contempt for you. If you aren't worth millions, then have no value. If you don't have a closet of designer fashions, he wouldn't even deign to sit next to you at a restaurant. To Donald Trump you are low-class trailer trash even if you live in a 3-bedroom house  (only three bedrooms?). Sure he loved your vote, and your applause, and your cheers, and all those vulgar posters you were so proud of. But take me word for it: He thinks you're stupid, and malleable, and gullible, and way beneath him. And as long as you blindly praise and support someone who detests you, he's right.

Saturday, July 29, 2017


If you recently felt sorry for Rience Priebus because of the callous treatment he got from President Trump and the new white house gorilla, Anthony Scaramucci, get over it! Priebus is a total wimp, a coward, a hypocrite, and a masochist. Today, Sunday,  he is on the talk shows refusing to talk against Trump, and saying all kinds of insipid cliches that suggest Trump, being a brilliant leader, did the right thing which can only lead to even greater heights. So this little abused pissant had an opportunity to shed some light on Trump's cruelty and paranoia, but instead of choosing to be a hero, he opted to be a worm.

IN A RECENT SURVEY... was revealed that the majority of Americans would never elect an atheist. I had no idea the USA was such a superstitious country. I personally would welcome an atheist as president, not just because I am an atheist, but in a national emergency, I'd rather have a reasonable, logical leader rather than someone who prays for heavenly guidance. And I certainly don't want someone who suggests it's "God's will" if he doesn't prevent a nuclear attack on New York. But sadly Americans will keep swearing on the bible, electing mostly Protestant governors and mayors, and even tolerating bigoted and narrow-minded Jesus freaks like Pence. Frankly, I think Americans have already elected an undeclared atheist with Donald Trump. But we free thinkers take no pride in that since he only doesn't believe in god because he believes he is god.

Thursday, July 27, 2017


Lately many of my friends have said I should have become a professional chef since my recipes are so delicious and so innovative. But I do it for fun, which is why I have so many intimate dinner parties. Those two sentences are complete lies. I can't cook at all, and would never have a dinner party. But that's the kind of lie Trump tells. One without any truth at all. When he suggested that military leaders approved of and encouraged disallowing transgender personnel in the service, it was a complete lie. He had no such discussion with anyone.  Just another moment of madness. When he said during his campaign that he would do everything within his power to protect the LGBT community, it was another of hundreds. And wait till all those gullible morons who voted for Trump find out that almost everything else he promised them was a huge pack of lies. Sorry, I can't write any longer now: I've just made an incredible new recipe and my six dinner guests will be arriving any minute.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Or is there something weirdly unfinished about these two faces? Several newscasters have described Anthony Scaramucci as handsome. I would say he was halfway there and someone didn't space the features correctly. Same with Paul Manifold. Of course President Trump, himself, doesn't bear much resemblance to the sort of attractive guy he was decades ago, especially around those creepy eyes.  So maybe we have been invaded by the body snatchers.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Who are these soulless, amoral Republican liars who are constantly defending Trump and his gang? I have already seen several who proclaim that Jared Kushner's ridiculous lies are very believable. That, or course, he didn't know that the meeting was with a Russian lawyer because he didn't read his e-mail. Bullshit. Why are they lying for a president who is bringing down the country day by day? They are sworn to uphold the Constitution. These Republican members, with few exceptions, are not patriots they are traitors. They deserve the cry that protesters shouted today before the Trumpcare bill: "Shame!"

Monday, July 24, 2017



A huge difference between the Republicans and Democrats is that the Republicans, as you can see, want to "Make America Great Again" and the Democrats think America is, was, and will always be great. If anything we just want to make it even greater. You will recall Obama was accused by the hypocritical GOP of not being pro-American, which was a lie. Now their main theme is that America isn't great, that it's weak, incompetent, cowardly, is being ripped off by NATO, didn't have a strong leader like Putin. Boy, the Republicans in power sure don't think much of our country. Nor do those supposed Americans who voted for Trump. They must also think America isn't great since they bought those hats and tee-shirts and put in office a man who doesn't think America is great, even though he made a fortune from the country he now denigrates. Fortunately the majority of Americans, those who voted for Hillary, believe in America, are proud of our values, appreciate our freedoms, and value our Constitution. So anyone who says, "Make America Great Again" is talking through his or her hat.

Sunday, July 23, 2017


Have you noticed that since YouTube had tried to run longer commercials, you often don't even get the post you wanted? You either get nothing or another commercial. What's the problem? When your selection begins with an ad that says it will end in five seconds, it usually does and your YouTube choice begins. But often with a full 30-second or 60-second commercial, all you can expect is another 30- or 60-second commercial. As our moronic, illiterate,monosyllabic president would say,"annoying".


Bill Maher is right. Americans, for the most part, are sheep and conformists. And they are, as he has often said, stupid. Bill Clinton has an affair like millions of other American men and the morally judgemental and uptight still bleat about it, forgetting all the good he has done for his country. On the other hand George W. Bush creates a fake war, goes to battle with an innocent country, kills thousands of Americans and even more Iraqis, and lays the groundwork for years of upheaval and destruction that encompasses other countries like Syria. And nobody seems to care. He is a welcome guest on talk shows, praised for his mediocre art, invited to speak at colleges and quoted for the slightest bon mot. If Americans were smart and just, Donald Trump would not be in the White House and George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and Condoleeza Rice would be in jail.

P.S. I will continue to spell judgemental with a "e" as opposed to the accepted "judgmental" which doesn't even have a judge in it.

Friday, July 21, 2017


Did everybody catch My Cousin Vinny, aka Anthony Scaramucci's valentine to President Trump. Apparently he loves and adores the man (he said so over and over) and in his ardour he seems to believe that Trump is a successful president, a truth teller and a man of strength and character, rather than the weakling liar and coward the man really is. So now that Tony has joined the Liars' Brigade and Spicer has stormed off, it will be interesting to see how long someone as obviously egocentric as Anthony is willing to play a ventriloquist's dummy.


Today Sean Spicer resigned as Press Secretary. Now that he has, the media is interviewing friends who are giving him glowing reviews, calling him "a man of character" and, even more offensive, "a true patriot". What bullshit. Spicer was, like Sarah Sanders, a professional liar. What "true patriot" aids and abets a lying, disloyal, lazy, incompetent president? What "man of character" goes out day after day to provide inaccurate, incomplete news affecting the country he supposedly loves and reacts defensively when the press questions his veracity.  At least one reporter referred to Spicer as "damaged goods", a very accurate assessment. Until the Republicans get enough courage to dump Trump, we will have daily lies and Trump-programmed praise from Sanders and other obedient toadies. And we can look for Spicer on Fox news or other outlets that don't care about character just ratings.

Monday, July 17, 2017


Right now Senator John McCain is recovering at his luxurious Arizona home after a complicated and, no doubt,  costly eye operation. At the same time Mitch McConnell is impatiently waiting for McCain's return to Washington to vote on the new ''wealth" bill, which will deny millions of Americans affordable health care in order to reward the wealthy with still more tax advantages. One hopes that McCain, after his operation, is gratefully aware how fortunate he is to have had such expert health care in a dangerous situation, and how others with similar afflictions may not be able to afford similar or even lesser treatment. One can only hope that this cruel health bill does not pass, but the Republicans have proven to be heartless so far, so all bets are off.

Saturday, July 15, 2017


Despite everything, the election of Donald Trump has given us a gift that will benefit  us all for the rest of our lives. It is a gift that will save you time, money, inconvenience, frustration, disappointment, and anger. It is a gift every engaged person can use to avoid a difficult marriage, any business person can employ to sidestep a risky partnership, any family member can depend on to keep them from entanglements with problematic relatives. What is this gift? Knowledge. The knowledge of knowing that anyone who tells you they voted for Trump is an ignorant, angry, racist, moron and someone you should avoid.


It's painfully obvious that Jared Kushner has avoided speaking when possible because he knows his voice is not exactly macho. Since his recent  speech at an event in Silicon Valley, he has been ridiculed for his lack of timbre, with many critics suggesting that he's gay. One suspects that his overbearing father may have cautioned him against vocalizing, but who knows? One could even suspect that his marriage to Ivanka was arranged to give him a stronger more masculine image and unite two greedy families.  What I don't understand is this. If the speaking voice is a cause for concern, why hasn't he worked with a voice teacher as so many singers do? God knows they have the money since it isn't being used to fix the plumbing in the family's many slum houses. Since President Trump has given Jared so much say on how to run the world,  one would wish he had a stronger voice.

Friday, July 14, 2017


Did you ever notice how Trump never sits back in a chair, never takes a comfortable, relaxed position? He mostly sits on the edge of the chair, his hands in front of him, looking as if he is about to spring forward and escape the interview or conversation. Not only does it make him look awkward and uncomfortable, impatient and bored, but it points out how totally socially inept he is. Well, I think I figured out why he sits in that rigid, concentrated way: its more comfortable for the old man's hemorrhoids.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Since you have played such an important part in introducing Russia into our national conversation, isn't it time you ordered your very own flag of Russia to fly over your home on Spring and Labor Day, May 1;  Victory Day, May 9;  and Unity Day, November 6.


I find it very disturbing to know that Steve Bannon has so much control over the government, thus over our lives. Where did he come from? I think I know.


Does Sarah Huckabee Sanders have any idea how obvious it is that she's repeating everything Trump tells her to say? Does it bother her supposedly religious father that his daughter makes her living lying through her teeth?  Does she explain to her three children that she is a professional liar and the lies she tells are damaging to the country she claims to love. Does she realize—since Trump doesn't—
that constantly attacking the Clintons is a weak argument and pathetic excuse for Trump's transgressions, or to to put it in words that the hypocritical Huckabee's use, sins? Does she realize that all her lying is captured on video or audio tape,  so that long after we are rid of Trump there will still be a permanent record of the shameful deceptions of the duplicitous daughter of a Christian minister and ex Governor or Arkansas.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


This would be a funny idea, except there's nothing funny about the running of the bulls, even a parody like this.  It only reminds us of this annual sadistic treatment of innocent animals who aren't given a sporting chance to avoid being slaughtered. So to present a lighthearted take on the cowardly creeps who participate in this horror doesn't really work. I'm sure the art director and copywriter are patting themselves on the back for the praise they are getting from all the cold-hearted people who don't really care about animal cruelty. Me? I change the channel.

Note: In another Geico commercial they show a woman getting a massage when suddenly the walls close in. The logical conclusion, of course, is that the masseuse and customer will both be crushed to death. What kind of sadistic, anti-social ad agency has Geico hired?


How can anyone have any respect for someone who admits they voted for Donald Trump? That means they voted for a man who was a proven liar, a grafter, a misogynist, a narcissist, a liar, a hypocrite, and a fraud. So, in essence, they are admitting that they have no sense of honor, no demand for decency, no requirement for truth, no respect for women, and no love of country. That's exactly what it means. It can't be explained away. There is no acceptable excuse for their vote, unless they admit that, like Trump himself, they are mentally disabled

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Everyone at Ivanka's factory is talking about why John Podestarefused to give the DNC server to the FBI and CIA
Everyone in Beijing is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and CIA
Everyone in Hollywood is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and CIA. 
Everyone in San Quentin is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and CIA.

Friday, July 7, 2017


If you are approached by people on the street, supposedly representing a reputable charity like ASPCA: BEWARE. More than likely they have been hired by a fundraising-for-profit company called Dialogue Direct. You will recognize them easily because they are obnoxious, pushy, in-your-face aggressors who will oftentimes not even let you pass without their spiel. More often than not they will stop you with a completely insincere compliment, "I love that dress. Where did you get it?" You may think they are altruistic volunteers, but you'd be wrong. They are working for commissions like any pushy car salesman. If you fall into their trap or are easily cowed, they will not only get a donation, but your name, address, phone, and credit card number which they will happily sell.  This is a super-annoying new trend and hopefully, with enough complaints it won't last long. Make sure all your charitable donations are made directly.

Thursday, July 6, 2017


I wonder if the media are aware that Trump has speechwriters. I ask because every time this moron says something relatively smart, the media compliments him so effusively they must think he wrote it himself. I have never seen broadcasters (print media aren't nearly as gullible) be so wishy-washy about a president. They hate him, he's a fool, a disgrace, and embarrassment. Then he says something trenchant, and they're full of praise and willing to put our future back into his tiny flabby hands. Even Morning Joe gave him points for a speech today. Listen carefully: Donald Trump does not write his speeches, he reads them, slowly and with some skill. That doesn't mean he has a clue about what he's saying. He is still a danger who should be refused.


Today is George W. Bush's birthday. My guess is that the gullible news media will make a fuss about it as if he hadn't created a fake war which killed thousands of Americans, killed or maimed many thousands more of Iraqi men, woman, and children and unleashed such nightmares as Isis. Instead of being in prison where he belongs, he will be out celebrating another year of his evil existence with full compliance of the American people. Our country has lost its sense of decency. Which explains why Trump is president. Tragically, we no longer object to liars and buffoons, you know, like Nero

Note: Speaking of buffoons,yesterday the clueless Paul Ryan send out a mass e-mail encouraging Americans to celebrate George Bush's birthday. I wonder if he celebrates Nixon's.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Now that I am done bitching about the missing "t" in so many mispronounced English words, I need to rant about my other pet peeve. Once again this is a widespread misuse, most commonly seen among highly paid newscasters, notably David Muir and almost everyone else on ABC. The grammatical sin? Turning hundreds of two-syllable words into three-syllable words for no apparent reason other than ignorance. A few recent examples: huddeling, gambelling, crumbelling, sparkelling, and toppelling. If you watch the nightly news on any network, you're sure to hear many more misuses. I remember when newscasters set a standard for diction and grammatical correctness. I hate to think our language is—to use another two-syllable word— crumbling.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


To me, one of the most surprising, annoying, and depressing aspects of society today is that Americans have such rotten diction. This includes highly paid announcers on every major network. The most egregious misuse of our proud language is the inability for most people to pronounce the"t" in so many words. Here are just some of the mispronunciations I have gleaned for network television in the past week. tennacles-innastate-innanet-Atlannic-innanational-innaresting-innasept-ennertainment-rennal car-mennal illness-innerrupted-encounner-innaference. These are just some of hundreds. Yes, I know I'm being pedantic (not pedannic) but hell, how difficult would it be to say "dentist" on dozens of TV commercials rather than the far more commonly heard "dennist"?

Monday, July 3, 2017



This hot, humid Sunday, Governor Christie, his family and friends, spent their time at Island Beach State Park which has been shuttered to everyone else. The 10-mile barrier island has been closed to visitors because of budget impasse. Not only did the girthful governor award himself the privilege of staying there but he crammed himself into a costly state helicopter for the trip there and back. Considering that the weight-reduction operation he says he had obviously had little effect, he apparently feels he needs the added space of the 2,694-acre estate. When criticized for using a vacation spot denied to all others by police control, Christie said, "That's because the governor has a residence at Island Beach. Other's don't." You will note this dismissive, arrogant remark is not unlike Trump's when recently criticized about his lying by the Time's Washington Bureau Chief. Responding with that same superior tone he said, "I'm president and you're not." It amazes me that so many Republican voters don't seem to be bothered by people in power like Christie and Trump who not only look down on them from their ivory towers, but just as often piss on them from over the parapet.

Sunday, July 2, 2017


Remember when steam irons were relatively inexpensive and they lasted for years? Now they cost a fortune and need to be replaced every couple of years.


I thought, despite everything, that Trump accepted that he was a fat old man without much energy. I assumed he knew that he was not macho, not muscular, and not really blond. But I was mistaken. With the release of his new video tweet showing him as a tough guy who takes out the evil CNN, he must think that people can accept him as having balls after all. But no. We are now aware of yet another fantasy that our (cough, cough) president lives with. He sees himself as some kind of Gorgeous George  going into the ring against his arch enemy and (cough, cough) winning. As our Wrestler in Chief would say, "sad".


While most Americans agree that Donald Trump is a pathological liar, I can cite one occasion when he told he truth. During the run for candidacy he said loud and clear, "This whole election is being rigged.". I don't doubt that that is true, otherwise why would we have such an incompetent idiot as our nation's pseudo-leader? I am pretty sure he won with the help of Putin, the family Kushner, and several American traitors. As an expression of his gratitude to Russia, Trump has already made a major effort to give them back two compounds that were taken from them by Obama: one in New York and one in Maryland. What did Trump want in return? Nothing. He has already received his gift, the presidency. And I am sure he has made other promises which are being delayed by that pesky thing, close scrutiny by the American government. This week he will actually meet Putin again, who just may scold him for screwing up that brilliant plan they outlined before the election.

Note: Did you ever notice that Putin is Rasputin without the Ras?

Saturday, July 1, 2017


One of the most selfish things that unselfish people do is attend and support fireworks displays. I imagine that's because most people don't consider what a nightmare fireworks displays are to innocent and unprepared animals.  During every major fireworks holiday like the upcoming Fourth of July many thousands of animals nationwide, both domestic and wild will become injured or even die from fear, confusion, disorientation, and the harmful effects of fireworks remnants.  While you're enjoying the exciting spectacle, your community shelters and animal organizations are deluged with reports of dead birds, injured wildlife, terrified strays, and missing family pets. I used to love fireworks. But I love animals more. So now the sound of colorful explosions doesn't signify celebration so much as it does animal cruelty.