Tuesday, October 15, 2024

 Last night I  watched a 1941 movie called So Ends Our Night. At this time everyone should watch such films which are about the reign of the Nazis. It will remind you of the kind of oppression you will go through if Trump is president. Your life won't be your own. Any mistake in your language could put you in prison or cost you your life. You will need permission to do everything. You will live in a state of anxiety. Your children will not the know the joy of freedom. Everything will be arranged to meet the neurotic needs of dictator Trump, until he drops dead and creepy J.D. Vance assumes his autocracy. And just think you may avoid years, or even a lifetime, of bullying by voting for Harris. Yes, it's that simple. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Why are both campaigns so silent on the 2025 Project? That nightmare scenario should be all anyone talks about. What else does one need to know other than the hell Trump has in store for all of us, which should stop any one of us from voting for him.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

If you're black and Trump wins, you can forget any progress you made in the last 60 years. If you're black and Kamala wins, you can expect a new age of progress. So take your choice because this election will rely heavily on the black vote.

Pro-Trump Americans are like the five-year old who found daddy's loaded gun lying on the bedroom bureau. Having no idea just how deadly it is, they handle it as casual as if it were a Slinky. 

 It's amazing the number of otherwise intelligent people who don't appreciate what a threat Donald  Trump is to America. The latest is cranky Meaghan McCain, who is pissed that Kamala Harris said nice things about her father. She feels Kamala is using his memory to gain points. So what? We need to do everything possible to prevent Trump from a Nazi-like reign, and Meaghan isn't helping. With half if America ready to surrender to Trump's dictatorship, our freedom is facing its last possible days with the election of Trump (actually Vance since he is very likely to be President when the aging and senile Trump  bites the dust). So Meaghan who never was much of team player is ready to cost Harris votes with her petty and unfounded whining. If John were still alive, there is no question that he would vote for Kamala.

Friday, October 11, 2024

I feel and have always felt that every library in America should display the quote below. It is from one of our country's finest books, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, which has been a movie, even a Broadway musical. I would say it is one of the most inspiring books I have ever read. Which is why I damn Florida's Governor, Ron DeSantis, for promoting the shameful sin of book banning and putting this masterpiece by Betty Smith on that despicable prude's list. 

"Oh, magic hour, when a child first knows she can read printed words."

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

 Most of us had no doubt that OJ. Simpson murdered two innocent people. We also had no doubt that Brett  Kavanaugh was a sexual deviant who should never have been a Supreme Court justice. Shame on the FBI. Kudos to Sheldon Whitehouse for exposing the total lack of investigation on Kavanaugh's case. Unless Kamala is elected president, we may never see the return of justice.