Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Wouldn't it be wonderful if when we met a new person we could have, even for a moment, a glimpse of who they really are. Here's what I am sure one would see in a flash on meeting Stephen Miller.


I just watched a report about Stephen Miller, you know that repulsive bald creep in the White House. It seems he was loathsome even while slinking around Santa Monica High School. He constantly criticized Latino students for language skills that were not up to his standards. Back then he said he liked being offensive, which he certainly was and is to this day. His career of intolerance has included working with such unhinged hatemongers as Michele Bachman and Jeff Sessions. It seems that he was gifted with one talent, and one only, the ability to write. Sadly he uses it exclusively in the service of hate and bigotry. As senior advisor to Donald Trump he is perfectly placed as he is as crazy as Donald. Although his role reveals the pathetic side of his nature as he seems to be desperate to have the admiration and affection of an older man. What I find amusing is that highly literate Stevie is sure to cringe at Trump's malapropisms, mispronunciations and incredibly limited vocabulary. While serving at the pleasure of the President, Miller is sure to feel greatly superior to Trump as he does to almost everyone else in in the world. At the same time Donald is bound to find it uncomfortable to have his not so hidden anti-Semitism stirred up every time he has to rely on a young Jew who is much smarter than he is even if they do both have stunted black hearts.

Monday, February 27, 2017


One thing I will never get over is society treating war criminal and mass murderer George W. Bush as an acceptable human being, which he is not. Today TODAY is beginning a two-part series honoring him and his new book of portraits Profiles in Courage. Not only is it obscene that he uses John F. Kennedy's title for his mediocre collection of amateur portraits taken from photographs, but in heralding his grade-school portraits NBC dismisses the thousands of courageous soldiers who died because of Bush's idiocy and ego. I'm sure this moron feels no sense of responsibility for all the damage he did to our fighting forces and our economy. Yet, instead of rotting in a prison as he should, he is being celebrated by that overrated and overpaid clod, Matt Lauer, for a collection of slapdash paintings in which the soulless Bush has put no more life into the subjects than he did in his earlier paintings of cocker spaniels.

Sunday, February 26, 2017


This is not someone you expect to see in the White House. This is the person who hangs around your local Starbuck's asking if you can spare some change. Unkempt, unshaven, unhealthily overweight. The look of an alcoholic made even seedier by his usual olive goodwill jacket. Everything about this person is drab and repulsive. Right now he's in Trump's good graces because he has the nastiness and bigotry that America's dictator shares and admires. But I wonder if Stevie is aware of the contempt that Donald feels for people who don't appear fashionable and prosperous. I think he must, as it is rumored that he has at least started shaving.

Anyone who uses YouTube is aware that most videos could once be viewed after watching a few seconds of a commercial or no commercial at all. No more. It seems now that one has to watch an entire boring commercial before you can view your chosen video, and often not even then. I find more and more that the chosen video doesn't appear after the 30-second commercial is done, yet another commercial does. Of course the American public, sheep that they are, will not complain about this new intrusion or infusion of excessive commercials. From now on, I will continue to watch only those YouTube videos that have no commercial or one which can be dropped after a few seconds. If you don't do the same, in no time at all the price to watch a YouTube video will be sitting through two or three commercials.

Friday, February 24, 2017


I wonder. Is there not one or more noble Republican members of Congress who care more about their country than their salaries, their perks, and image? Is there not one who will risk it all to admit what most of us already know: that Donald Trump is not fit for the office of president? Why are so many men and women who have sworn allegiance to the United States denying what is so obvious to most of the country's citizens? We had a brilliant and caring president with Barack Obama who was constantly stymied by a bitter and dishonest congress. So much could have been accomplished if the GOP sheep hadn't followed the lead of the sour and unpatriotic Mitch McConnell and his other racist cronies. Now we have a dictator who is filling his cabinet with thugs and naifs and using our country as a source of personal profit. Can America's reputation recover from the slings and arrows we are now facing? Yes, if there is a rebirth of patriotism among the conservative politicians who are presently pandering to this tyrannical con artist.

Thursday, February 23, 2017


Trump did cause one good thing. His presidency gave us proof positive that the Republicans are lazy, greedy, unpatriotic cowards. The number of GOP lawmakers who were unwilling to meet with the very people who put them in office and pay their excessive salaries is shocking. And the ones who did cave and attended town hall meetings show us how out of sync they are with real people.The reptilian Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell could only stand mute with an idiotic expression on his collapsing face totally unmoved by a constituents passionate rant. The egotistical Tom Cotton, looking puffy and rumpled didn't have a clue how to calm his angry crowd. Most others. including the ever evasive Marco Rubio, didn't have the courage to face their town halls, one of which was still conducted with questions directed to an actual empty suit. Yes, the election of a totally ignorant and worthless and unquestionably dangerous dictator has been a magnifying glass that exposes the Republican worms and lice that are crawling all over the Houses of Congress and not a can of Raid in sight.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


ANTISEMITIC. For some reason most people say antisemetic. Think Semite, not Semete.
INTERNET. Note the T. It's not innernet or innanet. The same rule applies to interstate, intercourse, interview, Atlantic. romantic, dentist, Santa Claus, or any Santa, and hundreds of other words that have an interior T that is supposed to be pronounced. Try it. It actually sounds nicer pronounced properly.
PUNDIT. While not as rampant, many people—including our moronic president—says pundint.
NUCLEAR. Speaking of idiots, George W. Bush said nucular as do many politicians who should know better
GULF. Surprise, there is no Golf of Mexico.
Sorry, had to get that out of my system.

NOTE: Comcast, America's most hated company, has produced dozens of commercials to lure new users to their incompetent service. And on every one of them they mispronounce the very thing they profit from: the Internet, which they think is the innanet.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Benito Mussolini and Donald Trump. So much alike in so many ways.
Note: The lower photo was shown among the photos of Mussolini on Google. I always recall him as being bald. 
I always thought it was just a movie, that it could never actually happen in America. But after seeing the Trump crowd at Melbourne, Florida, yesterday, I see I was wrong. 


Awhile back, if I remember correctly,there was such a thing as truth in advertising. Products could not make claims that were not true. Those days are over. So many products today promise results that they cannot possibly deliver. And, of course, the gullible consumer believes them. For instance febreze does not eliminate odors. Like every other air freshener they cover odors up until they disappear on their own. And Bayer aspirin does not prevent strokes or aid during a heart attack any more than any other aspirin, which is just as ineffective. Neither Advil nor Aleve delivers the long-term freedom from pain they promise in their many, many commercials. I have yet to find a cough suppressant that suppresses coughing or a cold cure that cures colds. Most "One coat covers" paints require two or more coats. No product grows hair or removes wrinkles or melts off fat in just a week or two. DiGiorno pizzas are not better than the ones from your local pizzeria. Cheerios do not make you stronger. Anyway there are too many products to list. I'm sure you have your own disappointing shams. And of course the networks couldn't care less about how honest commercials are. An excellent example of this is Prevagen, the supposed memory enhancer created from jellyfish. This product was soundly debunked as a fraud months ago, but their advertising is still running and promising everything it did before. I have long complained about the excessive commercials on television.. What makes them even worse is that so many of them are lies.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


Today, February 9, as most people know is A Day Without Immigrants, a work-stoppage event to show the country, and Trump, how important immigrants are to the American economy and fabric.
All over America, businesses had to rely on skeleton crews or close down entirely as the nation's hard-working immigrants, legal or illegal, proved their value to our nation's success and progress. I, of course, greatly support this show of force. But it also made me wonder what would happen if we had A Day Without Gays. Not only would every single profession be affected from architects to zoologists, but imagine what it would do to the world of artists, singers, dancers, hairdressers, waiters, flight attendants, chefs, fashion designers, nurses, and every possible creative field where gays have greatly distinguished themselves. Broadway alone would be a very dark place. Our nation I think would be totally shocked to see how much it depends on the wit, intelligence, imagination, talent, and vivacity of its gay citizens. It may never happen, but it's something to think about during the Trump years when he has so many right-wing bigots, racists, and homophobes in his administration.


Today, at a press conference, Donald Trump, in defending his failed presidency, was especially combative and whiny. He began his list of complaints, excuses and lies with the statement that he had inherited a mess, both here and abroad. The suggestion being that that our beloved and incredibly organized former president left every department in complete disarray not to mention colonies of dust bunnies under every White House bed. Among his many brags were reminding the press once again that he won the electoral college votes and that he has achieved more in his short administration than any other president in history. He suggested that his partially constructed cabinet was performing brilliantly, as was he, despite the lies and deceptions of the nasty, ineffective, incompetent lying media scum sitting before him. He seemed especially nervous today and rather breathless, unless those many gasps for air can be blamed on a faulty microphone. His rambling, fast-paced, non-stop, sniffling and boastful exaggerations might suggest to some the egocentric ravings of a coke addict, if he had not crowed about what a great warrior he was in the war on drugs.  When he finally opened up his "poor me" tirade for a Q and A, he was, as usual, hostile and evasive, and even pathetically asked for a "friendly question" which he considered unfriendly. Naturally he double-talked his way through any questions on his future plans; danced around any queries about Flynn, whom he admires so much he fired him; and dodged any suggestion of a bromance with Putin, whom apparently he hardly knows and only spoke to twice when Vladdy called him. As I watched this strange performance and noted his many grammatical slips I took heart with the thought that this kind of nonsense can't possibly go on much longer.


While it's true that Ivanka's fashion lines are losing their appeal to Americans due to their imitative style and—of course—their association with America's dictator, all is not lost. Her products are already the rage of Russia and are being carried at Gum's Department Store in Red Square and all their, pardon the expression, satellite stores. After a demand from Vladimir "The Impaler" Putin, Russians rushed out to purchase Ivanka's newest line of jeweled babushka's and innovative evening wear, "gulag gowns". Not that a threat from Putin was necessary, Russians happily embraced Ivanka Trump as her father, Comrade Donald, is a national hero who has already done more for the Russian economy than our own.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

"Seig Heil, Mein Fuhrer!"

Monday, February 13, 2017


These two lookalikes also have in common that the are both repulsive. Steve Miller, the president's most loyal and ferocious pit bull has obviously gone to obedience school and is prepared to sic reporters and others with any sudden command. Has-been Pauly Shore has never been housebroken and has left a trail of malodorous movies behind him which everyone seems to have avoided. Pauly's only chance at redemption is to play Steve Miller when they finally produce that comitragedy.
My partner wisely suggested the other day that from now on we all refer to Mara Lago as Mara Loco, considering its mentally unhinged tenant.


What I find amazing are the number of correspondents or reporters who alibi Trump voters by suggesting that they voted with the best of intentions, believing that Trump would create needed changes and that Hillary was dishonest. Sorry, wrong! If you voted for Trump you are a fucking ignorant, immoral racist, bigot, and—of course—idiot.  This maniac sent you all the clues any intelligent person would need to see that he was unhinged and ignorant. He made racial slurs. He told lie after lie. He was involved in dozens of allegations about cheating suppliers, running a scam university, and of course his signature crime, pussy grabbing.Yet you voted for him. You fool, you gullible asshole. You should be too ashamed to appear in public, you brainless, unthinking ninny. And if you are not that, then you can only be, like him, an unkind, prejudiced, worthless, heartless misogynist. Take your choice: a person with shit for brains, or one with a heart full of malicious venom. One, and only one, applies to you. And don't pull the,"I didn't know what I was doing." Yes you did. Otherwise we'd be living in a well-run, well-respected, far safer country run by an experienced, intelligent, eminently sane President Hillary Clinton, whom you in your incredibly biased and appalling stupidity voted against.

Sunday, February 12, 2017


This past week I saw three disturbing situations. They were all essentially the same thing: child endangerment. In each case a person on a bicycle had a child as a passenger, both without a helmet. In the first situation, it was a moronic teen, gleefully biking down busy Coral Way, a near-tot sitting on the handlebars of his bike. One collision and it is likely the delicately balanced child would be dead. The other two situations were similar. In each a young woman was pedaling along a busy street, a young child sitting in their rear passenger seat. No helmet as I said. I don't care how good these idiotic women were as a cyclists. All it would take is one run-in with a  drunk or careless driver and their child would go flying through the air, possibly land on their head and be either dead or brain-damaged for the rest of their lives. Not only was I furious as all three bikers whom I couldn't communicate with, but also with Miami's police department who aren't on the lookout for this kind of lawbreaking and ready to issue tickets with massive fines to avoid such reckless stupidity in the future.

Note: The photo above may be charming. But in an accident those flowers would be strewn across an Amsterdam street, this mother would be rushed to a hospital, and that child's white top, would be 
covered with blood.

Thursday, February 9, 2017


As we all know, Donald Trump is a pathological liar. He lies about everything. He lies constantly. He lies about big thing, small things, anything. But here's a message to Donald. Here are some things you can't lie about because evidence to the contrary is far too overwhelming. You're not young. You're not well read. You're not thin. You're not attractive. You're not kind. You're not honest. You're not refined. You're not literate. You're not stylish. You're not humane. You're not tasteful. You're not presidential. You're not brave. You're not sane.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Why do you suppose a 6o-year-old billionaire who can do whatever she wants in life wants to be Secretary of Education. The answer is very simple. Because she's an arrogant and empty woman who has no real interests in learning, travel or expanding her narrow religious mind.  And besides she paid for it with all her political contributions.Most teachers in America do not want her in this office, yet, in her "I don't give a f--- arrogance" there she is. One must always worry about people who insist on being someplace where they are not wanted. She has no respect for public education, is a religious nut, and has a Marie Antoinette complex. Put this shallow zealot down as the latest incompetent in Trump's collection of oddball cabinet members.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

I was watching the 6:30 news tonight and suddenly thought of this film. I can't imagine why this image came so strongly to mind.

Monday, February 6, 2017


I find it offensive that the greedy television networks inundate us with far more commercials than are necessary for them to make a hefty profit and, sadly, no one complains. The evening news on all three major networks spends as much time pushing pharmaceuticals, cars, and toilet paper as they do the events which affect our lives, and no one complains. The American consumer is so easily manipulated and controlled that the media even gets them to root for new commercials and vote for their favorites every year with the Super Bowl. That's how gullible Americans are, and probably consumers world-wide. I seem to be alone in my hatred of this trend to elevate commercials to vote-worthy status. These are commercials. Ads. Promotions for products. The interruptions to news and programming. Not entertainment. Not art. Commercials. The annoyances that were supposed to greatly diminish once we started paying for TV but only increased. And for the next week the networks will yap about how funny this hemorrhoid spot was, and how clever that beer commercial was, and at least eight people will ask which was my favorite. Of course that's not nearly as annoying as those boobs who think everyone in the world loves sports and will ask, "Wha'd ya think of the game?"

Saturday, February 4, 2017


I've seem homeless street people who look more clean and kempt than Steve Bannon. I'm surprised Trump can bear to have him so nearby when he, Trump, has proclaimed he likes attractive well-dressed associates. But then maybe Donald likes to have someone constantly around who is even less attractive and more repulsive than himself.

Friday, February 3, 2017


There are lots of reasons to hate Comcast. Among the most recent is that I am unable to see the programs I pay for, and each attempt requires me to call their 800 number, complain, be connected with someone in India who straightens it out and says they are "most terribly, horribly sorry that you have been so inconvenienced." The next night the same problem occurs. But the one daily annoyance that drives me mad is that every time you open Xfinity or Comcast (what's the difference?) you are forced to look at their home page which is a mostly scattered advertising for mediocre television shows or news items that would only be of interest to the most low-brow media hounds. Bad enough you have to wade through this, but it's advertising. I pay these high fees to avoid advertising. A friend recently told me how much he likes Xfinity's commercials. What he doesn't realize is that they are not true. They show a Comcast user requesting shows with their voice-activated device and, voila they appear instantly. Totally fake. More often than not the TV can't understand what you're requesting or connects you with something completely unrelated. When I asked for the new PBS series Victoria, I kept getting connected to a B feature also named Victoria. And Comcast refused to connect me to the PBS series which I had paid for, which led to another 20-minute crank call to India.


 I just read that President Trump wants to create a panel to discuss racial equality in America. As he says it will be a panel of the "most famous and brilliant colored folk ever" and will include: Frederick Douglass, Nat Turner, Booker T. Washington, Harriet Tubman, George Washington Carver, Rosa Parks, and Jackie Robinson, ("if it doesn't interfere with his game schedule").


I would like to write a blog on how repulsive I find this lying harridan. But from talking to friends, nothing I could write about Kellyanne Conway would be as harsh, nasty and expressive as the disgust they already feel each time this amoral harpy appears on the news. What amazes me is that someone married this witch and she has four children who she apparently has no interest in setting a good example for as she has made a career out of lying and supporting a maniac hell-bent on destroying America.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


I'm getting very tired of hearing Republicans claim what a great justice Antonin Scalia was. What I remember was an arrogant, bigoted, extremely overweight, right-wing slob. Of course he did make decisions, biased as they were, unlike Clarence Thomas, the stupidest, laziest, and probably most immoral justice to ever serve (a word that doesn't apply) on the court. With Trump in charge, we can look forward to still more narrow-minded religious zealots who claim to follow the Constitution, but don't have a scintilla of intention of maintaining the separation of church and state.