Friday, September 30, 2016


Today at the market I nearly bought P.F. Chang's Shrimp LoMein. Then I read the ingredients. I can understand why they would include noodles and shrimp, but I had no idea what the other 20 or so chemicals were. I suspected however that, once ingested, they would do very little to aid, much less improve, my health. I am finding this situation happening more and more, or maybe I am just finally paying attention.
Today one of Donald Trump's anti-female female surrogates chastised Hillary Clinton for calling "Americans deplorable". First of all she didn't call Americans deplorable, but most of Donald's supporters whom I am not sure deserve to be called Americans. After all these are angry, non patriots who are trying to put into the honored office of President of the United States a bigoted, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, possibly coke-using megalomaniac. These so-called Americans seem to have no love for a country that is sure to be severely affected by Trump's inadequacy and narcissism.
In short they are, for want of a better word, deplorable.


There are certain signs that give away a cocaine addict. One is, of course, constant sniffing. Another is garrulousness, non-stop talking. Another, grandiose visions of being able to do anything, accomplish anything, be superior to others, imagine you are greater than you are. These are what addicts consider the up sides of usage. Another is that if you're facing a difficult challenge, coke often gives you a sense of confidence, but it can also lead to rambling and incoherence. Among the downsides is not being able to sleep you're so wound up. Many addicts find themselves wide awake in the early hours of the morning. Since nobody else is up, they often surf the web or send out endless tweets. I don't know what made me think of this.

Thursday, September 29, 2016


I have been complaining for a while that the network news stations have leaned towards Trump. Even when vilifying him, they give him far more coverage than Hillary, which in itself is a form of promotion. So after his pathetic debate debut and maniacal behavior I had hoped that things would change. But they haven't. The networks still talk as if he is a viable candidate rather than the dangerous poseur that he is. On MSNBC this afternoon Steve Kornacki, who has shown past anti-Hillary bias, was gleefully reporting that Trump was doing well with Hispanics in Nevada. The segment, not surprisingly, seemed to, once again,  promote Trump. Why have the networks given millions in free air time to Trump? Why have so overlooked or unreported his greatest gaffes? Why have they constantly repeated every vulgar, nasty thing he has said about her, including his use of the expression Crooked Hillary?  Why have they not mentioned his rape charge in New York, but constantly referenced her e-mail accusations? Why have they been so unwilling to report Hillary's many achievements? Why do they constantly say that Hillary is unpopular despite her large and enthusiastic crowds? Why would these major corporations not be frightened of having Donald Trump, a complete naif, as president?  Why have so many news sources also noticed and commented on this bias? Why?

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


It's shocking how people can change because of lack of discipline.  Here's Donald Trump in the mid 80s, looking handsome and trim.

Now look at him: jowly, obese, pasty, wrinkled. He's gained an enormous amount of weight.  No self control. And with all his billions! I mean he could afford personal trainers, a dietician,  a gym with all the latest equipment, his own private swimming pool. There's no excuse for this. I tell you the man is an eating machine.

Monday, September 26, 2016


Here's an excellent example of how the broadcast media does Trump's bidding and has done so from day one. Trump announces that they he has invited Gennifer Flowers to the debate and will sit in the front row, obviously to remind the viewers of Bill's past indiscretion and embarrass Hillary. Then they announce she is not attending. End of story? No. Today all the networks, even MSNBC, are constantly repeating the lie that Flowers was asked to attend even though she wasn't.  So much for the liberal media. Whatever lie Trump wants out there, the lazy media is happy to oblige. The only true stories they seem to avoid is anything that highlights Hillary's charitable causes, her world-wide reputation, her long-term marriage, her lifelong friends, her admiring daughter, her brilliance and her amazing ability to withstand a biased, mendacious and vindictive media.


Donald Trump, in teasing the media by suggesting he invited Gennifer Flowers to the debate revealed so much about himself. First of all it shows that he's petty and vindictive and, of course, a prude and hypocrite since he has so many flowers himself—like the woman who is suing him for rape in New York. It shows that he's so stupid that he thinks that the public will be outraged by a decades-old scandal represented by a 66-year-old blonde bimbo in the front row. I'm sure Trump could fill several rows with the now-elderly women he was unfaithful with. It shows that he's desperate and eager to find any shred of scandal, no matter how old, to use as a weapon, no matter how weak. And most of all it shows that he's a bitchy old vindictive prude who will probably spend more time gossiping with Giuliani than looking out for our national defense.

Sunday, September 25, 2016


I adore Michelle Obama, but sadly she has forgiven the unforgivable and embraced the truly deplorable. Reportedly over the past eight years, George W. Bush and First Lady Michelle Obama have become increasingly close. At public events, they often sit next to each other laughing and often holding hands. In a recent ceremony she even hugged him. Surely she is aware that hundreds of young African Americans are dead because of Bush as well as thousands of other servicemen and women who fought and died in his deceitful war.  Because of Bush, thousands of other Americans are blind, crippled, mentally disturbed. Because of Bush hundreds of thousands of innocent overseas victims are dead, maimed or homeless. Because of Bush's lies ISIS was born and continues to wreak havoc. The man is a mass murderer, a war criminal, an amoral unrepentant monster who does not deserve the social acceptance of Michelle Obama or any person and should be in prison along with Cheney and all the others who caused so much death and destruction to America.


Rafael Cruz is a detestable person. He's ugly, creepy, slimy, reptilian, and just plain unappealing in every possible way. But I personally find it hard to believe that he just endorsed Donald Trump. I'm certain his anger and hatred are so deep that nothing could have brought him around to agreeing to vote for Trump. Friends assure me that Cruz has done it to protect his own political career. I don't buy that. Other Republicans have come out against Trump without seeming to fear consequences from creeps like Reince Priebus and his cadre of traitors. My conspiracy theory of one is that he fakes allegiance until the last week before the election then announces to the media that he can no longer in good conscience support a person so vile, bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic and stupid as Trump. Thus causing Trump some damaging last-minute publicity and having a satisfactory revenge for all the crap Trump has tossed his way. Wouldn't Trump see right through this ruse? With his ego, are you kidding?

Saturday, September 24, 2016


I think most car ads are utterly pretentious, but the new Fiat spot is particularly stupid. We see a young couple driving along a mountain highway in their Fiat, obviously fascinated by an eagle who is following them. They keep turning to admire the soaring bird above them, taking a chance of swerving off the nearby incline to their deaths. When this rapacious bird lands on their car they are delighted with the romanticism of what would throw ordinary people into panic at being the roost for a  bird of prey with deadly talons. Equating driving a sports car to being free as a bird is dopey, but no dopier than all the other auto ads that try to suggest that the car you drive somehow makes you a superior human being and endows you will all kinds of admirable qualities. Or is that only true for the attractive drivers exclusively shown in these commercials?

Thursday, September 22, 2016


One of the many unfair attacks that the media level at Hillary is that she was for the Iraq War. Yes, and that's unfortunate. But millions of trusting people were taken in by the lies of Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, and Powell, including Trump, though he denies it. Much of America was convinced that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction because Bush was so eager to go to war that he gathered a group of equally immoral conspirators and wove a conceivable lie. Sadly not one of those war criminals has been tried or imprisoned, and the only person who seems to be paying for their crimes is Hillary Clinton for buying their evil and tragically believable bullshit.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Sorry, all you PC people—even Democrats—who think Hillary was out of line with her "basket of deplorables" comment. The only thing that was wrong was it far larger than a basket. Trump followers comprise a multitude of deplorables, a myriads of losers, an army of bitter white bigots who have failed at life and need a scapegoat to be responsible for all their missteps and stupidities. They are a whining horde of aging, mostly overweight, lowbrow misfits who have found their only possible messiah in a chubby clown with cotton candy hair who, to their delight, is just as much a misanthropist as they are. The reason they have stayed so true is that, being deplorable, they do not have enough intelligence to recognize their ignorance or enough character to change their set-in-cement minds. These are the people
that deserve Trump's question, "What have you got to lose?" not the African-Americans he so hopelessly tried to woo. His deplorables have nothing to lose with him as president. Their hope is that he will, as even they suspect, make life unbearable for all the people they envy or hate, everyone who has more than they do, is smarter than they are, has achieved the kind of recognition they will never know. Of course they will overlook the fact that he probably isn't as rich as he says, has frequently gone bankrupt, has stiffed so many people, has had a scam university, lies, cheats, and is easily offended by the merest slight and ready to attack. This only means one thing: that's he's deplorable just like them.

Monday, September 19, 2016


This week a massive sinkhole opened up in Florida near Tampa and was soon filled with 200 million gallons of radioactive waste water from the storage pond of a  phosphate supply company called Mosaic. Naturally a representative from Mosaic said there is absolutely no risk to Florida's drinking water. Can we believe that after the Flint, Michigan lies? This massive sinkhole, I repeat, had 200 million gallons of contaminated wastewater from a fertilizer plan leak into one of the state's main underground resources of drinking water. I suggest you take one gallon of water and pour it on the sidewalk. How easy would be it get rid of 200 million gallons of that same volume?  Sorry to be an alarmist, but I would check with your water supplier and avoid drinking Florida tap water until I knew more. I don't know whether you know it, but some companies actually lie.

Sunday, September 18, 2016


Trump for some reason has lots of supporters and surrogates who will accept any lie, any failing, any evidence that their candidate is an overweight bag of racist arrogance. But the few, the very few, supporters who might be moved by reason must have been surprised by Trump's visit to Bethel United Methodist Church in Flint, Michigan. When he started his usual attack on Hillary Clinton, the church pastor, Rev. Faith Green Timmons, walked up to him and said, "Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us for what we've done for Flint, not give a political speech." And an amazing thing happened: Trump caved. He seemed embarrassed, abashed, almost ashamed for being caught being an asshole.. He quickly finished his speech and left. Later in true bully style he told everyone that Rev Timmons was "a nervous mess" a complete lie to cover his being so publicly scolded. He added to this another ridiculous lie by saying that the small audience said, "Let him talk." which not one of them said. Sadly what happened in Flint will not be obvious to the Trumpistas, but the rest of us could easily see that this coward can be brought down by a  public act of disapproval.

Saturday, September 17, 2016


Trump supporters are not only blind about their own futures, but those of their children. How do they expect a noted grifter to provide them with more security, higher paying better jobs and their children with better schools? He can't, so they're condemning their children to an age of insecurity and possible chaos, with an incompetent leader who basically doesn't like children if they're not white or not his. I am certain that anyone who votes for Trump and he wins will be smugly elated on day one, and filled with regret and shame within a week. Hopefully all these journalists who helped boost him to the office will realize their crimes and be filled with useless mea culpas. In addition, the actual president will probably be Mike Pence, an evangelical bigoted puppet who isn't much better than Trump. If such a nightmarish event should happen, it will be America's Dark Ages, and rather than being the stronger America this clown promises, we will be a very vulnerable nation. And it will start immediately. As soon as the world hears that we have elected an incompetent idiot, racist and xenophobic, our standing in the world will buckle. And America's children won't know exactly what happened, but they will soon realize something is very, very wrong.

Friday, September 16, 2016


I still don't know why the media is so eager to have Donald Trump as president, but they obviously are since they are treating this maniac as if he is an equal to the supremely qualified Hillary Clinton. Today on NPR radio they were adorably asking listeners who they were planning to vote for. Reasonable enough in any other time, but not in this election. Their suggestion seemed to that you had a choice of two acceptable candidates. Not that you had a choice of an experienced lawyer, legislator, Senator and Secretary of State and a foul-mouthed, racist, bigot, con man, grifter, lying thief who has proven again and again to be morally and literally bankrupt. It's like choosing between Charlene Theron and a drag-decked Rudy Giuliani in a beauty contest. I expect this kind of false equivalency from CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and all their variations, but not from NPR.


When  respectable people make appointments they keep them, or they call within a reasonable time to cancel. Therefore it annoys the hell out of me when a doctor's receptionist calls when I'm out, and leaves a message commanding me to call the office to let them know if I plan to keep my appointment. In short they are saying, "Please call to let us know you are a respectable person." This is another irritating social obligation that most people accept like sheep, solely designed for the doctor's convenience. If you plan to keep an appointment I see no reason why you have to reassure a receptionist.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Apparently somebody recently hacked Colin Powell's e-mails, revealing his low opinion of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. He called Trump a, "...national disgrace and an international pariah." which of course he is. Speaking of Clinton, he said, "...everything she touches she kind of screws up with hubris." which is not true. Like Cheney, I don't think Colin Powell is entitled to his opinion, right or wrong. Not since he lied to the United Nations on February 5th, 2003. On that pivotal day he consciously fabricated evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, ignoring repeated warnings that what he claimed was false. So his low opinion of anyone—even Trump—has very little value from someone whose shame is far greater than anyone's, except that of Bush and Cheney.


Who are the people that get to make up new words? I accept that some of them are useful, though I can't think of one right now. But some are very annoying. Like hack meaning hint. Not only is hints a perfectly serviceable word: household hints, shopping hints, give me a hint. But hack meaning hint is totally unnecessary. In addition the word hack is already working overtime. A taxi is a hack, a mediocre writer is a hack, criminals hack into computers. you can hack a tree down, you can have a hacking cough,etc. So what idiot decided that the four-letter word hint needed to be replaced by the four-letter word hack? My guess is it was some hack.

Monday, September 12, 2016


I just watched In the Heart of the Sea, the latest Ron Howard film, based loosely on the sinking of the whale ship Essex and the writing of Moby Dick. Out of curiosity I read the reviews of the film and all the reasons critics said it bombed. And, I think they were all wrong. They had all kinds of intellectual theories as to what made this film a loser, but they failed to mention the main ones. First Chris Hemsworth, while handsome and virile, is a mumbler. I could barely understand most of what he said. Benjamin Walker as the captain wasn't much more compelling. The tertiary star, Cilian Murphy, was the most talented actor and most ill-used. But the biggest problem with this film, and what made it tiring to watch was that no scene was more than five seconds. This is as exhausting as a book with only short sentences. I have always felt that Ron Howard was an overrated hack, and this film kind of proves it. Of course I have to admit that I am not the best audience for this story as I thoroughly enjoyed watching whale hunters being battered and drowned by the innocent creature they sought to kill.

Thursday, September 8, 2016


I will never understand how Matt Lauer ascended to the position he has in broadcasting. I think he is the most overrated and overpaid anchor in the business. Last night he proved himself to be particularly incompetent in interviewing Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. To Secretary Clinton he asked far too many e-mail questions which was not the subject at hand. It seemed like a total waste of time when the nightly news covers that subject ad nauseum. By the time he got the to subject of the forum, they had lost a lot of time. His questions to Trump were softball and he allowed him to lie his way through the interview. Between lies Trump attacked America's generals and iterated his great affection and admiration for Putin, whom he unpatriotically declared a greater leader than Barack Obama. Sadly the Trumpenistas sitting around televisions in local yokel taverns across America were smiling their moronic smiles in admiration of their great orange hope.


Trump is closing in on Hillary Clinton. And that should have you terrified. Not just because it suggests the possibility of this clown being president, but because much of the media reports Trump's success with such glee. I have felt all along that Trump has no better ally than the broadcast media who, while seeming to vilify him, keep him in the limelight and are constantly quoting his attack lines against Clinton. Recently Paul Waldman, wrote a column in The Week magazine titled Is the New York Times Out to Get Hillary Clinton and he made a very good case that they are. Their nonfactual attacks on her are nothing short of a vendetta. Ergo: with so many media outlets backhandedly promoting Trump and constantly lying about Clinton, the November election could have a catastrophic result.

On Aug. 19, 1934, the German public voted 90 percent in favor of Chancellor Adolf Hitler becoming Führer 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


This past weekend, while stumping for Chris Sununu, a Republican running for governor of New Hampshire, Ohio Governor John Kasich has a revealing moment. The only problem is that we don't know what it revealed. Inside a bookstore, Kasich, looking at the latest Harry Potter book commented,"You know that Daniel Radcliffe has declared himself an atheist?" He then added, "What a weird thing. Why would a guy who has had all that success just, I mean, what the hell is wrong with him?" The reporter thought that this comment suggested Kasich's surprise that God would be so generous to a non-believer. Possible. It could also mean that Kasich, maybe a closet atheist himself, felt such a revelation would put Radcliffe's popularity at risk and saw it as a brave but foolish move. Of course, Radcliffe, being British comes from a land of growing atheism while Kasich lives a world of magical thinking so we'll never know whether he's a magical thinker or not.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Trump seems to have no lack of unscrupulous Republicans who will lie for him. The latest is Senator John Barrasshole from Wyoming. Today on MSNBC this right wing wing nut leveled all kinds of false accusations against Hillary Clinton. Naturally the lazy and irresponsible moderators permitted the attack and said nothing. There is no reason in the world to believe that Donald Trump would be anything but a disaster for this nation. Yet these irresponsible politicians, so hating Hillary, will promote him to the highest office in the world despite all the evidence that warns against it. How did these reckless zealots get into these positions of responsibility. They are all behaving like rejected husbands in a contentious divorce case—without judgement, without reason, without any concern for the consequences of their actions. This Barrasshole is particularly idiotic because he's ready to put the entire country in jeopardy
to make sure that Hillary doesn't get the house and the kids.

Monday, September 5, 2016


Some people, mostly her Republican enemies, make fun of Clinton's laugh, which is, in fact, charming and infectious. And, like most natural and good-natured persons, she does laugh. When have you seen Donald Trump display a moment of sheer joy? Never. There are lots of photos of him smiling, generally smugly. There are shots of him grinning, even beaming with self-satisfaction, but not joy. Because he doesn't experience joy. Most photos of him show a somber, driven, self-conscious, and often angry, man. His face expresses dictatorial delight, egocentric elation, sarcasm, disdain, superiority, mockery, and any number of other emotions, but never joy. Why? Maybe, with all his money and power, he has never achieved anything  to be truly happy about.


One of the things I find most surprising about the Internet is how unwilling people are to be located. This goes for companies, authors, celebrities—people who,  yes, might receive hate mail which they can ignore, or might just as frequently receive praise or constructive criticism or other positive comments.Today I read, for the sixth time, a book that always lifts my spirits. I wanted to contact the author, Boze Hadleigh, to order any other book he had written. There were several items about him on the Internet, and a listing of at least eight other books I was willing to purchase, but absolutely no way to contact him directly. Because of this I will have to search from various sources to secure all his books and I will never get to tell him how much pleasure I have gotten from the one I have, and why.

Note: For anyone who says, "I thought you had a Kindle." I did. It died.  I think I'm going back to books.


I am getting so tired of hearing people say in that apologetic tone of voice, "I don't really like Hillary Clinton."  First of all I suspect that they don't have all the facts and have fallen prey to Republican propaganda. But even if that weren't the case, my advice is, "Get over it!" Stop repeating that you don't like or don't trust Hillary Clinton, because she is the only person in the world that can protect you, your family and your future from the dangerous and catastrophic presidency of Donald Trump. No matter how often the news tries to redeem him, and says idiotic comments like, "He's pivoted and seems more presidential now" the man is your worst nightmare. Donald Trump is a liar, a bigot, a homophobe, a xenophobe, a grifter, a Russophile, a narcissist, and a megalomaniac. Worse that even that he's an serial loser who hasn't got a clue how to govern our country. So keep whining about how you don't trust Hillary, carp about those e-mails even you don't understand, keep bleating about  Benghazi, moan about Monica, and plan on living under a Trump presidency where any security you had will soon disappear. Or start recognizing all the good Hillary has done, the difference she's made in the world, the experience she has gained over the decades, and take comfort in having a president who will enrich your life because she knows what the hell she is doing.
We all know that Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Sadly some of America's dumbest people believe most of those lies. But one I have been questioning lately is that he says his wife was a top fashion model. True she does have a nice body. But to be a fashion model, don't you have to have eyes?

Friday, September 2, 2016


It's obvious to me that all three networks are out to vilify Hillary Clinton. But  what is their game plan? By constantly claiming(falsely, I believe)  that she is an unpopular, greedy and larcenous liar and cheat are they hoping to cost her the election? Is there a reason they feel that Donald Trump would be a better  president than Hillary? Is their goal to cost her so many votes Trump will win the election?  If not, why are they working so hard and so deceptively to defeat her, or at least make her an unwelcome commander in chief even if she wins.  And why does the media constantly attack her with such authority when the subjects of the e-mails are top secret, something they don't even know much about? And while attacking her, why do they keep backtracking on Trump? For instance calling him presidential when he was in Mexico, but soft-pedaling his obscene and angry rant back home in Arizona? Further why does the media attack The Clinton Foundation for a supposed lack of oversight, yet give so meager coverage to the amazing work the Foundation does in relieving so much sickness and misery in the world? They act is if the Clintons are like Scrooge McDuck piling up gold coins in a hidden storeroom. And why do many supposed unbiased reporters (like Steve Kornacki) seem so vengeful and gleeful when they are reporting what they believe to be the latest Clinton sin? There's a mystery here, and a vendetta, and an end game. And it's very concerning.


If you have a high tolerance for hilarious vulgarity and a low tolerance for media distortions and outright lies, and invented Republican scandals, and two-faced politicians you should be a regular reader of the blog below. Because not only is the Rude Pundit brilliant and trenchant and honest, but he is the only pundit I can find who comments fairly on the good that Hillary Clinton does in the world and points out, as I try to, how unfairly she is treated by the lazy, ratings-crazy media. So anytime you need a dose of reality, along with a huge helping of sexual imagery, scatology, and righteous anger, read his blog. This is a writer who will take no shit from the media or crooked politicians or the great orangutan Trump, and always delivers his posts with fairness and well-reasoned logic. Read him. Your brain will thank you for it.
Note: I am not including a photo or name because I think, despite some publicity, the Rude Pundit still prefers anonymity.
If you have a high tolerance for hilarious vulgarity and a low tolerance for media distortions and outright lies and two-faced politicians you should be a regular reader of the blog below. Because not only is the Rude Pundit brilliant and trenchant and honest, but he is the only pundit I can find who comments on the good that Hillary Clinton does in the world and points out, as I try to, and how unfairly she is treated by the lazy, ratings-crazy media. So anytime you need a dose of reality, along with a huge helping of sexual imagery, scatology, and righteous anger, read his blog. This is a writer who will take no shit from the media or crooked politicians or the great orangutan Trump, but still delivers his posts with fairness and well-reasoned logic. Read him. Your brain will thank you for it.


What do these famous celebrities have in common: Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Mark Wahlberg, John Travolta, Wolfgang Puck, Walt Disney, Nicholas Gage, Ryan Gosling, and Marilyn Monroe to name just  few?  Surprisingly it's the same thing that these billionaires have in common: Richard Branson, David Murdoch, James Clark, David Karp, Joe Lewis, and Mike Hudack to name a few more. The answer? None of them graduated from high school. I post this because I didn't graduate from high school and have had a very successful career in advertising. And I still think only unimaginative companies still demand a college degree as a must-have hiring necessity.  I recently, having become bored with retirement, decided to apply my talents to some local ad agency for far less than I was previously paid, and was surprised that the ones I saw listed all required a college degree. This is especially amusing when I recall all the creative people from my past with college degrees who were completely sans ideas. You've either got it or you ain't.


Gee, with all those murderers streaming across the Mexican border, why isn't Trump worried? He's told us time and again how dangerous these criminals are to the decent, god-fearing, always law abiding, lily white citizens of our border states. He has bravely and staunchly offended and incited this mob of ruthless killers and nasty rabble rousers. How difficult would it be for one mustachioed assassin to slip away from the marauding crowd during one of their murderous town-burning sprees and seek him out? Unless, of course, he was lying about all these invasive villains, and not only are there not that many border crossers, but they'll just well-meaning, hard-working, ordinary people looking for a better life for themselves and their children. But would Donald lie about that? Would he lie about anything?