Thursday, March 31, 2016

One of the best things that happens to me almost every month is receiving Freethought Today, published by the Freedom From Religion Foundation. It is very satisfying to know there are defenders of the Constitution out there who are constantly fighting and winning against the religious zealots and bullies who are forcing their religion (mostly Christianity) on everyone else. This newspaper reveals all the groups and individuals who do not respect the separation of church and state, and aggressively push their magical thinking agenda even when it's completely illegal. Among the many achievements this month was stopping the Gideon Society from distributing bibles to the Cleveland School District, and getting a science teacher in Kansas to stop teaching creationism.  For some reason sports coaches seem to be among the most annoying proselytizers and often illegally conduct prayer sessions before a game. (If there were a god, would he really care who won the game in Danville, Alabama?) What would probably shock most readers are the  two full newspaper pages in tight 9-point type titled Black Collar Crime Blotter, which lists all the clergy and church-associated persons who have been arrested, charged, and often convicted of such crimes as child molestation, rape, theft, pornography, assault, embezzlemant, and other criminal acts. I would encourage any person who regards themselves as a freethinker to join The Freedom From Religion Foundation, at Box 750, Madison, WI 53701. It's $40.00 a year,  but that includes ten copies of Freethought Today, which is absolutely fascinating.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Paranoid Consumer

Every time I buy a roll of 100 stamps, I notice that the barrel is glued in such a way that it does not peel open easily. In fact, I have never been able to unseal it without ruining at least one stamp. For years, I have assumed it was my fault. But today I began to wonder. Why is the roll glued so unnecessarily firm? Am I the only one who ruins a stamp with each roll purchased? Or is possible the Post Office Department has designed this product in such a way that every consumer must sacrifice one 49 cent stamp to access the entire roll? Now let's see, with a million rolls purchased that would come to.....

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


It's a pity there's no god. He or she would be the only possible retribution for these amoral evangelists who are making a fortune on the tax-free contributions of the always gullible, and often poor. If there were a god, as omniscient as these swindlers profess, he could crush all these charlatans with some well-placed lightning bolts. But who else can stop them? Not the government. Uncle Sam doesn't care if they're ripping off millions. He just keeps giving these grifters tax-free status year after profitable year. The gullible masses don't care. They've been convinced by these glib hustlers that they're buying stock in a non-existent heaven. The lazy media doesn't care. Exposing these frauds would take too much energy and research when it's so much easier to report on Justin Bieber. So the crimes continue just as they have for ages. Successful past  thieves have included Billy Sunday, Aimee Semple McPherson and Satan himself,  Billy Graham. Among today's most successful racketeers are Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Rick Warren and son of Satan, Franklin Graham. They live in huge mansions, have fleets of costly automobiles, many even have their own multi-million dollar private jets. Yes, they support some charities, but with far less funding than that which is spent on their indulgent lifestyle. So don't be fooled by the thousand dollars suits, dazzling dental work, and elegant wives. These men are criminals, crooks, thieves, con men. They are no more moral than the burglar who breaks into homes at night. They're worse in a way because a thief may rob you once or twice, but these evil criminals steal from the poor and ignorant week after week after week

Monday, March 28, 2016


For almost eight years now we've been exposed to racist Republicans. They have been outraged that an African-American became president. Outright bigots like Mitch McConnell admitted immediately that he wanted that uppity Obama gone. Other racists in Congress were slightly more subtle. But their constant obstructionism made their anti-black feelings very clear. Well, guess what? The rabid racism is sort of over because the vindictive misogyny has begun. The new terror for cowardly Republicans is that the next four years will be a Hillary Clinton presidency. The  frightened slurs have started. Campaigns like the ineffective Benghazi attacks have already wasted America's time and money. Old queens like Trudy Giuliani have tried to vilify Hillary with all kinds of bitchy accusations, like blaming her for the attacks in Brussels. The GOP is gearing up for a major battle. And surprisingly so is a blue dog Democrat.  Rep. Collin Peterson from Minnesota has sworn to cast  his vote for Bernie Sanders if he attends the National Convention in July. He has given all kinds of reasons to make his admiration sound sincere. But  I suggest he isn't voting for Sanders so much as he's voting against Hillary. Peterson, a co-founder of the Blue Dog Coalition, is anti-abortion, opposed to embryonic stem cell research, against same-sex marriage, very pro guns, supports the death penalty, and did something that no self-respecting Democrat could do: dated Katherine Harris. So basically he's a Republican and obviously would have no interest at all in supporting Sanders if it wasn't a good way to publicly slap Hillary Clinton, a goddamned woman.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

No photos please.

I really hate the way the news is reported. They will show a smiling couple like the one above with the headline: American Couple Confirmed Dead in Brussels Attack. If they have been murdered why would I want to see a photo of them alive and happy? Maybe it's just me, and I'm not sure how else one could report this sad news but a giddy snapshot doesn't seem right.


It's Easter.  And while I, as an atheist, do not buy into these gruesome bible stories or the magical- thinking nonsense of resurrection, I do like the Easter Bunny and the idea of egg hunts though I have never been on one. In fact, it's rather fascinating how this "holiday" has two personalities. The depressing tale of betrayal, sacrifice, and all those sadistic details that Christians love like the crown of thorns and lugging that damn cross across town. And on the other side, cheerful depictions of well-dressed rabbits, flowery settings, baskets full of flower and candies, and, of course, whimsical and delicious peeps. Add to that the Easter Parade, which makes you wonder how a fashion event came out of violent religious propaganda. But who cares? Fred and Judy are terrific. So hopefully in this age of science and logic, more and more people are wising up and skipping the doleful sermon with its unlikely scenario and taking a walk in the park or visiting the zoo.

Thursday, March 24, 2016


The Republicans being weak and cowardly are always blaming others for what they have done. Most recently pussy-whipped cross dresser Trudy Giuliani claimed that Hillary Clinton bears responsibility for creating the terrorist organization Isis because she was Secretary of State during President Obama's first term. Using that kind of logic Giuliani is responsible for the attack on the Trade Towers since he was Mayor of New York at the time. You don't have to be a genius to figure out where Isis originated. George W. and his pals invade Iraq, who was no threat to us. He immediately put their army out of work and starts slaughtering their women and children, however unintentionally. Naturally its unemployed hungry, often maimed and frightened people resent the attack. Some more than others. This led to cadres of angry citizens, mostly men, to rise up against our violent and unjust country. Not surprisingly, their neighbors agree with them. Being Muslims they had yet another reason to feel violated by this arrogant Christian army. So now we have these rabid, vicious dogs running loose throughout the world. And one of the reasons it is so hard to fight them is that we have so many dumb-assed, moronic, counter-productive, partisan, accusatory, self-promoting Republican idiots like Giuliani.  If I had his phone number I would tell his dominatrix wife to give him an extra beating tonight.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Little Nazi Sisters.

I am getting really sick of the number or religious nuts who aren't happy to practice religion freedom, but want everyone to cater to their beliefs.  The Little Sisters of the Poor Judgement in Washington, D.C. are such unAmerican bullying nuts they have taken their case to the Supreme Court. Their beliefs to my mind are strictly age-old superstitions in reverence to a non-existent god, who even if he did exist is a sadistic pain the ass. If these damn nuns don't approve of conception, then don't use any when you're getting screwed by the parish priest and if you're mostly frigid old maids as I suspect, what's the problem? Freedom of religion means you can practice your religion, not that you can shove it down everyone's else throat and play the victims as these nutty nuns are doing. Of course the conservatives on the court are so mired in their own religion and bigotry, they'll probably rule in favor of these habited harridans. They want to be free from the government's requirement, that they sign a form to opt out of providing contraceptive coverage to the women who work for them because, of course, anyone who works for these pious bitches must surrender their own free will and future to make all these dried up old prunes at least attempt to crack a smile.

Note: The portrait above is of St. Jean Jugan founder of the order. Doesn't she look like a fun free-thinker?

Second note: I suggest they change the expression from "sincerely held beliefs" to "superstitiously held beliefs."

So many loose ends.

I notice when artists portray the ridiculous story of Adam and Eve and show them naked they both have ample buttocks and Eve has breasts. If god didn't intend for there to be anyone else in the garden, what's with the breasts?  And why would they need buttocks unless he had already given them a digestive system and the need to eliminate. That seems kind of disgusting and unnecessary if you're god.  And if, as many Christians say, the purpose of sex is to bear children, why did they have sexual organs if kids weren't in the master plan until that damn serpent started trouble? And why a creepy serpent when you have the power to create unicorns and puppies. This nonsense, of course, doesn't even include the "after the fall" absurdities like rampant incest and god totally losing control of those totally irresponsible humans so much so that the felt the need to drown them all (except for the Noah family. Did they have a last name?)   It is amazing to think that Churches all over the world still drag out these tall tales as reality and millions of people still believe them.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


While surfing YouTube today, I was sad to learn that one of America's greatest entertainers had died. I would suspect that most people have never seen him, but once you have you'll remember how amazing he was. I'm talking about Jim Bailey, a brilliant entertainer and impressionist who died in Los Angeles on May 30, 2015, at the age of 77. What made Bailey so remarkable and unique were his impersonations of famous female stars. He was not only to duplicate their voices, but to look like them as well.  His repertoire included Judy Garland, Barbra Streisand, Peggy Lee, Phyllis Diller, Marilyn Monroe, Bette Davis and others. Above is just one example of his art, appearing as Judy Garland on the Ed Sullivan Show. I highly recommend that you look up on YouTube. You will be astounded at his Phyllis Diller.

Friday, March 18, 2016


We American have a very dangerous habit because we're such sheep. We should never, never, never announce our phone number or home address in a checkout line because some clerk asks for it. I suggest that everyone start carrying a phone number and address card to hand to the pharmacist or whatever other person requests that information in a public area. I just left the pharmacy where a lovely woman from England picked up a prescription. She was with her beautiful young daughter.  There were several people in line. When she gave her address and phone number, I cringed. Any pederast or rapist standing in that line now had information they shouldn't have And this happens a million times a day all over America. If the woman could have handed the clerk a card with that information, they would be the only ones who had it.  Simple common sense.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Here are the album notes for this song which John and I wrote in 2010.

"Irish All The Way" is an upbeat Irish-themed song in the manner of "His Name is McNamara" or "It's a Long Way to Tipperary." Naturally it's the perfect bar song for St. Patrick's day, but it's just as much fun for any festive occasion. Audiences are sure to want to join with the refrain, "He's Irish, Irish, Irish, Irish all the way." It's first public performance was by Jerry McLean and Blackthorne Aire at McCormick and Schmick's in Beverly Hills on St. Patrick's Day 2010. Play this song on any day, and it will lift your spirits. A perfect tune for the Irish in all of us.

His name is Patrick Aloysius Seamus Sean O'Shea.
His hair is Tipperary red, eyes blue as Galway Bay.
His favorite song is Danny Boy, favorite color Kelly green,
And the colleen he chose to marry was Kathleen Maureen McKean.
So if you ask him what he is, he'll do a jig and say -
I'm Irish, Irish Irish - Irish all the way.

He'll tell you proudly that his kin come from County Clare,
And brag those who aren't dead are all still living there.
And of his many cousins, and there are twenty one at least,
Every lass became a nun, and every lad a priest.
And I would guess that he confesses every other day
'Cause he's Irish, Irish, Irish all the way.

Now Pat O'Shea and Kate McKean were wed at Sacred Heart,
And in the seven years since then they've never been apart.
If you should be a-doubtin' that the only proof you'd need
Are the seven darlin' redheads Pat works three jobs to feed.
Inquire of him why such a brood, he'll lift a glass and say -
Because I'm Irish, Irish, Irish all the way.

Now if you're from the Emerald Isle you're sure to understand
The pride Pat takes in being from this green and magic land.
So when someone asks - what are you? - smile at them and say -
I'm Irish, Irish, Irish all the way.
I'm Irish, Irish, Irish all the way.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Sadly the world is full of scam artists. Parasites who cannot make an honest living and have no morals. So they are content to devote their useless lives to stealing the money that hard-working honest people have made. These creeps come in all shapes and sizes and employ a wide variety of lies to appropriate the money of gullible and often frightened people. One of the popular scams of the moment is pretending to be IRS agents out to collect past-due payments before they toss you into jail. Most people don't know the IRS doesn't operate like this, but since they are known to be bullies, the most innocent fall for this scam. Once such human piece of excrement called me today and left this number. I hope many people will call it and tell these creatures just how low and loathsome they are.

Monday, March 14, 2016


Oddly enough the media, which reports every insignificant event, failed to give wide coverage to Todd Palin's recent snowmobile accident or the fact that it didn't stop Sarah from attending at least one Trump event. Apparently Todd suffered eight fractured ribs as well as injuries to his collarbone and lungs. Sarah, always eager to put a positive spin on everything said, "He's the toughest guy I know." Needless to say Sarah wishes him well as do all his children Whistle, Prig, Crack, Diaper and Pillow.


I heard a thump!
Oh, my god,
Another victim of
 Donald Trump,
Sucker punched
And on his rump.
Some crazy fan got the jump
On a protester,
Hit him with her pump.
You should have seen the lump.
Donald on the stump
Thinks he's such a champ,
But what a chump.
With that orange face
And yellow clump.
It's easy to score
In a game without an ump.

Sunday, March 13, 2016


Another misspeak, another apology. This time it's the right wing's favorite victim, Hillary Clinton. Except they've painted themselves into a corner with this one. Hillary mistakenly gave the Reagans credit for supporting AIDS research, when in fact that sat on their hands while thousands were dying But the Reagans were such bullshit artists that they probably did convince some people that they had hearts after all. So I excuse Hillary from falling for their pro-AIDS propaganda once they climbed belatedly aboard the train full of so many dead. But what I love is that Hillary, being forced to apologize, is shining a huge spotlight on the lack of caring reflected by the over-rated Reagan and his even more over-rated wife. Despite all the hype of her excessive funeral this week, Nancy Davis was a third-rate actress who hitched her wagon to a second-rate star who became president.  If one is to judge from all the news reports Nancy and Ronald could boast one of the past century's great love stories. But the sad fact is that as deeply as they loved each other, they seemed to have no actual love for anyone else, not even their children.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Scam artist.

Interestingly as one Bush brother crawls back under his rock in disgrace, another even sleazier creature emerges: Neil Bush.  Like all Bush brothers, this one has made a fortune through family connections, insider trading, his questionable profits from the Ignite project, and other less than honest financial dealings. We Americans owe much of the 1980s Silverado savings and loan fiasco to Neil, or rather he and his family owe us about $1.3 billion. Being a Bush, he has managed to come out smelling like a rose, though one still planted in manure. Very few people even remember his sexual escapades with underage girls in Thailand and Hong Kong. It seems that the otherwise laid-back Neil has joined Rafael Cruz's financial team. With his well-deserved reputation for theft, fraud, immorality and mismanagement of funds, it will be interesting to see just how much dignity Neil will bring to the Cruz campaign.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Yeah, then what?

As an atheist, this is the kind of story that drives me mad.  It seems a young boy was walking past a homeless man who was sleeping on the sidewalk. The boy approached the stranger, placed his hand on the man's body and began praying over him. For some reason or other the passerby who took this photo thought this was an amazing sight and it has since gone viral. Why? Prayer costs nothing. It achieves nothing. The kid didn't find the man a blanket, buy him a meal, recommend a shelter, give him ten bucks. No, he just stopped, kneeled, and mumbled a useless prayer. I'm sure he was a well-meaning young man, but this story is much ado about nothing.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

She wanted a photo. Let's give her one.

I don't know how to do Photo Shop, but if you do, and you care about animals, please blow up this women's face and circulate it. This heartless shrew is a Bulgarian tourist visiting Lake Ohrid in Macedonia. She pulled this hapless swan out of the water as a prop for a selfie. While one person said the swan swam away, others said it died. I hate to think that this cruel women can just walk away from such a mean-spirited crime. The faces of all the animal terrorists should be circulated so that their friends and neighbors will know what kind of monsters they are.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

The pot, etc.

Sorry, Mitt. While I haven't heard your full speech yet, I'm already annoyed. First of all, you seem to be the last person to criticize Trump for being a phony and a fraud. During your campaign, I heard all kinds of nasty lies and smarmy comments. But what bugs me most right now is your criticizing Trump for calling George Bush a liar. George Bush is a liar, and a traitor, and a war criminal, and a mass murderer. You're lucky, Mitt, that the media is so lazy and ineffective they're treating your attack on Trump like some kind of white knight to the rescue. It's true, Donald is scum.  He's dishonest, bigoted, ruthless, arrogant, a completely amoral piece of s----. And so are you.
Note: Now that I have seen the speech, I find you even more repugnant. How dare you go on television and attack Hillary Clinton again with the kind of lies you are famous for all as a sideline to attacking Donald Trump.  One hopes the networks will be forced to give equal time to the Democrats to point out how completely dishonest you and your cronies are. I don't know if your  insignificant opinion will have any effect on Trump's campaign, but I hope he points out just what a worthless loser you are. In the meantime the networks keep running footage of you and Donald kissing each other's asses, which tells us so much about both of you.